Tractor52922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry, new to posting here. I don’t see an edit button. This is a link to a group on Telegram for those who wish to collaborate and come together to buy up stocks that have been heavily shorted. Just figured I would share it here. Any little bit we can do to expose the deep state and corruption helps.

Tractor52922 1 point ago +1 / -0

My TDAMERITRADE and Robinhood are and have been working fine all day

Tractor52922 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mainly posted this so people could share it with people who might be thinking about or are planning on taking the vaccine(gene therapy)

Tractor52922 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes, you’re absolutely right! There’s no way that Trump can obviously believe that he and his family don’t have targets painted all over them after all of this. Not to mention anyone else who was deeply involved with the revelations put forth. Therefore, whether or not we physically have open to the public proof at this time that he and the military are still in special ops, we would be dumb to think that he just walked away. And if him walking away is/was the case, he and anyone else supporting him still would be out of their mind to think that he would stand any slight bit of a chance in 2024... That said, I have absolutely no doubt that Biden is going down along with all of his satanic, crony, comusocialistict buddies.

Where We Go One, We Go All!!!