Years ago, sometime after the shock of 9/11, I had what I can only call a vision. This is my second post of something like this, and the only reason I’m mentioning these things is that some of the dreams I dreamed years ago seem to relate to this exact time, almost like I was getting different perspectives of the same sequence of events.

This “dream” was different because it happened over days when I was wide awake. It’s hard to explain. This wasn’t something I was physically seeing with my eyes, but it seemed just as real as if I were seeing it, almost like an overlay through which I was looking that was partly inside me. (The only drug I had in my system at the time was caffeine from coffee, which I don’t think is potent enough to produce a hallucination.) At first I did share it with some people whom I knew wouldn’t be calling my doctor, but after a while I forgot about it and didn’t remember it again until recently.

I was outside on my porch, thinking about things and minding my own business when it happened. Something made me look toward the east, and my breath caught in my throat. There, a giant green wave was rising over the trees like an enormous tsunami, and it was getting bigger as if it were coming on very fast, looking like it would sweep away everything. The wave began to curl but then suddenly froze. It just stopped and stood still like a vast mountain ridge made of water. The sun above it then began to move, going backwards in the sky. I watched until it went down behind the wave, where it turned blood red. Then it stopped, too. For many days after that I saw the wave frozen in the eastern sky whenever I looked that way, like it was now a part of the landscape. I began to avoid looking toward the east out of irritation and perplexity, but whenever I did, it was always there, in exactly the same place, stretching off into the distance to the north and south. Then one day it changed. The wave began to break up as it stood there, and a gentle rain came out of it until the entire wave was gone. I never saw it again after that.

The metaphors in this thing I saw were pretty clear, and with all that’s been happening lately, I think it was pointing to this very time. It seemed to be showing me that a great force of destruction was threatening to engulf our nation, but God was going to intervene to stop it. (Things coming out of the east are usually a sign of bad trouble, regardless of what they are, and action that happens by itself apart from any agency or force usually means God is involved.) The wave freezing meant the coming destruction wouldn’t happen, but that didn’t necessarily mean nothing bad was going to happen. I knew instinctively that the sun represented our nation, specifically our government, and I believe that the sun going backwards behind the wave and then stopping meant that during this pause the nation would begin to fall, but that God was going to stop that, too. I think the sun turning red was speaking of bloodshed being perpetrated by the government and/or the disclosure of blood shed by government acts and actors that could only be seen through the frozen wave. (That is, seen through the inevitable exposure produced by trying to rescue evil plans that had been thwarted or had fallen into ruins. I don’t really know the significance of the wave being green, but I have my suspicions.) The wave breaking up and turning into a gentle rain was a sign that in the end the very thing that was meant to destroy us would turn to our benefit, bringing in a time of new prosperity and peace, however long that might last, and that by this very process every aspect of this destructive force would dissolve and disappear forever.

It’s always hard to determine the scope or timing of things like this until they happen, but if I am reading it right, it seems to be in progress right now. I wish I could remember how many days I saw this because I think it might give some insight about the period of time from beginning to end. I think it was sometime between 3 or 4 days and a week (day = year, usually). I also have no clue when to place the beginning, but I suspect we might already be pretty far into this sequence of events. Trump stopped a lot in his first term, and we dodged a pretty big bullet. Just the fact that he overcame Hillary’s cheating to become president saved America from the total subjugation she and her cohorts had planned. That all fell apart, and with the illegitimate Biden they are tying to scrape it back together and salvage what they can, but it won’t work before it blows up in all their faces. Of that I am sure. The buckets of blood on their hands won’t stop crying out to God until it is avenged, and He is already on the move.

Well, that’s my take on this. It doesn’t frighten me but puts me in a sober mind. We might have to be led through a rocky path to get to the better pasture, but the pasture is there, full of lush green grass and abundant clear water in the land of NESARA.


I had some time on my hands, and I got a little crazy.

Ridiculous Fake President Limericks:

There once was a man called Biden, With a pony soldier beside him, Did steal an election, With massive deception, And multiple basements to hide in.

A demented old geezer named Joe, Knew not his thumb from his toe; They were shocked when they found him, With swamp things around him, Telling him which way to go.

Racy Hunter Limericks:

The laptop Hunter forgot, Got him in water too hot; With girlies and whores, And cocaine galore, And illegal money he got.

A fake leader’s son once spoke: “Get me a hoe and some coke!” The Chinese complied. And then the man cried, “The big ones are too old to poke.”

Sad Covid Limericks:

There once was a virus so grim, That it killed everyone it got in. But then they discovered, The truth had been covered, To hide an unspeakable sin.

The Covid was made in a lab, That Faucci and George Soros had. When it was released, The economy ceased, And both of them had a big laugh.

The people like dumb, stupid sheep, Got the vaccine in their sleep; But then came the palsies, From bones to the ballsies, And none could stay up on their feet.

A sinister rich man named Gates, Promoted vaccines that were fake, To make lots of money, And kill all the dummies, Encroaching upon his estate.

Happy Trump Limericks:

There once was a man named Trump, Whom press people thought was a grump. But what was not seen, Was that he wasn’t mean, He just hated the liars and lumps.

The day in which Trump flew away, Was sadder than any sad day, But he’s coming back, And what’s out of whack, Will be fixed while the evil ones pay.

The Trump baby up in the sky, Was a symbol of things gone awry, They thought to bring shame, But the whole thing was lame, And the day it was popped, they all cried.

A stable genius once said, “Those people aren’t right in the head, Who sniff at the hair, And walk around bare, And shuffle in shoes that are red.”

Horrible Hillary Limericks

I’m sorry, she’s just to awful to joke about.


Many years ago I had a dream in which I saw the east coast of Florida begin to peel up and rise into the sky. I will never forget it because it was utterly terrifying. My wife and I were living up north at the time, and I think Obama was president. In the dream I was on the west coast of Florida, and I watched the land rise like a giant green tsunami, higher and higher, and I said, “God is turning the world upside down.” I and the people with me ran for cover as it began to come overhead. We could see details like houses and buildings (even banks) as things began to fall from it, and we ran into a house to take shelter. When it was over I went outside and everything was different. It was pin-drop quiet, and there were no cars on the roads. The houses seemed to be intact, but giant boulders were still in the places where they fell, and I saw no one outside except for a child who was playing on a green playground that was in the midst of some of the boulders

I live now in the very place where I was in the dream, watching this terrifying sight, and I think it has come true, or at least is coming true. I see it happening. The world is being turned upside down as I write this, and there is not a thing anyone can do to stop it. The people clawing the ground to keep the old order will be gone, and the ones who raised their fists at God will realize what a big mistake it was to do that. Time is mercy, but it is a foolish to think that means heaven is indifferent to what goes on here. Nothing happens, and people think they are getting away with what they are doing, but I think the days of seeming indulgence of heaven are over. It’s time to get on God’s side. Upside down means the powerful and the prideful will be abased and the lowly and those with a sense of humility will be exalted.

Having said this, I have never had the sense, then or now, that this is the end, like it's the end of the world or something like that. It seems to me like more of a new beginning. It will be the end of their world, the ones who tried to take it for themselves, but for the people they have abused it will be a chance to make the world right.


Short Version:

I awakened from a dream realizing that Dr. Who was being used as a vehicle to prepare Britons for an alien invasion, specifically, an invasion of people from other countries.

Invasion is the right word because this was not an orderly immigration. It was a massive unrestricted flood of humanity from a completely different culture who had a different religion, both of which were to be preferred at the expense of British culture and Christianity. Inexplicably, the government did this without the consent of the British people, just as other western governments did it without the consent of their people (which more than suggests a conspiracy among the leaders of the world).

Shows like Dr. Who were meant to soften the British people to idea, otherwise they would have carried the members of parliament out of the building on the ends of pitchforks to be done with them. I loved watching the rebooted Dr. who when it was available on video services I had at the time, but now I can never again look at them the same way.

Long Version:

I had a dream in which an alien had gotten stuck on earth. Naturally, it had to eat and was eating people and pets to survive. Dr. Who was in the dream not being very helpful, but when I was finally able to communicate with the alien, I began to understand its side and tried to help it contact the ones who could come to rescue it.

I woke up with an immediate understanding that Dr. Who, at least the reboot, was a psy-op loaded with messages for the British people. The themes were consistent. Aliens are just different, and you don’t like them because you don’t understand them. Don’t worry about aliens hurting people or killing them. You just don’t understand alien “culture,” so you should give them a break. With the exception of the evil Daleks, aliens don’t deserve to be killed for their crimes in most cases, but even trying to kill off the murderous Daleks before they can kill off humanity would be an unthinkable crime. At one point, Dr. Who even learns that his own feelings about Daleks are prejudiced and that Daleks are people, too, so you should be more understanding and not speak up about the crimes of a foreigner. Although Dr. Who might have taken it upon himself to defend the earth, the people of earth always came last. They were pitiable in their ignorance and prejudice, hardly having the wisdom to govern themselves, and they had the need to grow. Being reactive to defend themselves was wrong and bad. They must hesitate because they don’t understand the situation and might start a galactic war. No, they must wait for someone with better wisdom and technology like Dr. Who to save them. Of course, there is the ever-present sowing of doubt about God’s relevance and even His very existence. Now that the “aliens” have moved in and made London into a foreign city, Dr. Who has switched to educating Britons about social issues their government now requires them to accept, which, oddly, the foreigners in their midst will never accept and don’t have to endure the same requirement.

Some of the themes of the first six or seven seasons of the reboot are obvious:

  1. You are ignorant about the world and must trust those who tell you they have the wisdom to deal with it (and give these “experts” the right to make decisions for your life that are for your own good).

  2. You must never defend yourself. You must wait for the authorities to defend you (the same authorities who created the danger you face—good luck).

  3. You must hesitate before you act. (This is not being thoughtful about what you are doing. It is crippling doubt that gives them time to dig in with their plans.)

  4. You are not more important than the invading foreigners (and you must give up some of your rights and your money so they can be comfortable in your country).

  5. You must ignore the crimes of aliens, no matter how heinous. (Look the other way because you don’t understand the culture of foreign people. The fact that your culture once provided a safe and stable society does not mean it is better than theirs).

  6. “They,” whomever they might be, are important. You are not. You must put aside your feelings and make sure you don’t hurt theirs by asserting your rights. (They could never have convinced anyone of this before people were softened first by popular culture psy-ops.)

  7. Believing in God is silly, stupid, and archaic. You are not intelligent if you have faith in the Christian God. In spite of that, the beliefs of others must be respected and even celebrated and preferred, conversion to their belief about God being the highest evidence of that enlightenment. (How does no one realize how stupid it is to swallow this kind of inconsistency?)

  8. You must hate yourself or at the very least suspect yourself of badness. (The ultimate demoralization of brainwashed people that makes them accept slavery without a fight.)

  9. The Daleks and the Cybermen are the real enemies. (Read Russians or some other enemy du jure they encourage you to fear and even hate so they can distract you from what they are doing and then profit from war.)

All this is a demonic perversion of the basic Judeo-Christian moral tenet of being kind to visiting foreigners. In law of Moses, the Israelites were required to be kind to visitors and not take advantage of them, but this did not extend to foreigners who were trying to take over or impose their values and way of life. Jesus instructed His followers to love even their enemies, but this did not mean they were to accept their values or way of life in an effort to understand them. Nor did it mean they were to not to rescue those being harmed by evil people, including victims of real injustice. (I am not speaking of the kind of oppressive manufactured injustice that turns evil into good and good into evil).

The government of Great Britain, including the crown, has betrayed the British people, and it is high time they awaken to that fact, and it starts with turning off the telly. Great Briton can still be saved if enough people will do this. If they don't, they will have to change the words of “Rule Britannia” to “Britons ever ever ever shall be slaves.”

When dealing with the ridiculous things being promoted by the hopelessly woke, it is helpful to remember that everything they say is backwards, and I mead everything. There are the obvious things, of course, equivalent to trying to tell you that black is white and down is up, but other things they say are more subtle. For instance, when they try to convince you that traditional preferences related to the two immutable genders are learned behaviors and therefore not valid because they are not biological, just remember, what they are saying is exactly backwards. The general preferences inherent in gender do not exist because they are taught to children. They are the result of biology. A bird doesn’t have to be taught how to build a nest, and a beaver doesn’t have to be taught how to build a dam. It is encoded in their DNA to know how to do those things. It is the same sort of intrinsic biological thing that attracts little boys to guns and little girls to barbies. There are exceptions, of course, because we are individuals, but exceptions do not prove that a general rule is false. (Don’t let them use that to make an argument, because it is a false premise.)

So, no matter what a whiney soy-addled immature sock-puppet might bring up from his list of learned catch-phrases, or what a lumpy bitter spittle-spewing feminist might quote from a greasy intellectually-challenged cat-hair-covered professor trying to be famous, remember that what they are saying is backwards. All it takes is a little thought with some common sense to dig out the lie.

Of course, they will resort to screaming meaningless epithets, profanity, and nonsense to drown you out if you begin to make sense, but when that happens, all you can do is give them your pity. They are lost in fantasy someone fashioned for them and think they are important for believing it. Reality will not be kind to them.

The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round, ‘round and ‘round, ‘round and ‘round, The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round, Bump, bump, bump, bump, gone!

“They” are obviously throwing Cuomo under the bus. He has become an optical liability. There is no saving him at this point, so under the wheels he goes with the news media paying selective attention to his sexual indiscretions (while still ignoring his heartless murder of countless New York grannies). I can see him trying to hop onto the sidewalk, nipple rings a-clinking, but it won’t help him. The bus driver is on a mission.

I do not pity this man. Nor do I pity the lowly minions doing the driver’s bidding, the stupid fools who cannot not seem to grasp the fact that they are not loved. They are just as expendable as a person with Cuomo’s level of influence, if not more so. The ones who have run the world look upon them with the same contempt they have for us. To them the other people sharing the earth are just cattle whose only purpose is to serve them. The minions are favored for a time because they are useful, but the bus will come for them, too, if they but step out of line for a moment or lose their usefulness.

Busses are interesting things to watch. They tell us who has fallen out of favor with the ruling elite, but soon we will see them no more. Like the first day of summer break they will all disappear from the roads—all except for one. There is something else operating against these evil people that was outside their calculations. It affects them from the least to the greatest, and it is something they can neither control nor turn back through any power or wisdom they think they possess. They have sensed it in the wind in whispers of doom that grow louder each day, and they are desperately trying to save what they can, exhausting the tricks they have left in the bag without realizing it is already too late.

Another bus has left the parking lot, and it is not one of theirs. It chugs down the avenue like a juggernaut, relentless, unstoppable in its mission to find the liars, the tormentors, and the murderers, and they will not escape. They have crushed the innocent without mercy and have enriched themselves without any regard for the lives that were destroyed by their schemes for personal profit. They sought to control literally everything, but in the end they will control nothing. This new bus will roll through brick and steel to bring them to justice because the driver is the Source of Life Who sees all, and no obstacle can stop Him. He knows the abominable secrets they hide from the public, and He will roll over them like a monster truck destroying a prius.

Pride and arrogance has made them blind. Never in their darkest dreams did they imagine that the blood they shed would continually cry out to heaven against them, pleading for justice even as it gruesomely clung to their hands, but it has, and its cry has been heard. No longer must we hope that justice will begin tomorrow, for the day of their recompense has arrived. The bus of Heaven is already on the road, and its wheels are made of living fire.


I have been thinking about it, and as I look at the real numbers and the shenanigans surrounding this “pandemic,” it seems to me that the covid virus they* created (with pre-existing patents for vaccines) was a colossal failure. Although it killed some people, it wasn’t anywhere close to being as virulent as they hoped, so they had to do all sorts of things to make it seem like a modern plague in order to save their plan. (*I will not define who “they” are because their identities should now be abundantly clear to anyone who has awakened to the truth about the world.)

It’s just like what happened in the 2020 election, when Trump voters completely overwhelmed the cheating in every way, and they had to stop the count in key states to pump up the numbers for Biden. Both efforts are examples of scrambling to save a plan that has failed, which only worked to make obvious what happened in spite of the vast dis-informational machinery employed to keep the public fooled—the lies, obfuscation, and censorship of the MSM, the CDC, the WHO, the CPP, big tech, big business, big pharma, and big social media.

I think God nuked the covid virus itself at the beginning to expose them, just like He nuked the vote with the massive participation of patriots, in both cases forcing them into making stupid obvious moves that only compounded their guilt. They are being manipulated by Heaven, and they don’t even know it. They also can do nothing to fight it, and they are not going to win this time. The patterns I have seen in everything since Trump’s first election confirm to me that these wicked people have God’s special attention, and I believe we will be satisfied with justice in the end. It is written that if God is for you, who can be against you? The converse of this must also be considered: If God is against you, who can be for you? These people are going down, and they will largely be doing it to themselves without being able to understand what is happening.

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