Even though the stock community refuses to admit it they're like a mirror to our community right now. They're in a fight against the corrupt elite that pull the strings in the shadows and their goal is to defeat them and transfer power(wealth) back to the people on an uncomprehendable scale. They also look for clues hidden in plain sight like twitter posts from prominent people in the community like Ryan Cohen and DFV which they use to validate their vision of future events.

Whats happening with gamestop is undeniably connected to the bigger picture. Here's a post that beautifully lays out the situation:


The fact that the only posts worthy of being stickied to the front page are memes is worrying.


Can we discuss the correlation between whats happening with the stock market and Q?

For the people that are out of the loop with the recent stock market events:

There's been a strong movement of retail(common folk) investors buying into the stock for gamestop(AMC as well). This started because of a reddit user on WSB analyzing the company and finding out that the company has great fundamentals and the stock for it was significantly over shorted. Shorting is basically betting against a stock, gaining money from it failing.

This started a wave of redditors buying the stock in hopes of raising the price to the point where the hedge funds betting against the stock would have to cover their shorts by buying a lot of the stock thus significantly raising the price of the stock(the big squeeze).

After this situation made news people all around the globe started buying gamestop stock in order to stick it to the hedge funds involved but instead of covering their shorts and taking an L the funds doubled down and manipulated the stock through illegal means to artificially lower the price in order to scare us common folk away. The thing is though the community of regular people buying the stock didn't get scared and aren't selling.

Were now in a position where its a stand off between the two forces. If we keep holding the stock without selling they will keep being charged millions in interest every single day. This is unsustainable and they will eventually have to give up.

When they eventually do lose the stock price will rocket up to unprecedented numbers which will crush the corrupt players involved(dtcc, hedge funds etc) and reveal the deeply rooted corruption thats been present and unchecked in the stock market for who knows how long. Itll also redistribute wealth from the dtcc(assets of around 63 trillion) to the masses around the globe that have joined this movement.

The connections between this and the Q movement seem so apparent but no one seems to talk about it.

Both this and the military overthrow of the corruption holding the world captive are happening simultaneously and they both have nearly the same end results. Similar to Q proofs hidden in plain sight there are clues regarding this happening such as things Trump has said or that recent photo of him with diamond hands.

There are also some stranger than fiction types of connections such as the fact that the two stocks involved in this are AMC(movies) and gamestop(as in 'game over') and as Trump is returning 'power to the people' the gamestop slogan is 'power to the player'

I have a feeling as the corrupt powers are arrested and their assets are frozen the stock market situation will pop off. While the Q plan crushes the central banks and wipes out debt the gamestop squeeze will redistribute wealth to people all around the world.