Hey patriots,

Due to my nature of my job, it is often easier for me to consume video content than it is to read it on my own. As such, I am looking for suggestions on good Q-related content creators. So far I've found and subbed to

  • Jordan Sather
  • X22Report
  • RedPill78
  • SGT Report
  • Praying Medic
  • IPOT1776
  • BardsFM

I also listen to Simon Parkes to see what he has to say, but I think he's a larp and potentially medically insane.



Hello fellow patriots (imagine me holding a skateboard and looking a lot like Steve Buscemi)...

With a joke out of the way, let's get serious. I'm a newfag around here, only started really looking at Q seriously last week or so. I'm a LONG time /r/the_donald, TDW, and now PW member and I always saw Q as a dangerous larp. I was badmouthing you all very recently (which you can see in my history), so I won't pretend to be one of you just yet. However, in the last few weeks, I realized that I had no real evidence or basis for that belief, so I decided to check it out for myself. I started listening to X22, RedPill78, reading a ton of posts here, and digging further.

Well, I think y'all are on to something here, so I'm staying around to learn more.

However... I noticed something that may be damaging to this site and how PW and normies see us, and that is a LOT of confirmation bias since the inauguration.

Let me use an example: the fake oval office. First of all, I'm onboard with the idea that the inauguration MAY have been pre-recorded and faked. None of us know for a fact. However, having read a ton of posts here about it I see confirmation bias everywhere. People are regurgitating what others have SPECULATED as evidence to support their own jump to conclusions.

Given that I don't have the wealth of Q knowledge that you all do here, my instinct is to apply logic rather than look for specific Q posts to explain what I'm seeing. Let's take the painting in the oval office as an example. Many are saying that because the paintings match, Biden was in the Castle Rock studio. But why can't it be the other way? In order to make a realistic set, Castle Rock put the same painting on their set as was in the real oval office. Furthermore, one of our mods pointed out (https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc4pqJ/x/c/4DvmPdkcCnN) that the same painting was in the real oval office during Trump's presidency, but nobody has accepted that fact because it goes against what we all want to believe to be true.

So, I think we all have to take a step back, take a breath, and try to be logical. You're all research machines, your autism is honestly mind-boggling and I'm super impressed. But we're all running super hot right now, emotions are high, and as a result I think we're jumping to said conclusions prematurely. We ALL want them to be true, but let's not act like the media portrays us to be, alright?

Edit: from one of the comments below, more proof about the office being legit that looks plausible to me: https://media.greatawakening.win/post/NY0qZ4H3.jpeg

Thank you for reading.


Bear with me, I'm new around these parts. So, I'm trying to understand what TGA thinks about the military presence in DC. I was half-way onboard the train that said that they were there to arrest everyone during the illegitimate inauguration. We know that didn't happen. I'm still half-way onboard the idea that the government is now handed off to the military, but what signs can we see or are we waiting for that verify that that's the case? And in what timeframe?

Side note... I've been watching Simon Parkes the last 2 or 3 weeks just out of curiosity. I think he's a nut job, but he does regurgitate some of what I see spoken about here. In his latest vlog on BitChute, though, he said that his "sources" say that the military arrests didn't happen because something went very wrong. He said his "sources" now say it may be March or April before another attempt is made to dethrone Biden. That would imply the military will remain in DC that long... or something. It just doesn't add up for me, it feels like he's just moving the goal posts to string his audience along, which is why I don't take the guy too seriously.