It’s my opinion this telegram account is a larp. Everything he is saying is exactly what we are wanting to hear. That others are not.
I think there is a person that has multiple accounts that were once big on twitter.
His latest was he said trumps speech at the Alamo was in front of green screen.
His plane was tracked and it was even covered by independent news not just msm. Check him out and tell me. So far according to him everyone’s basically been replaced.
So yeah, this puts a pretty big dent in our narrative. It’s very hard not to doom guys.
I meant admitted in subject sorry
So they have the signatures for the recall in cali.. is there anyway that this can be stopped now?
Starting to get more and more nervous with some of the moves you see the military make.. I mean some generals sound woke as fuck, which is not good for us!
So, shit about to go down?
I have noticed on facebook there is a movement to trash Gov Ron DeSantis.. If you go to news posts about him you will see a ton of out of state posts that just trash him. We need to stand up and defend him! we need to fight back! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
watching on RSBN half of them can barely walk..
Why people elect these old fuckers over and over and over is beyond me.. I know why the dems get elected they just cheat.. but seriously.. these people are almost dust.
this fucking government needs to be renewed. we have lost our way.
Was listening to X22 Report this morning..
around the 40:30 mark.. he brings up a theory that they have no jurisdiction to impeach trump cause he is not a sitting president. Flynn said in the past that its unconstitutional for them to do this and he must still be the sitting president.. Then quotes and Ivan Raiklin post.. Which sounds interesting..
Then you also had the Time Magazine story and mentions of trump Forfeiting basically.
Makes it sound like in connection with the 11.3 theory of an enemy group in the capital.
Thoughts about this?
Flood incoming?
With every day that goes by and change that the Biden terror regime does to ruin this country I start to get more and more worried that nothing is going to happen. While people like x22 and some others are voices that can really make things seem like they are moving in the right direction, the directions seems to keep going and going and going. Finding it harder each day to honestly give a fuck. And I’m sure I’ll be called named but I’m tired of watching everything happen. I want to see action! Thanks for letting me rant./vent.
I know it’s wishful thinking, but think shadow. Groundhog Day! Lol
Anyone get in on this one? its gone up big time.
Dave at x22 makes everything make so much sense.. I hope everything he says comes true lol