Any news? Or should we just expect this court ordered deadline to pass without hearing anything about it??

Any news on this today? Or is the deadline just gonna come and go without anything coming out?


Before January 6, I had never looked into Q. I was obsessed with post election drama, watched every hearing and followed daily events closely. As soon as I read into Q, everything made sense. I couldn’t imagine a scenario where Trump would just let the steal happen. And then he did, or so I thought. Throughout Biden’s “presidency” there have been many very peculiar things happen to say the least. It’s quite clear he is not in control of shit. Today was the first time I have read into Devolution and it was just like discovering Q for me, everything made perfect sense! Especially considering the series writer has never even looked into Q... everything he speculates ties perfectly together with Q. I do believe the military is the ONLY way. Decertification will never work. The system is too corrupt. The only way is the reveal that Trump devolved the military and that this will be revealed in due time when enough people are ready. I do believe this will happen sooner than later.


Serious question. He really should come out very strongly against the mandates and also the undeniable adverse reactions. All I keep hearing every time he speaks on it is him gloating about how he’s the reason we have it and he recommends we get it


Does anyone have any proof that Big Mike is actually a man? We’ve all seen the old photoshopped pic and then pics of what looks like a bulge in his/her crotch. Just wondering if maybe there’s some better evidence somewhere


Haven’t been on here all day. Ben cotton fucking killed it!! Can’t wait to see Trump speak tomorrow 👀


All I’m basically seeing is most people think it’s going to be a let down. What do you expect to see? If you’re thinking realistically I’m not sure how you can be let down. The report is not going to say Trump won. If you watched the prior hearing about the audit, you know the report will show many procedures and protocols that weren’t followed. It will shows 10s of thousands of not 100s of thousands of votes that are not valid, because they didn’t follow the rules. That’s likely it. It will say the state should have never been certified. If that’s a let down to you I’m not sure what the hell you expect


Trump was on Glen Beck this morning trashing Milley.



People are breaking down some of her lyrics and acting like she’s somehow part of the Q movement.. LOL. Come on people. This is the type of shit that gives us a bad name. To think that Nicki freaking Minaj has somehow been in on any sort of plan and kept her mouth shut until now is absurd. More likely she is just a super famous person with a big mouth who recently took the red pill


Lmao the memes are so on point. Whoever it is does an insane job of pretending to be Trump’s burner account. Could it be Lin Wood? I feel like it’s someone like him

DURHAM. (www.washingtonpost.com)
posted ago by Trump_Won17 ago by Trump_Won17

Anyone know where we can stream this??



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