This past weekend (December 13th to 15th), I went to Greensboro to visit with family members who couldn't make it to my parents' house. While there, I tried to awaken my family members and I attended a off-Broadway musical. It seems that my dad is now willing to listen to me about politics (a source other than Fox), and my sister no longer derides the term conspiracy theorist (she still doesn't want to hear about reality, though, lol). Comfort is our enemy, frens. Comfort and complacency.

I went with my family to the Tanger theatre to see a performance of Elf. It was entertaining, and was a good way to spend 2.5 hours with family. For what it was, the show was well-performed. There was Narrative programming in the play, of course, but what really struck me was the audience. There were easily 2,000-2,500 people in attendance, two-thirds of whose clothing had either Will Farrell's face or the phrase "Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins" or else their clothing was decked with bells and holly.

How many more showings were there? Had there already been? How many more people would behave the same way? In how many other states?

People are lost, and are so longing for identity. These individuals' worship (i.e. intention, attention, and time) was directed towards a great deception. Their hearts are filled with a pop-culture movie and very little substance. Life is much greater than time spent in an auditorium. In John 10, Jesus describes His people as sheep. We really are.

I don't know how to phrase my feelings about the above experience. Our task is enormous. Yet I know that these same people will follow the truth. God is on our side.


TL;DR: 1) Thank you for your prayers. 2) The true cause of the revolutionary was war not political. It was a revolt against the Bank of England' banking network, who sought to repay its subsidiary bank's bad debt by withdrawing funds from the American Colonies. At the same time, the English monarchy engaged in corporatism to protect the East India Company. Perhaps this banking crisis and open collaboration between the Crown and the EIC helped spur on the Founding Fathers?

Thank you all for your prayers for my mom's healing and my dad's repentance. My mom's Charcot foot was the least-bad that it could have been. The damage appeared to be localized towards the front of her foot, and she has gotten a good prognosis from her physician. There is still room for my father to improve, but that will happen in God's perfect timing. I can only pray.

Over Independence Day, I found a meme that mentioned shorting on margin as early as 1772 (1). Shorting is the market operation where a trader borrows (or promises to borrow) stock shares, and then sells those borrowed shares on the open market. This increased selling pressure reduces the associated corporation's stock valuation. A short-sale is completed, when the trader buys back the shares. This inverted use of the market ends in profit, if the trader buys the shorted-shares at a lower price than they sold. (For more information, please see reference #2.)

The banking house in question was run by the four men: Neale, James, Fordyce and Downe (3). One of the men, Alexander Fordyce, was a deceitful social climber. Based on some second hand info and cursory observations of the East India Company's management structure, he decided that his bank could make some profit by shorting the EIC. Unfortunately, his timing was poor, and he was trading on margin. (4, 5) Fordyce also failed to recognize that, through legislation, governments can prop up failing companies. (6) Fordyce's bad bet spread to Scottish Ayr bank, which was a significant lender of capital into the colonies. (1) The colonists, who relied on English capital to fund their ingress into America, began to suffer as the BoE's subsidiaries began to restrict credit lines. (7)

It is unlikely that the American colonists could have known of the cause of their investors' funds drying up. But America's founding Fathers would have likely known. After all, it is common knowledge that many of them were Masons. (8) As part of that brotherhood, they might have had access to the true cause of the colonial distress. And this event, coupled with the Stamp Act and the East India Company's privileged access to American markets, could have been what encouraged Samuel Adams (and the others) to orchestrate the Boston Tea Party. (9) After all, Thomas Jefferson knew. (10)

Today, our modern banking system is even more closely linked than it was in 1772-1773. (11) Modern hedge funds are repeating the mistakes of Fordyce, on a much larger scale. Perhaps GME is the people's modern-day version of England's East India Company.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_credit_crisis_of_1772%E2%80%931773

  2. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/100913/basics-short-selling.asp

  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neale,_James,_Fordyce_and_Downe

  4. https://moneyweek.com/economy/people/601789/great-frauds-in-history-alexander-fordyce-and-shorting-the-east-india-company

  5. https://globalhistory.org.uk/2021/05/in-search-of-the-first-domino/

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulating_Act_1773

  7. https://ouramericanrevolution.org/index.cfm/page/view/m0177

  8. https://freemasoninformation.com/masonic-education/famous/united-states-masonic-founding-fathers/

  9. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-boston-tea-party

  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_credit_crisis_of_1772%E2%80%931773#Effects_on_the_Thirteen_Colonies

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S3NLXBjJdQ

Edit: Clarified and corrected an aspect of the TL;DR.


Hey Frens,

I just want to recognize what a blessing that this website is. Each of us came to this site at different times and from different places, but we came for the same reason: we were tired of the falsehood.

For this reason, GA.win has been a certain refuge in uncertain times. Without this site, I would have never known about the religious exemption for the C19-Vaxx and the legal standing under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I would not have felt the necessary security to discuss the Cabal, their symbolism, and their projection of reality. And most importantly, I would not have found the encouragement to seek Christ's Truth.

I ask for prayers, regarding my family. I ask that you pray that they seek Christ, and come to know him through both his mercy and loving-kindness. In particular, I ask that you pray for my parents. My mom knew Christ, growing up, but did not continue to seek Him as an adult. For her, the Institutional Church has failed her, and has not nurtured her relationship with Yeshua. My father is a 32nd degree mason, and has read the bible multiple times. But he is blind and has been misled by the world. I ask for prayers for him to renounce his "social club" and that he ask our Lord for forgiveness.

I also ask that you pray for my mom's healing. She has a condition known as Charcot's Foot (1). It's where, instead of healing an injury, the body starts to reclaim it. I ask that you pray for her healing and inner strength. She has numerous health issues, including Lupus, caused by the Cabal's system.

(1) https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/what-is-charcot-foot


TL;DR: GEOTUS alludes to financial problems, when he was in Virginia. Potentially this allusion is due to the ending of the BTFP on March 12th, and the CMBS bubble. This information could tie into the eclipse on April 8th.

As everyone knows, Trump spoke in Richmond, Virginia last night. When I was listening to his speech, Trump made sure to point out the cameras. And when he did that, this time, he called the pillars "traunches." (1) I took this as a Trump communication with anons, and immediately thought of 2008.

Traunches are the Investment term that refers to how loans are grouped together and sold as investment vehicles. Traunches were a major factor in the 2008 crisis. (2) (Really, there were other things, but we're operating with limited information and an opaque market. Watch or Read "The Big Short" for more details.)

Our market runs on liquidity, and traunches help ensure accurate Mark-to-Market (MtM) valuation. (3, 4, 5) But the market is always in trouble, which is why the Fed instituted the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) on March 12th, 2023 to protect from SVB contagion. The BTFP permits easy access to liquidity for distressed banks, by allowing loans at 100% MtM value for bank assets.

But the criminals running the fraudulent financial system have created another problem. Too many distressed banks have been using the BTFP, (6) and the BTFP is ending on March 11th, 2024. (3, 4) I suspect that the BTFP is being used to prop up the bad bets made in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) market.

You see, in 2008, the financial asset blamed for the disaster was the residential mortgages that were packaged in poorly modeled Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS). So laws were written for residential MBS, but not for commercial MBS. (7) So the criminal investors have been doing everything that they did in 2008 with MBS to CMBS. I really thought that the bubble would burst, when everyone was working remotely, but the Wall Street parasites delayed the inevitable.

In my personal opinion, it is UNLIKELY that anything will happen on March 11th, when the BTFP ends. These criminals can delay everything with a multitude of diverse swaps. But they can't delay forever...

Enter the Eclipse coming on April 8th, 2024. (8) This eclipse is going to pass over the US, after passing over 7 cities called Ninevah. But this eclipse is going to cross over the path of another eclipse from August 21st, 2017. (9) In total, both eclipses will have passed over 7 cities named "Salem" which is short for "Jerusalem". (10)

It's going to be BIBLICAL.

In my personal opinion, it is LIKELY that major events will happen on April 8th. But the system will absorb this disruption, and delay it until October.

(1) Jump to 1:13:19 to hear him say it: https://rumble.com/v4gprol-president-trumps-maga-rally-in-richmond-va.html

(2) https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/traunch.asp

(3) https://www.federalreserve.gov/financial-stability/bank-term-funding-program.htm

(4) https://www.investopedia.com/bank-term-funding-project-7367897 (I don't know why this website calls it the BTF Project, when the Fed calls it the BTF Program)

(5) https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20230312a.htm

(6) https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/H41RESPPALDKNWW

(7) https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cmbs.asp

(8) https://greatawakening.win/p/17sP6UdT6W/on-april-8th-the-great-american-/c/

(9) https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_2017_2024.html

(10) https://eclipse2024.org/2017eclipse/2017/in_the_path.htm

(11) https://nationaleclipse.com/cities_total.html

Edit 1: added "not for" to clarify that laws were not written for CMBS

Edit 2: added two sentences to the same paragraph, in order to finish the thought around CMBS


I just got home from my parents, when I was checking local news emails from Axios. One of their bullet points caught my eye, and that was a change to the laws surrounding organ donation. Apparently, it's no longer the responsibility of a sole company!

WHAT?!?! Organ Trafficking is legal and it was run by ONE company?!?


Apparently it's not just electric companies that get to charge whatever prices they want and can have sole ability to distribute their wares. Jesus. This is... worse than I ever could of imagined. Not only are they stealing organs from healthy individuals who're nowhere near death, but there is a legal monopoly on the trade of said organs.

Pieces of shit in government. Truly.



At least three days ago, it was reported that SBF and FTX could repay their clients' investments by crypto asset liquidation.


Today, it was announced that the liquidation would occur gradually. I imagine this is a reason to prevent panic exit from the Crypto space and prevent a rapid reduction in market participants' collateral.



So what, you might wonder. The crypto space is a fraudulent scheme to launder money. And, legally, crypto may be used as collateral. So what if a few loans go belly-up?


Well, what happens when collateral's value disappears on a securitized loan? Bad things. [Cascading loan failures.]

Still, crypto has other potential uses than collateral. Enter: tokenized securities.

Investment firms and banks could tokenized stocks to offload risk and create collateral for trading with and deceiving other large banking institutions, while (potentially) influencing stock prices.



The financial world is an infinitely shuffling shell-game based on confidence and misdirection. Here is another avenue to watch, as the world turns.

I'll be back later. I'm off to bible study, but I just wanted to throw this connection out to the community.

Edit: Added text inside of brackets.


Strange, how this variant is nicknamed after the Greek Goddess of Discord/Mischief. Perhaps not even strange, but predictable.

All the MSM mouthpieces are parroting the same narrative, including a fifty-five(!!!) percent increase in cases in New York. I can't help but consider that it's a multiple of eleven and looks (if you squint) like 33.

I'm tired of this BS. Their narratives and system have failed.

Blackrock funded Corporations are aligning for layoffs in September/October (I plan on checking state WARN databases, later tonight). These layoffs correspond to the market flashing warning signals, the alien narratives, Ukraine war, etc etc






According to this press release by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Pharmaceuticals, a drug formulation for a childrens' medication for HIV received a New Drug Application (NDA) approval on March 30th, of 2022.


Also, according to this press release, ViiV Healthcare, Pfizer, and Shionogi were cooperating partners. Additionally, ViiV Healthcare works directly with the "Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and Unitaid."

It makes sense, as CHAI is dedicated to "strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses."

But guess who sits on the board of the CHAI? Our good friends Chelsea and Bill!


Interesting that the Pharma world is gearing up for the treatment of HIV in children, isn't it? And this drug combo has no causal mechanism linking heart attacks and its usage, so the "evidence... is inconclusive."


Edit: Corrected typo. Changed "words" to "works."


By now, we know their playbook. Create a disaster, then supply the solution. Solve et Coagula.

The economy is barreling towards a cliff. The moratorium eviction ends, this month. The normies are buffeted with fear porn about the new Delta/Epsilon/Lambda/Iota variant. Will they mandate the vaccine for work? For use of money?

All these anticipated problems: homelessness, unemployment, plague, etc. Will temporary shelter from FEMA be the proffered solution?


In C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity," Lewis compares Jesus Christ to his glasses' lenses. I interpreted his words as seeing the world "through Christ," rather than "Christ in everything." This makes even more sense, now, since I've been on this Awakening path. Seeing the world through Jesus Christ has revealed the hidden things.

After college, I knew that the system was unfair, but I still needed money to eat. I saw that illegal immigration was a problem, but I was just-as-poor-as-them and under debt. I worked in Pharma, saw the lies of price-collusion, of regulatory evasion, and how Executive-Suite level employees could fleece companies for billions.

But I just had to survive. Make a good life for myself, and I can change the world from the ground-up. How wrong I was. This war has existed for all time.

I observed in Cool Runnings (1987) gentle suggestions both of multiculturalism and blasphemy towards God. I just finished reading a 400-page book on the Holodolmor, which ended by saying "what happened in Ukraine was not a genocide, because the UN changed its definition." And I'm reading Albert Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus," which promotes immorality as morality and man's reason higher than God's.

Now I can't even read a historical novel without the lens of Christ helping me to see the bias. Why do they never mention banking? With all the evidence laid out before them, why are authors and publishers so AFRAID to do their job? How can I trust any institution, after I've looked at their funding sources?

I've learned about Planned Parenthood. I've learned how white Christians have been dis-proportionally targeted for genocide. I've learned that Western society has been corrupted to worship demons, and to deaden our spiritual senses.

Once we've awakened, we can never go back. Why would we want to? Did we ever enjoy seeing this world without the lens of Jesus Christ?


WARNING: This documentary is Not Mind-Safe. Only watch when you are ready to see true atrocities. You have been warned.

About six weeks ago, I read the Gulag Archipelago. I was horrified, but knew only the words written by Solzhenitsyn, the words of the bible, and the history books of my schooling. When I came across a link to the Europa documentary, I thought I was ready.

I knew about atrocities' statistics. I knew who ran our international banking system. I knew that communism led to genocides. I knew Marx and Engels had ties to the international banking system. I knew that all wars were started over money.

I was ready, but wasn't prepared.

I cried, while watching this documentary. At the start, I saw peaceful humans slaughtered during the holodormor. I saw scarecrow-thin bodies pick ants off of logs. I heard descriptions, from survivors, of how women were cannibalized.

I was awash with rage. My Christian brothers and sisters were exterminated by the philosophies of Talmudic adherents.

Around 5:56:00, I witnessed documentary footage of atrocities committed by the Red Army. I saw the quotes by Bankers, who called for the extermination of all Germans. Extermination of them who dared to develop their own economic system. Who dared to develop their own national identity.

This documentary has shaken me to my core, and I am yet to finish it.


I now am questioning things I never thought that I would. I am doubting the Holocaust. I found this map, which shows that death camps were located in Poland (an area given to Stalin, after WWII).


I am starting to read this webpage.


In all interviews with Holocaust survivors, I never saw the genuine emotions that I witnessed in this Europa documentary. I believe that we have been lied to, for our entire lives.

I no longer wish to work within a monetary system that serves to enrich our oppressors.

Lord, deliver us.

I need to get out of the house. I am going to go the park.