
Global warming religion is international, and the same anti-farming movement is coming soon to the U.S., the world’s number one agricultural economy. The first target will be nitrogen-based fertilizers, which are a principal foundation of the world’s ag productivity. Without fertilizers, the world will go hungry.

That leads to target number two: animals, especially cows. By far the largest crop in the U.S. is corn, and that corn is fed to cows and pigs to produce steaks, ground beef, bacon, pork chops, and so on. Liberals will argue that this is “inefficient.” People should live on vegetables and insects, and animal husbandry should be phased out. The fact that cattle also emit methane, primarily by chewing cud, makes their decline an added bonus from a global warming perspective.

Get your seeds and learn animal husbandry. It might save your family and friends.


I know several people is different areas of the country that get monthly stuff from govt. They are saying it's been two months now since anything has been delivered. The people who run the co-op say the govt has been silent and won't return calls. Western Arkansas specifically.

Anybody else in other areas who have any info as well?

I've not seen this angle really before and the search function is broke I think. It didn't work for me.

I was curious if anybody had thought the shit in Ukraine might be a good cover for the commies taking over in Canada? It's a good distraction for them getting their first nation with the WEF bullshit.

Any thoughts?


Off site tranny blew up. It's gonna have to be replaced.



Gates: You will eat the fake meat. WEF: You will eat the bugs. Commies: You will own nothing. Dems: We will line our pockets with your money. Soros: Your babies won't be white.

What am I missing?