There's really no incentive in life when you're under tyranny. A life under tyranny is not a life worth living. All it does is just give you permanent misery inside your mind with all of the torture and humiliation you receive when you're a slave. Sorry, but I'd rather die than go through that shit.

I wouldn't feel suicidal if I was convinced the people were willing to come up in arms and take the country. But the problem is that nobody is doing that. So much fucking pacification right now it's depressing. Trump vowed to fight until the teeth until he just suddenly leaves and is still silent as of late.

I don't buy into the Q theories of military saving the country. I'm sure the military at this point doesn't respect Biden since they turned his back on him at one point, but it speaks volumes that they didn't arrest the swamp before the inauguration.

I see no evidence hinting towards patriots actually working to take the country back.

And that's making me suicidal. Again, I'd rather die a free person than continue living under terrible slavery and oppression. Everyone else should be the same whether you die fighting or commit suicide.