Hoiii and WeLCoME you're listening to the X22 report...
I wonder if the first boom was the Quantum Financial System being set up for the vote in 2020?
They're all evil, which is why people despise atheists and flee them everytime they can.
Atheists parasitize Christianic prosperity and human rights,
to then declare they're above it all, but that they want all the good stuff the Christianity provided.
Atheists didn't build America, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence.
Christianics did.
Atheists built the modern education system where people leaving are routinely mocked for being so inept they can barely spell their own names.
Atheists built the Soviet Union.
Atheists built the Communist Chinese evil behemoth.
That's why you're not at an atheist website now, you've come to a Christianic one to declare you don't need Christians, and Christianity.
While you use our websites because you can't stand being at atheist ones.
That's classical Atheisitic parasitism of Christianity.
Loves milk and honey,
hates cows and bees they produce.
Rather incredible he's not in jail for defending himself.