Americans have realized every interaction with Communists means ''expect them to threaten violence'' and we're ready.
Fantastic. Also nice sign.
Like where these authority worshipers' are now.
''A government employee's dog is worth more than your dog. He deserves the protection of the law. You'll be lucky we don't shoot yours for walking up to the gate. Get that mangy piece of shit out of my sight before I shoot it.''
Authority cock gobblers never learn.
No, there aren't, communist. There are only authority cock - gobbling supremist scum who believe that stupid shit.
If at all possible, you MusT use a helicopter to eliminate globalist terrorist scum.
That's the rule.
I think it started with the Aztec.
If not them, the Egyptians.
They've all got that globalist supremist manufactured smile.
Yeah, he stole that with the help of his handlers. That's patently obvious.
"The first signs that the Diebold-made system in Volusia County was malfunctioning came early on election night, when the central ballot-counting computer showed a Socialist Party candidate receiving more than 9,000 votes
and Vice President Al Gore getting minus 19,000.
Another 4,000 votes poured into the plus column for Bush that didn’t belong there.
Taken together, the massive swing seemed to indicate that Bush, not Gore, had won Florida and thus the White House.
Election officials restarted the machine, and expressed confidence in the eventual results, which showed Gore beating Bush by 97,063 votes to 82,214.
After the recount, Gore picked up 250 votes, while Bush picked up 154. But the erroneous numbers had already been sent to the media."
"What’s particularly troubling, Harris says, is that the errors were caught only because an alert poll monitor noticed Gore’s vote count going down through the evening, which of course is impossible.
Diebold blamed the bizarre swing on a “faulty memory chip,” which Harris claims is simply not credible.
The whole episode, she contends, could easily have been consciously programmed by someone with a partisan agenda.
Such claims might seem far-fetched, were it not for the fact that a cadre of computer scientists showed a year ago that the software running Diebold’s new machines can be hacked with relative ease.
The hackers posted some 13,000 pages of internal documents on various web sites – documents that were pounced on by Harris and others. A desperate Diebold went to court to stop this “wholesale reproduction” of company material.
By November of last year, the Associated Press reported that Diebold had sent cease-and-desist letters to programmers and students at two dozen universities, including the University of California at Berkeley and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The letters were ignored by at least one group of students at Swarthmore College, who vowed an “electronic civil disobedience ”campaign."
They aren't going blue, machines have been stealing all the elections since about 2008.
I saw the thing on the Mike Lindell show, Dr. Frank analyzed the last time there were fair elections and he said in 2008 with the advent of a big push on ''motor voting'' the mathematics for all major elections look like the numbers in this one: no way it was being done correctly.
New Zealanders are legendary authority cock gobblers.
They all thought they were infiltrating him,
dedicated patriot Trump,
infiltrated them.
If you guys watch Dr. Frank explaining about the elections, the guy in Lindell's vids about absolute proof, absolute interference,
he says he saw clearly the 6th order polynomial function in Excel was how ratios were set to systematically cheat with ALL voting machines - he's never investigated a state's vote yet that does NOT meet that - Not ONE county -
and started looking in the past for normal election numbers.
He said in 2006 (or 2008 can't recall exact, the article's on here somewhere) when ''motor voting'' laws started being passed,
all over the nation, the numbers all started looking like the elections were being thrown similarly.
Falsely inflate the shit out of the voter base, cast fake votes for all those people AND those who normally do NOT vote.
oH, shiT. WoW.
You've got to be smarter than the criminals manipulating your country.
Obviously, you didn't make it.
Stolen using Excel.
it's not complicated, it's among the simplest of algebra. Excel was used to throw the election.
This is a super great explanation of how he can predict the final vote for every county in the state with 6th order polynomials from Excel.
Public service In 2003, she was appointed to the California Fair Political Practices Commission by Controller Steve Westly. Until 2005, she served as commissioner to help implement and enforce California's campaign finance, lobbying, and conflict of interest laws.
On December 20, 2013, Karlan was appointed by the Obama administration to serve as the U.S. Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Voting Rights in the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.
The position did not require confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Karlan took up her post on January 13, 2014, and served for one year.
For her work in implementing the Supreme Court decision in United States v. Windsor, she received the Attorney General's Award for Exceptional Service, the DOJ's highest award for employee performance.
Throughout her career, Karlan has been an advocate before the U.S. Supreme Court. She was mentioned as a potential candidate to replace Supreme Court Justice David Souter when he retired in 2009.
In November 2020, Karlan was named a volunteer member of the Joe Biden presidential transition Agency Review Team to support transition efforts related to the United States Department of Justice.
In February 2021, Karlan was named a principal deputy assistant attorney general in the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.
Political views Peter Baker, a New York Times political writer, described Karlan as "a full-throated, unapologetic liberal torchbearer".[18] Karlan has said that the United States should help Ukraine fight Russia so that the United States does not have to fight Russia on its own territory.
Personal life Karlan told Politico in 2009, "It's no secret at all that I'm counted among the LGBT crowd".
She has described herself as an example of "snarky, bisexual, Jewish women". Her partner is writer Viola Canales.
Another arrogant homosexual Muslim, criminal supremist. Go figure.
I didn't grow up and join the slavercock gobbler, child molester party that commits 90+% of all US gun crime.
Democrat molesters did. THEY joined that OTHER, LOWER-IQ party
that thought the slavery, child molester party HAD to be the good guys in history.