TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it might be because it gives the swamp very little time to respond, if they could at all. Also, based on what I've seen from Trump interviews in the past, when people screw him over, he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to screw them harder and that was just related to business deals. This is much bigger. I think he wants to humiliate them and crush them in the worst way possible, which I can understand. I would be extremely vindictive too if I had to watch the democrats and the media commit libel and try to character assassinate me EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

TrappinAtSubway 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only things I could think of is Biden's intricate ties to a lot of swamp creatures here and overseas. I think the dementia thing was an unexpected kink in the plan..That's not really something you can predict, especially if the signs only started to show around 2017.

by pcme2
TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0


TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

The amount of simple mindedness and dooming on the donald is unbearable. So glad I found Great awakening.win.

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can claim exemption and not file.

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can claim exemption and they won't take them out and also not file them at all..

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah kinda like what the British tried to do lol We all know how that went!

TrappinAtSubway 4 points ago +4 / -0

If everyone did it en mass, they'd have to send A LOT of nibbas to collect 80 million+ citizens' taxes. I don't even think they have the resources.. but one thing is for certain, government would turn really ugly, real fast on it's citizens. Abstaining from paying taxes is the most peaceful resistance and government would definitely become the wrongful aggressor. No taxation without representation, remember?

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not going to try and convince you on Q and the plan and all that.. or delve into who really built the cages, etc. Yeah yeah, some folks don't like the crass way Trump has said things in the past, sure. What's really important is the principles each side stands for and I think that's what you should focus on the most.

Establishment Democrats want to regulate speech, tax the hell out of you, wage war on spiritual beliefs you claim to hold dear, use government to dictate every aspect of your life from health care to education, destroy individualism and prioritize the collective above all else, and turn us into a communist dictatorship. If all of this sounds great to you, then don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

On the other hand..

Folks in the conservative camp just want to be left alone by government, have free markets, individual sovereignty, small government, religious freedom, freedom of speech, and little to no taxation. Basically freedom. If this stuff aligns more with your principles then I don't know why you'd ever support a Democrat.

This is basically what is boils down to.

TrappinAtSubway 8 points ago +8 / -0

He's doing a virtual inauguration though.. They gonna smoke this dude in the studio???

TrappinAtSubway 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just love pillows :D they're so adorable and plushie. Updoots

TrappinAtSubway 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what I've observed, whenever he mentions the vaccine, he'll typically bring up the therapeutics as well..as if he wants to remind people "hey these are better". Its kind of a tough spot honestly because if he didn't push for a vaccine quickly, then dems would say he's killing people. If he pushes for a vaccine quickly, dems say "he rushed it. trump is killing people", but I guess maybe he went with the latter because he doesn't want to be accused of doing nothing at all? And honestly, I'm sure he wanted a speedy, reliable vaccine, but I wouldn't put it past Pfizer to give people a deadly vaccine out of spite then the left can blame it on Trump because that's just the type of shit they do. If Trump starts advising people not to take the deadly vaccine, then the dems will flip from "Trump gave everyone bells palsy!" to "Trump wants everyone to die by telling them not to take the vaccine!". Everything ends with orange man bad lol

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

They wouldn't censor Q if it wasn't real. But even if it wasn't.. what it represents is very dangerous to the cabal.

TrappinAtSubway 5 points ago +5 / -0

In his chest?! Nah, not buying that this was a suicide. Just like one of the people privately investigating Hillary shot themselves 15 times in the back of the head. Lol

TrappinAtSubway 12 points ago +12 / -0

Charter communications did do a standard EBS test yesterday morning and two of the counties listed in the GA emergency declaration were also part of the test. Heard and Haralson counties.

TrappinAtSubway 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait.. isn't Debbie the temp house speaker right now? Or is the person in the email a different Debbie?

TrappinAtSubway 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope personally I wouldn't, but deep state actors could also lie to them and say it's going to be a controlled operation. Keep in mind though a lot of these people are meth heads too.. Have you seen Andy Ngo's twitter feed of antifa mug shots? They don't exactly look like they're in their right mind. How in the world did Japan recruit Kamikazi pilots or Iraq/Iran recruit suicide bombers? These people are extremists. I think some of them are willing to die for their cause just like some of us are willing to die to keep our freedom.

TrappinAtSubway 5 points ago +5 / -0

The right people knew about it ;) It was for us, not the normies. Pay close attention to what he says.

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