TrumpaholicGirl 6 points ago +6 / -0

My kids will never go to public school after what I've witnessed in the last year, homeschool all the way for me. Look at the common core math bs. If the kids do not solve the problem they way the teacher shows you, the answer is wrong. That's bullshit and I believe teaches our kids to not be critical thinkers. My son was suspended for calling a student of color frosty the snow man. Comon man!

TrumpaholicGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm in California and I think California went red and I believe our votes have been being stolen here for a very long time except for maybe San Francisco. I don't even know a single person who agrees with or likes Gavin Gruesome. Looks like he's trying to look like an even faggier DJ pauly from the Jersey Shore. He is a douchebag