Someone who has seen the shit these guys have seen does not deride fellow Americans who are hardly dangerous to anyone but themselves while they excersize their right to protest an election they believe was stolen. If I didn't know better, I'd say the only explanation is these guys were giving this reporter, who they knew would report back to bosses, an inside look at those who were believed to be Trump's most loyal, and showed him disarray and disloyalty. Trump forming grand plans with My Pillow Mike. Loony. Abandoned. Alone. 5,000 to 40,000 people at the rally says the acting head of DoD. Trump waits in the tent at the rally, empty podium. 15 minutes. 30 minutes. 45 minutes. Globalists become emboldened. They can tell the world anything they want. The truth is what they say it is. Deadly act of insurrection and terror. Abhorrent. Trump has no support but for the few thousand whackos at his rally, they start to believe their own narrative. But fences. National guards. How sure are they? Pelosi calls Pentagon. A tad worried. It is ok, Nancy, the Guard is there to protect you from the very good Military intel we have about all the right wing terror out there. Trump leaves in exile. Ezra says he threw them under the bus. He threw America under the bus. Flynn's protoge, the man "McMaster couldn't fire" Boys...which of you were there on the 6th? I have a question: Would hardended military, former special forces and the like, consider the crowd of people in DC to be dangerous and undemocratic demoestic terrorists over Hunter Biden, who has public evidence of pedophilia readily available? Because you either believe the above, or you must admit this whole article is Trump's top guys playing a former CIA cuck to get him to ease his masters' minds about Trump not being a master mind at all. No, just a lowly crazy old man about to be exiled. It's safe to continue the steal. I have no idea what's going on gents. But I know when some shit doesn't make a lick of sense I'll tell you that... Link to related article: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/embedding-with-pentagon-leadership-in-trumps-chaotic-last-week?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=vanity-fair&utm_social-type=earned