There are some seriously good videos over there where Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel lay out the entire history and explain how the Pilgrim Society out of Britain is at the root of all of bad shit going on in the world today. McKibben is the guy who started Leader Technologies and had his social networking patents and tech stolen and used to launch Facebook. Over a series of videos, they tell the story about how the British East India company was rebranded in the late 1800's with a plan for global domination. Pilgrim Society is behind the birth of communism, the world wars and a large list of all of the nefarious stuff happening in the world. If you haven't been to this site, you owe it to yourself to check these guys out. You'll understand how the world got into the bucket of shit we're in right now and be astonished at how all of this stuff was planned.

There are some seriously good videos over there where Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel lay out the entire history and explain how the Pilgrim Society out of Britain is at the root of all of bad shit going on in the world today. McKibben is the guy who started Leader Technologies and had his social networking patents and tech stolen and used to launch Facebook. Over a series of videos, they tell the story about how the British East India company was rebranded in the late 1800's with a plan for global domination. Pilgrim Society is behind the birth of communism, the world wars and a large list of all of the nefarious stuff happening in the world. If you haven't been to this site, you owe it to yourself to check these guys out. You'll understand how the world got into the bucket of shit we're in right now and be astonished at how all of this stuff was planned.

There are some seriously good videos over there where Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel lay out the entire history and explain how the Pilgrim Society out of Britain is at the root of all of bad shit going on in the world today. McKibben is the guy who started Leader Technologies and had his social networking patents and tech stolen and used to launch Facebook. Over a series of videos, they tell the story about how the British East India company was rebranded in the late 1800's with a plan for global domination. Pilgrim Society is behind the birth of communism, the world wars and a large list of all of the nefarious stuff happening in the world. If you haven't been to this site, you owe it to yourself to check these guys out. You'll understand how the world got into the bucket of shit we're in right now and be astonished at how all of this stuff was planned.

As he was leaving, he turned and came up to me and said "I smelt that fart you ripped about 10 minutes ago. I rather liked it". And with that, he gave me a wink and left by himself. As I was leaving, I noticed his booth hadn't been bused yet and there was some uneaten scrapple on a plate with mustard on it.