I have worked for a car dealership for years and we generally got a call or 2 every week from people looking for parts for a different car manufacturer.

“Hi I’m looking for a compressor for a 2018 camry”

“Well, you’ll have to call Toyota for that this is ____.”

In the last few weeks, I have taken calls like this multiple times per day nearly every day. Is the vax making people dumber or more forgetful? Is this just an effect of the continued mental strain of this covid bullshit? Lack of oxygen from masks taking it’s toll? Has anyone else noticed anything along these lines?


My wife’s family is brainwashed. My mother in law has been harassing my wife multiple times per week for months about getting the clot shot. Her sister doesn’t even want to be around her any more. So today’s topic is the “overloaded hospitals”. What’s the real deal there? I know it has something to do with the available beds to nurses ratio. Any links or graphics on the matter would be very appreciated.


I’m trying to find a specific Trump speech where he’s talking about lowering drug prices or something and says something like “I’m going to have to go away for a little while.” It’s from last year, a few months ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want to see if The date works into a theory of mine.


The military and every chess piece needed to do this is still set up until the 24th. The Christian overtones in this movement are of course noticeable, How many days do we have? Possible strong Jesus symbolism?

Lets also ponder this: this is supposedly the largest military operation ever, right? This operation has been in the works for years, do you think they haven't considered every possible outcome of every possible outcome and made contingencies for their contingencies? The military’s number one objective in any fight is to win. The Q team knows if they fail (1776 references galore) they will probably not survive because of the severity and nature of this operation.

Now I got to thinking about the next 4 days before the state of emergency expires and looked at all the drops from Jan 21-24.

Here is what I have found. Now, of course the drops I have chosen are cherry picked to best fit, I encourage you all to also take a look at the rest. Use {D mm/dd} to search by the specific dates.

Jan 21: https://qagg.news/?read=577

I want to assume the [3] is years? Hopefully we see something damning dropped tomorrow?

Jan 22: https://qagg.news/?read=586

Perhaps this could be what is released? The disgusting non political stuff that causes people to immediately despise a person regardless of political affiliation.


Castle clean.

Jan 23: https://qagg.news/?read=596

Perhaps “ Last posts [self destruction] will immediately show the world the TRUTH.” Will this refer to a final few Q posts on the 23rd with links to other damning things? Self destruct? Q no longer needed, objective complete?

Jan 24: There are only 3 with this date all made Jan 24, 2018 [3] they are in order as follows.


Only a link to this video: https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ


Only this: “TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW). GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Q”


Trumps pen?

Please forgive any formatting issues i’m on mobile. I don’t know if this foreshadows or proves anything, but at this point, i’m at least going to keep enjoying the puzzle of all of this until the troops clear out.