Every freeway, road, building, school, lake, river, mountain, and park in the United States that is currently named after some murderous satanic black-hat child-rapist CRETIN needs to be re-named after President Donald John Trump, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Regan, William McKinley, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Dwight Eisenhower, Bobby Kennedy — ie. all the WHITE HAT HEROS in American History including great First Ladies like Melania Trump, Jacqueline Kennedy and MORE who took a stand against demonic evil. I would include White Hat generals, war heroes and Metal of Honor recipients, famous artists they assassinated (if verified and vindicated) possibly including Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Prince, and courageous whistleblowers like Seth Rich, Isaac Kappy, and others (still living) who took a powerful stand like Elon Musk, Mel Gibson, James Woods and Jon Voit. I KNOW I'm leaving out hundreds of people. Who else should be on this list?
Horrific example: Driving through Dallas, Texas you will see "President George Bush Turnpike" yet freakazoid George Bush was a mass murder. And worse, they have "LBJ Freeway." LBJ was also a mass murderer (Vietnam) and he assassinated John F Kennedy. Even the "Charles Manson Freeway" would be a BIG step up from "LBJ Freeway". In a list of top killers of all time, who can top the man who murdered JFK? Adding insult to horrible injury, in the city where LBJ assassinated JFK (Dallas) they named their biggest freeway after JFK's killer. That's some dark occult curse bullsh*t there. My friends in Dallas LOVE JFK and DESPISE LBJ.
Discussion: Neighborhoods and homeowners have been under assault for decades. Leftists have been transitioning and reframing zoning laws in major cities to inject government subsidized low-rent apartments and multi-family homes into nice, once-safe neighborhoods so criminals (including pedophiles and registered sex offenders) have easy access to kids and property. Bulldozing homes to erect multifamily apartments drastically increases traffic congestion... which in turn paves the way for the Globalists to outlaw cars. Remember when overnight thousands of electric scooters and e-bikes suddenly appeared on every corner?!? High crime kills local retailers. These attacks on neighborhoods and homeowners must be reversed! And even more critically, property taxes should be abolished nationwide as they turn home owners into renters. And all the bureaucrat scum who enacted this bs should be traced and held accountable to act as a future deterrent. Beautiful neighborhoods by the thousands have been destroyed. The rule of law must be restored, but also all the zoning crap and property taxes must go. Government subsidized apartments should be bulldozed and re-zoned for single family homes to lessen traffic and make safer neighborhoods. In my neighborhood, the Leftists have been trying to change the zoning laws to allow homes to bulldozed and multifamily units erected in their place. 1 family turns into 2, 4, 6 or 8 families of renters in the same footprint. Neighborhoods need to be put back to how they were originally in the 1930s, '40s, '50s, '60s and '70s. They were places people WANTED to live.
A little down the road, our Great 47 needs to make a rule: if you have a business, you must have a phone number and responsible human beings to answer the phone. Don't have a phone number? You have 2 days to change that or face ENORMOUS FINES to be distributed to clients. Anyone with me on this? These companies just steamroll over people and hide behind "Contact Us" website and an un-monitered phone number.

Wait time for ATF approval on eForm 4 (to get a suppressor) was 11 months when I purchased a suppressor back in August 2023. However, I received it in only 7 months. Now, the wait time is 5 months (156 days) for a Trust and only 3 days for an individual. This is despite increased demand with gun dealerships having trouble keeping popular suppressors in stock. If Black Hats were in control, you'd think the delay would be getting longer not shorter. This is just speculation, but could White Hats be rushing to help lawfully arm as many citizens as possible? BTW, it's one thing to be prepared for crime/home invasions, it's another to be prepared for armed invasion — you need equivalent gear (not just a handgun) to level the playing field. A crack head trying to break in will have a weapon. But soldiers have so much more -- body armor, night vision, suppressors, quality sights, training, medical kits, etc. Don't be a sitting duck. If enough citizens are lawfully ready to lawfully exercise their 2A right of self defense, activating millions of embedded illegal aliens (i.e. UN soldiers) may be a no go. Strategy of RUSH was the idea behind Red October — make things happen before the torpedo can arm itself. Anything can happen, but there's probably not enough time for the Globalists to launch an armed insurrection led by millions of UN soldiers. WWG1WGA
https://www.silencershop.com/atf-wait-times https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/current-processing-times