Would a general have assistance posting on telegram.. yes. Optics?
It’s not pre generated, but Twitter allows you to pre schedule. So it’s his choice what and when it is posted.
11am would be 4 days (BOOMS) exactly till inauguration.
Are we at 0?
Happens sometimes for me, clear cache and reloading works.
They have broadcasted a lot about the troop increments, seems like a decode is in order.
Done in [30]. 30k troops?
These maps are really good for getting a big picture. I think it’s as big as your imagination. This doesn’t stop at some evil tillionaires who want control. Helped me begin research and I haven’t found anything on the map that doesn’t have good research behind it. Happy Hunting!
Totally fine to infiltrate but for sharing info back to anons doesn’t need to happen
Exactly why they would be perfect for us to put on the staged evebt
It doesn’t even. Say darkness
Possible scenario with a controlled Biden and really panicking the people to make changes
This guy is a planted psyop IMO. He was proven to be arrested for something and his info is also generic and non proofs. All situational, “look I’m here I must be Q”. Plus nobody that smug and young would be leading or even apart of Q. 100% someone you should ignore.
Very good point anon
Then what about the other blackouts worldwide?
February 19th is [30] days after the January 19th, “a day to remember” post, declass day?
Anyone know anything about 3,6,9, I keep seeing a lot of that as part of Qproofs. It’s becoming obvious that it’s related somehow
Qposts.online I think has the best search tools (& UI)
If we just post screenshots or some other indirect method of conveying, it would benefit everyone.
If people believe they think they’re missing out on Info based on us linking to it on Twitter, they’ll keep it. No reason for any of us to be using it.
He wont be president again till March 4th so I wouldn't start banking on that bet. But hey, as a long time Q person, Ill take that bet!