The real mugshot (media.greatawakening.win) - VERIFIED -
posted ago by UndecidedMan ago by UndecidedMan

I mean, seriously.

I know it's a stretch, but it's something about which to be positive tonight. Right?

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying it/he is. But what I want to know is what could happen that would convince you that 'Q' isn't what it/he was made out to be.

Is there a red line? Like if Biden is sworn in? If Biden lasts a month in office? If Biden loses control of the congress in the midterms?

In other words, what would confirm disconfirmed expectations?

Blind faith in God is good, but everyone and -thing else needs receipts. Right?

(Thank you all for your thoughtful answers.)


Help me out here, Q’ers. Does this just mean more stuff will happen this week (i.e., same bombshells but more at a time!) or is the fizzling of today’s rallies a sign that we (Q skeptics and believers alike) need to re-assess where the movement is?

It’s weird that I’m a skeptic but strangely disheartened by the silence. And if I represent more than myself, but instead many other skeptical conservatives in political and legal circles, you (and Q — although it’s really your analysis and arguments that move the needle for me) may have affected and tilted the national dynamic far more greatly than both you and the MSM, et al., know.

Stay safe this today, this week, and in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

And above all else, God Bless America.


So have faith that if things work out the way you believe, your fellow countrymen will be fully on board.

Stay safe.


What’s going to happen tomorrow?


Of course, no battle plan survives first contact, so even though I’m a Q skeptic it doesn’t invalidate anything for me.

(Edit: Thank you for correcting my misunderstanding re the source of the tweet.)

Hello, all.

I’ve not followed along with Q (I only recently started investigating it myself rather than relying on the MSM and others’ write-ups which I think we can all agree are...suspect) but I’ve read so much that you, TDW, etc., have written and I think I have the general gist of the movement and ideas.

I know that oftentimes you (the anons on this board) comment that this is just a movie, to sit back and get some of that new popped corn the youngsters love. So, per your hopes and expectations, what should I expect to happen today? Tomorrow? Next Sunday? On the 20th?

(You can call me a shill or a plant all you want—none of it’s true and I’m genuinely interested in your thoughts—and please spare me the declarations that you don’t want the plans and intentions out in the open because I can guarantee that whatever the ideas you or I are thinking are already in the binder of some career spook. Lastly, I ask that you also kindly refrain from telling me to go read stuff, do my own research, things like that. I am doing so with this post and your replies.)

Thanks very much!