Trunalimanumaprzure 2 points ago +2 / -0

This might be an odd take away after reading the article, but are soldiers ever allowed to bring their dogs on deployment? "Ashli came across Kenai at only 8 months old, and they have been best friends since. He accompanied Ashli on many of her deployments and was named after the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska."

Trunalimanumaprzure 3 points ago +3 / -0

I definitely believe it was all staged and I have been searching and cannot find any info on her life or death (besides the "insurrection" stories), but those two women look nothing alike. Like not even a little bit, except they're both women with brown hair.

Trunalimanumaprzure 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is there a credible source to indicate Dominion was used? When I attempt to look it up it's all MSM articles saying, "Fact check - Dominion was not used in the Myanmar election". Obviously MSM is always full of shit, so one can only deduce that the opposite of what they are saying is true, but how do I verify that without any sources to the contrary?

Trunalimanumaprzure 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch the water?

Trunalimanumaprzure 10 points ago +11 / -1

Just ordered 2 MyPillows yesterday. I don’t need pillows, but cancel culture can kiss my ass.

by Mixchi
Trunalimanumaprzure 1 point ago +1 / -0

I posted this on another thread and it went nowhere, I don't know if I'm missing something or if this is indeed filmed and spliced. I feel like a crazy person!

I've been going back and forth with this because camera angles can be deceiving.

I found an article, that if you scroll up and down the left side of the page, it will point out where all the notable people were sitting/standing during, what I can only assume, is the swearing in portion of the inauguration. The picture is of Biden with his hand up and Pelosi is at least 20ft behind Biden and turtle Bitch is a few feet in front of her. Both nowhere near standing behind Biden.


I found a video of the swearing in ceremony and it shows Pelosi directly behind Jill and turtle Bitch a handful of feet behind Biden. They are both closely behind Biden from the time he raises his hand to the time he lowers it. The entire portion of the swearing in ceremony with his hand held up was approximately 33 seconds.

I didn't watch the inauguration, was there another time at which he has his left hand raised and right hand on his bible? That, in my opinion, would be the only explanation of this.


Trunalimanumaprzure 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been going back and forth with this because camera angles can be deceiving.

I found an article, that if you scroll up and down the left side of the page, it will point out where all the notable people were sitting/standing during, what I can only assume, is the swearing in portion of the inauguration. The picture is of Biden with his hand up and Pelosi is at least 20ft behind Biden and turtle Bitch is a few feet in front of her. Both nowhere near standing behind Biden.


I found a video of the swearing in ceremony and it shows Pelosi directly behind Jill and turtle Bitch a handful of feet behind Biden. They are both closely behind Biden from the time he raises his hand to the time he lowers it. The entire portion of the swearing in ceremony with his hand held up was approximately 33 seconds.

I didn't watch the inauguration, was there another time at which he has his left hand raised and right hand on his bible? That, in my opinion, would be the only explanation of this.


Trunalimanumaprzure 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not very well versed in any aspect of politics, but a quick search says Xiden announced on January 11th that he had picked William Burns to replace her so how is this surprising? Would she have normally stayed at the CIA in some other capacity?