We noticed a 4chan thread about Chuck Grassley’s recent twitter post about the pet pidgin. The post was deleted, reposted and deleted again.

Some anon decided to plug Grassley’s tweet into a Gematria calculator using the slashes as breaks in the code.

The picture attached shows the decoding process, but the final translation caught our attention: “Wait a few days before you waste any prayers. Qanon. Hello. My fellow Americans. The storm is upon us.”

Another Anon raised a question on some of Grassley’s other tweets around that one. We put it through the calculator and the first one can translate to “Returning power to the people.”

We also get a reference to the day of the Lord, “But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.”

We also saw “All who read this rise as I rise together,” which could be another way of saying “Where we go one, we go all.”

The next tweet about the bird with no life whatsoever- references the day of the Lord again: “The moon shall be turned to blood and the sun shall not give her light on the great and terrible day of the Lord.”

We also get: “Intense prayer can change entire timelines focused group prayer is particularly potent.” Meme magic?

It also pops up with some other strangely notable results. One is “Yhsyk Jwsk has control this is his narrative.” Another spells out, “Two Five Zero Eight Jewish Gematria”

2508 when put into the calculator returns “Yhsyk Jwsk,” again and “I already told you this is the beginning of the end for Satan,” and “Hebrew Messiah Jesus Christ.”

We had never seen Yhsyk Jwsk but when we popped it into DuckDuckGo we got results to this gematria site with “Q Yhsyk Jwsk He Is The Holy Spirit The Flesh”

I feel a little silly writing this all up and even thinking it could have significance.

But then I remembered “Who can figure out the true meaning of covfefe??”

Check this pedes: covfefe translates to “Bring it on Illuminati”

And if you put in “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” you return “We will overcome,” plus, “You will never see it coming.” It also returns Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

It’s a big rabbit hole but very interesting given the way they love their symbolism. We know the Gematria can return other results, but it’s odd that Grassley would misspell pigeon to begin with. Pidgin technically is a “grammatically simplified means of communication.”

Hope some of you pedes find this interesting, you can replicate it for yourselves too. If nothing else don’t let your memes be dreams, and let’s continue making America great again!

Link to full size original image from 4chins


I assumed deer dead full size:


No life whatsoever full size:


Covfefe full size:


TLDR: Sen Grassley’s pidgin tweets return Q type messages when put through occult calculator

EDIT: Sen Grassley tweeted another strange message with misspellings. Link: https://kekpe.pe/i/5f7aa21c7ffac.jpeg

“Turned to history channel to c if there was any history” returned “okay how would you like to go about communicating”.

“There was not any history.” returned “Willard Mitt Romney is a human trafficker” and “they drink flesh blood to power their basal ganglia”.

“Instead “The Pickers” sShe insisted we watch.” returned “Illuminati card game are we having fun yet”.

Good catch u/Trumptastic88 : “The Pickers” alone returns “Deep State”.

“Big mistake on my part” returned “maintain vigilance”.

One seemingly important thing is to pay attention to the punctuation. Like how the slashes in the pidgin tweet were the breaks if this is a coded message.

We thought the full message could be construed as: “Ok how would you like to communicate? They drink flesh blood to power their basal ganglia. Illuminati card game are we having fun yet? Maintain vigilance.”

P.S. Mods are gods; thank you for the sticky! We might be on to something here.