Have you considered this approach? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mG7DbMQ_gM
OP, please read the hospital's visitor guidelines, there is a chance you can visit:
When my grandfather was hospitalised (and 2-weeks later died) after his COVID vaccination, I was permitted to see him as it was an end of life situation. My entire family tried to stop this, but to no avail. Hospital staff asked for my vaxpass 3 times, I just kept saying, "I read your policy and I don't need to show you that for end of life visitation."
If that fails, try to get media/alt media attention and consult a lawyer.
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I suspect a lot of poor reactions stem from using bad protocols or having poor overall health. Common additional issues could be fungus or heavy metal related issues, addictions, deficiencies, etc. Could be good to do some general health improvement type things first; it's perfectly okay to need several months to work up to deworming.
Never have used that particular wormer myself, but after a few years of unsuccessful deworming I managed to find the trick that finally got an entire sci-fi colony out: using a magnetic pulsar on the entire gut area prior to taking the dewormer. It's a trick obtained from a horse magazine, and the way it works is the magnetism tricks the parasites to detach from the intestinal walls to mate, which then makes them vulnerable. It's why people in deworming communities may recommend timing protocols with the full moon. Can't just strongarm them out since they can have so many resistances and defenses, need to also outmaneuver them.