Think of what really happened this past 4 years. Trump exposed all the darkness and evil in our world that so many were blind to. We know who they are and now we know who to trust from content creators and we can see the shills from a mile away. What Trump did I am forever grateful and I thank God. He woke us up so we can be ready for the things that are about to come and be prepared spiritually. Put on the armor of God and prepare yourselves and your family and friends for the spiritual battle that is standing right in front of us. Christians that READ the bible are prepared because the bible clearly states it's not going to get better but get much worse but there is good news. It's looking really bad out there in the world which means its looking real good for Christians because our Lord is coming soon. I know its not what most want to hear especially those of us with children but our battle is not of flesh and our goal is to save souls for Jesus. I love y'all and lets fight the fight Jesus intended us to fight. God bless you and your families and God bless America.