I am truly sorry about everything that you and those around you have experienced. It is a very savage world out there. God's power and blessings to you and stay strong.
Yeah. Logic definitely isn't your thing. Swearing and anger is though. Guessing you must be an antifa troll. I'll get the word out.
Hahaha. Nice response, antifa troll. However, you may carry more weight if you address my comments above yours.
Hahaha. Nice, snowflake. Deflection. Calls me a liberal because I'm asking hard questions and seeking truth. Standard tactic.
Again, logic isn't your strong suit so I'll write these next sentences very slowly for you. You do understand that I'm seeking truth and not presenting evidence here, right? You, however, claim that we must accept what you say as infallable truth about something you admittedly cannot know because--as you yourself say--you are not Mormon and you do not go to the temple.
Got it.
Wow. Triggered easily. Makes me laugh at how easy that is. Learn some discipline, snowflake. When you have to result to angry swearing to carry your point you know you have no argument.
Logic obviously isn't your strong suit. I get that. This purpose of this board is to seek truth. We dont give a flying sacrament tray that you are a self-proclaimed expert on what goes on in a Mormon temple because--BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION--YOU AREN'T MORMON AND HAVEN'T BEEN INSIDE A MORMON TEMPLE FOR YEARS. We go where the evidence takes us on this board. It can be tough. If you don't like it, go back to your safe space in Primary.
Not spouting hate. Seeking truth, like all should be on this site. It all comes down to the fact that when we're all helping we're happy. And I went to a far better school than BYU so not afraid of going toe-to-toe with a BYU English major.
Sure. Every Cabal institution is private property. Lame argument, "dipshit" (your original epithet to me). If you're not on here to find and fight every avenue of the Cabal maybe you should go to your safe space and do your dot-to-dot in your Children's Friend. Hmmmmm. If that isn't a giveaway title for a magazine I don't know what is.
Got it. So you're not a real adherent of Q. Good to know that publicly. You do know this is a "pro-Q" community, right? It says it right on the sign in page.
Still waiting for an answer, Guilty Aqua.
Sorry dude, you just completely undercut yourself there and admitted that we CAN'T into your temples the same as we can get into my pastor's building. Logic apparently isn't your strong suit. Maybe you should go to a libtard board where logic isn't necessary. In your words not mine: dipshit.
Everyone, just to be clear here. This self-professed Mormon is apparently trying to deflect and accuse me when we're simply trying to find out what is going on behind the locked, secret doors of Mormon temples. If that doesn't evidence evil intent I don't know what does.
Whoa, MF Mormon. Are you shitting me? What are you trying to say? Be straight up about this. Don't hide behind some flowery words of your aunt. Talk straight shit. Seems like you're the one trying to deflect here, which in the words of your aunt means...
We're on here to expose the pedofilic cabal practices going on in this world. There are rumors about your church undertaking child sex practices in the basements of its temples. Which are locked. Which police aren't even able to enter. Which seems like what the Cabal would do. Mkay, buttercup?
Our pastor invites anyone into his church at anytime. There's nothing to hide. Christ was mocked and made the ulitmate sacrifice for us. True Christians follow his example. No reason to hide Gods truths.
Sorry man but when I want the truth about someones potential illicit activity I don't go to the source for a coverup. We all know there are many wolves in sheeps clothing. The Cabal runs deep. Sometimes there is more to it than just popcorn popping on an apricot tree.
So if Q points to evidence of pedofilia coverup in Mormon temples, which side are you going to take?
Sorry about anyone who was hurt in your family man. That really hurts. Christ's blessings and strength upon you. We can all keep the faith and help everyone move forward. That's what I love about this board.
I'm evangelical man. Mormons aren't Christians. But I'm not trying to get into that religious crap here. I just want to know why there's a possible coverup with Mormon pedofilia in their temples.
Someone just told me to google mormon bishop pedos. It looks like its not just some extremist fringe outcasts. These are mormon leaders. WTF? Why aren't we doing something about this?!!
Thanks for the info plasssticman. I'll check it out. I'm here to learn, analyze info like everyone else and then take action if we need to.
Yeah, that guy is an odd duck. Rich as F--- though.
Not trying to aggress man, but youre being pretty slick there. Again, you are okay with the fact that a so-called church has heavy security doors and cops can't get in to investigate if theres a pedo ring?
I'm not here to debate your religion man but I'll take the words of Jesus any time when it comes to what we true Christians believe:
Matthew 22:29-30: But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
Really, I'm just trying to figure out if Q has said any thing about the Mormon temples. They seem really suspect.
So youre cool that they can prevent cops from getting in there to investigate? Sorry man, that just invites all sorts of potential abuse.
So in other words, they don't believe in the Bible.
Hahaha. No, "dipshit," I take nothing you say personally. You are an uneducated antifa troll. Nothing you say personally affects me. I just love throwing your uneducated dross back in your face to watch you whine. Definitely a millennial. A number of us wit for your posts and play crybaby antifa bingo every time you respond. It's pretty funny actually.