No matter what MSM/Big-Tech/FB/TWTR/GOOG/Reddit propagandist push out daily. Trump exposed these people. There's no turning back for them. They're maybe 4-6% that Q mentioned that are forever NPCs but I believe the majority of the World believe this was a stolen election. My question is what happens next? The Military seem to follow their higher ups. Their higher ups have seemed be cucked. I say this because they have Biden guarded like he's a King. He's not. I'm starting to think Trump did the job he was suppose to do exposing these sick satantic people. But I'm confused as to what comes next.. I won't be voting for him if he were to run again if he has Kushner or Ivanka around him along with Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul and the rest of the RINOs that stabbed him in the back. And I definitely won't be voting for him if he doesn't pledge to disband the FBI and put those in gitmo that deserve to be there.. I'm not dooming or shilling. I do honestly believe something bigger beyond Trump is what's warranted now. There has to be a reason other than exposing these people that he kept a lot of them around and didn't send the U.S Marshals to arrest them.