Hello friends. While the UNIPARTY steals another election or 3 today across the country, please allow me to say that we are slaves and own nothing of value. You may have the ability to sever your slave bonds to the mortgage company but you never can throw off the bonds of slavery to our government...local, state, or federal. If you don't pay your real estate taxes then the land, house, and everything else on said land will be taken from you and sold at auction. We can own toasters, PlayStations, cars, boats, etc. but we never can be truly free and own the land free and clear. If anything needs to change in America, this is something that needs to be addressed. A man or woman should be able to have a true piece of land that they own 100% and can never be taken away by the state, outside what should be very restrictive eminent domain laws that have been bastardized severely already. Abolish real estate taxes and move the tax to a consumption tax to replace the lost revenue. What got me thinking about this was a line from the movie The Gambler with Marky Mark and John Goodman. Goodman's character is explaining what F you money is to Marky Mark. He talks about paying off your house and making it your castle and how that allows you to say F you to anything you want. For a minute I was like, this is true, Get a paid off place to live, and the world you have been part of becomes much different. While in essence, it is true, in plain reality, it is not. You have taxes to pay, and if you don't they will come to take your castle...legally. Let's put an end to that before we all meet Jesus, and make our part of the world just a bit better than the way we found it.