Posted on my site at https://verboseanon.com/2020/12/31/verboseanons-notes-on-the-storm-day-31/

  1. “Oh, God” I just verbalized, with a sinking feeling in my gut. I think I realized one possibility for what “suicide weekend” is going to be.

When those who have taken the poison-in-vaccine-clothing, start to develop the death symptoms.

They’ll want to stop the pain.

Nothing can stop what’s coming, and this makes me so sad; I don’t want to see people go through agony.

We each “bought our own ticket” and are having our own set of experiences, to learn from or, perhaps, forget entirely if we end up in the pit (“written out of the Book of Life”). I’m not entirely certain of the mechanism, but I know some stuff like the “moon light” (go into your heart, not the light, to get to Heaven, if you want to).

Some people bought “pit tickets” and I can’t change their minds. This relates to that untold high school story.

To give “credit” where it’s due, the thought came to me while reading the blurb (at the homepage) for this article: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/12/30/florida-governor-ron-desantis-our-elderly-population-is-the-priority-for-covid-vaccines-not-me/

  1. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/12/30/witness-testifies-dominion-voting-equipment-and-internal-data-hacked-live-during-georgia-senate-hearing/ Nice, they hacked into a voting machine live in court session. Guess they can’t “strike that from the record” — and that’s how the public gets to learn.

Well, they took murderer Al Capone down using tax laws. [These people] think they’re protected. Boy will they be surprised!

That ties in with #1 above; they think the poison-in-vaccine-clothing — they think it’s protection. And, it’s not; it’s going to kill them. They are the inhabitants of the “B Ark” that Douglas Adams wrote about; “getting there first” but not knowing what “there” entails! Or, “The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”

Star Wars featured “It’s a trap!” Projection everywhere. ?

  1. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/12/29/sidney-powell-gives-her-elevator-pitch-to-supreme-court/ In about 5 minutes (there’s a commercial at the end), Sidney Powell does an excellent job summarizing the various forms of fraud, which were observed on Election Day.

  2. https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2rqhlr/trump-team-hacks-dominion-machin/c/ Loved this 8-minute video! Slight curse warning (curse words are not necessary, but he has good info). Voting machines hacked in real-time during the hearing!

Video from the hearing is in the final three minutes or so; some of the Q&A is great! He re-states something I’ve read, which was that a thermostat was configured to have a wifi connection (I have used X-10 devices in homes decades ago, no recent experience but X-10 did talk to the thermostats) — and that the voting machines connected to those “wifi-talking thermostats” to get an outside line and do their dirty deeds.

So that’s great to see confirmation in a hearing! And also the new stuff, that they connected to it during that hearing.

  1. https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO7PPxai/lin-wood-justice-roberts-and-eps/c/ Lin Woods is taunting Chief Justice John Roberts about his crimes. Because — if Lin is wrong? He can be sued; and, being sued by the biggest office in the Judicial ring of the three rings of government, seems like a pretty big deal!

So, Lin either knows something that has not yet been revealed; or, he has not quite a “death wish” but perhaps a “molon labe” wish (come and take my stuff)?

I think revelations are forthcoming. I even put some money on it today! With a campaign donation. I’ll be on the list if Biden gets in. And that’s fine, kill me and I will have fun elsewhere. Don’t kill me, and we can have some fun here first! It’s really up to you. I might try to avoid it though, and it might then become, your loss.

Like my “joke” response to when someone responds to a question with, “That’s confidential; I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” That response: “Okay then please don’t tell me, because I would hate to have to kill you in self-defense.”

  1. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2020/12/29/massachusetts-lowers-abortion-age-of-consent-to-16-codifies-roe-v-wade-n1291198 Sickening! Children can get abortions in MA without parental consent. This way leads to Sodom and that green lady from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, Gomorrah (she “spells” it differently; but the pronunciation, is the same).

  2. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/first-senator-josh-hawley-announces-he-will-object-to-electoral-college-results-on-jan-6/ 20+ Congressmen have said they will object. Now the first Senator! Good show, Mr. Hawley!

  3. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/breaking-motion-passes-to-audit-fulton-county-absentee-ballots/ Jovan Hutton Pulitzer deserves a prize of some sort! ?

Seriously. He saw election fraud happening, and started writing some code. Now he can scan 500,000 ballots in two hours to determine if they’re valid.

Paper from China has different fibers than paper from the USA.


There are other ways to tell as well; but, this seems like a big one.

  1. https://greatawakening.win/p/11RNonrFEg/found-this-gem-on-thedonaldwin-b/c/ Very interesting! A Nashville employee of a “large IT enterprise” reports that “the problems started hours after the bomb.”

One comment says that perhaps their battery-backups had e.g. 4 hours of battery in them, which sounds plausible.

If communicating equipment was taken out though, and not just the power supplies?

Then this smells a lot to me like the “Building 7 reported fallen by the BBC 5 hours before it fell.”

  1. https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2hcJfz/anon-lays-it-all-down-neatly/c/ Image details the possible coming events nicely.



  1. Drifting off to sleep last night, was thinking about the French representation for the number “99”. It’s a math problem in itself: “quatre vingt dix neuf”, which in English is “four twenty ten nine.” Multiply four by twenty; then add ten, and add nine. Complex to describe; somewhat like Roman numerals.

Well, 4 20 is D T, our President’s initials. And Mickey’s hands on the clock showed it to be at 10:09 (and 8 seconds).

Romans 10:9 shows us how to achieve salvation; it’s simple, you only need to use two organs: mouth and heart. Proclaim with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior; and, believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.

In my journey, I used the mouth well before I got to the heart part. Others have a different path, of course; that was my experience.

I also had the song “99 Red Balloons” playing in my head, while thinking the above; “Back at base, bugs in the software, Flash the message: ‘something’s out there!'” And, “The war machine, springs to life, opens up one eager eye”.

And, perhaps, a vision of the near future? “Everyone’s a superhero; everyone’s a Captain Kirk!

God bless.


"Glittering prizes and endless compromises" -- Rush (the band)

Looking for help, hopefully there'll be more of the former than the latter!

God bless.

  1. I began a fast, late last night. With less than two days left in this Year of Perfect Vision; not sure how long I’ll go. Have done two, week-long fasts in the past 13 months: last November, and this past February. Haven’t put back on enough weight, I think, to go another week. Will do what I can!

Jesus says in Scripture that some demons only come out through prayer and fasting; that prayer, alone, is insufficient.

It was after my second, week-long fast, that I stopped drinking. Had stopped during both fasts, and was sober a week or so after the first one as well, but went back to the bottle. Now, I’m weaned! How glorious.

I think that parasites are demons, in fleshly form. So fasting helps with parasite elimination, as well. If merely in the sense that the body switches to ketosis/fat burning; one’s digestive system, being empty, turns an eye towards the parasites, saying, “hey, you look tasty!” ?

De-worming is also helpful, and I’ll combine that with this fast (I use fenbendazole). “Parasite Pill” is something I watched someone compose over on Voat, which he then made into a PDF and made available at catbox; it describes how cats and dogs are de-wormed on a regular basis, and livestock as well, but we were fooled into thinking it’s not something to worry about. I visited Brazil and was treated for parasites there; they do so routinely. Not a “third-world” condition; these little demons are everywhere! “Parasite Pill”: https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY9chlKVKeE&feature=youtu.be I was telling my wife the other day that I wanted to research Kim Clement some more, and this video dropped into my lap!

Am sharing it especially for the Dr. Jerome Corsi speech in the last couple minutes. I remember hearing the same words previously, but lost track of who said it and where it was from.

Dr. Corsi explains that the military was going to remove Obama from office by force, but then said they had spoken to Donald Trump and he had agreed to run for office. So, they decided to do it by the book; which, now, appears to be nearing its final chapter — or the climax, at any rate. And that we’re dealing with traitors, so the military is the appropriate method to deal with them.

Are we ready for a Merry Christmas?

Got to the video from “my new Voat home”, in a comment in https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2mAiq1/kim-clement–the-time-is-getting/c/ which has another great Kim Clement video! Will look for more; thanks!

  1. The site https://qalerts.pub/ has this banner, currently, which had me doing some math:

Image: https://files.catbox.moe/ijb9j5.png

Copying the text of it: “Q has been dark for 22 days. At times Q strategically goes dark for days/weeks/months. Often when Q is dark major MIL/MILINT ops are occurring behind the scenes. Do not mistake silence for inaction. Great time to (re)read old drops. Enjoy the show.”

I love the underlined sentence! Rhymes with, “Do not mistake my kindness, for weakness.” Many have.

So: tomorrow is the last day of the year, the 31st. Today, the 30th, Q has been dark for 22 days. The password that “leaked” (possibly, no, likely, intentionally) included “23 now comes the pain” (with some letters as punctuation).

Tomorrow is day 23. The day after? (Which is also the title of a TV movie about the aftermath of nuclear war; I have a feeling nuclear explosions are fictional, another “big story” — and, I have worked in a nuclear plant.) That’s when President Trump’s medical billing fix goes into effect. That’s pain, for anybody making money as a middle-man in the pharmaceutical industry. Which is a huge industry, and is about to go down.

If you had a loved one who was in the buggy whip business, when automobiles first came around, and you expressed to them that they should start looking for other employment; would they appreciate your advice? It was only the buggy whip manufacturers who switched to the “sex toys” market that survived, or at least I read that years ago, and now am uncertain of so many things that I’ve read! 1/2 ?

  1. https://slashdot.org/story/20/12/30/2026204/vp-and-head-scientist-of-alexa-at-amazon-the-turing-test-is-obsolete-its-time-to-build-a-new-barometer-for-ai The argument in the blurb is, “having the AI waste cycles so that the pauses ‘sound human’ is wasteful.”

Back when I was studying nanotechnology, I had the following “thought experiment”: it was described that a computer could be built, in the space of a sugar cube, that was a million times more powerful than the human brain.

So, I envisioned taking a pill which contained nanomachines, which would make their way to the brain and then convert it, in-place and while-thinking, into “a bunch of sugar cubes”; could fit probably a thousand or so inside my skull.

Which wouldn’t make it merely 1,000 times more powerful; the connections are what drive the power, so increasing it by that amount would increase the connections by a larger factor. I didn’t do all the math for that. ?

Point is, I’d take the pill and then sit back and watch the ceiling fan slowly slow down, and appear to come to a stop. It’s still going full bore; I’m, just thinking so much faster.

I realized that if such a pill were available, it’d be a bifurcating point. I wasn’t back to Scripture then, so now I can say it’s also a “separating of the wheat from the tares.”

Those who don’t study God’s word, are confused by those who speak it. I’ve only barely returned to Scripture, half a decade ago or so. I don’t feel like I’ve gone far enough to be able to share eloquently. But then in talking to my family about Scripture over the past several months, I learned most of them don’t believe in God; and they don’t read His words.

It’s like the old quote, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” I may not have seen everything, but it also may be a true statement that I’ve seen enough to lead. Which is somewhat dangerous as I don’t want to inadvertently lead “off a cliff” but I also know that Disney set up a turntable and flung those poor rodents, in making their fictional documentary; lemmings do not throw themselves off cliffs.

In order to communicate with someone who hadn’t taken the pill? I’d have to speak so slowly; and, there’d be like a year between words! Exactly as this article describes “we need to change the Turing Test.”

Or like in the movie, “Colossus: The Forbin Project” (“forbidden”? neat, hadn’t seen that before!) where the two AIs developed their own language. Nobody else could listen in. And the language would likely involve quantum communication as well; imagine a data stream spread out through multiple mediums — any attacker who has compromised access to one of them, won’t get the full message.

I think a lot. ?

  1. https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/12/30/0114234/mcconnell-ties-full-repeal-of-section-230-to-push-for-2000-stimulus-checks “P-r-r-r-r-rease, Eddie, don’t throw us into that briar patch!” ?

(References “Song of the South”‘s Br’er Rabbit, as well as the movie, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”, which starred Bob Hoskins — who, in the movie “The Wall”, played the manager who found “Pink” drugged out in his room; and whose (sole?) line was “Fuck me!” Nope, not sole; can search for “Hoskins” to see his lines over here: https://www.moviequotes.com/s-movie/pink-floyd-the-wall/ )

  1. I think I need a developer. I used to be one, so that helps to make sure I’m not being snowed, in. ?

The skill set I need: WHM/cPanel administration; Linux e.g. Centos 7; WordPress; and, rapid responses to my likely-delayed responses. Also I am recovering from concussions and might ask the same question multiple times, or tell you the same story multiple times, and you need to be okay to deal with that. Prior experience with someone concussed would be very helpful, and I’d almost say a “requirement” but I also don’t want to exclude talent.

This should seem like a “ground floor” opportunity; I intend to purchase a headless media company, after the Red Queen’s race (“Off with their heads!” — and, I just learned there’s a difference between the Red Queen (chess) and the Queen of Hearts (cards) — so, two links: https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/263700.html and https://reelrundown.com/tv/Differences-Between-the-Queen-of-Hearts-and-the-Red-Queen-Once-Upon-a-Time-Reference ). My wife will help with the screening; she’s “management”, I’m “the help.” ?

If you have an interest please reach out to me at admin @ verboseanon.com, after removing the spaces. Or if you know of a company doing this I might use their services. Appreciate any pointers, thanks! We can work out the financial aspect; I intend to pay fair market value or higher — but this likely won’t be “full-time” to begin with.

  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/swiss-patient-dies-shortly-after-receiving-pfizer-covid-vaccine “We’re not gonna take it!” Q’s last drop, #4953, was to this video which had that song by Twisted Sister as backing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1l-nR1Apj4

People keep dying after taking it. “Should I?” should be the question on everybody’s mind.

Make sure your affairs are in order, if you are considering taking it. Your journey does not end with death; but, your experience here “in Earth” realm has more you can learn, if you put off your death.

Of course, God knows the number of your days before you are born; so, can you “put off your death”? Several movies were made about that, I forget the title of one of them — it wasn’t “Flatliners” but was released around the same time.

I know I can’t save everyone (I have a high school story about this, waiting to be written). I do what I can. My goal is to help you prosper, by sharing what I know.

  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/least-3-shipments-covid-vaccine-have-spoiled-their-way-texas Related to the above; perhaps the deaths are being caused by improper “cold storage”?

This is the first time a “vaccine” needed to be frozen like a superconductor. Hmm. Are they injecting us with superconductors??!? More “nanotech” thinking.

I’ve had stem cells, to help with the concussions (results unclear; actually, they harmed). Those needed to be shipped frozen, so I’m familiar with the technology (but not the Mayo Clinic! — an “Airplane!” the movie, reference).

Pfizer? “Fie, sir!”

  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/homeless-antifa-group-occupies-tacoma-motel Antifa terrorists have taken over a motel, paid for the first night, and are saying “you should ask someone else to pay for us!” to the owner, for the other nights.

It doesn’t matter who the “someone else” is; they signed a contract when they booked the room, to pay for their usage.

They are violating the contract, by telling the owner to go after a third party to obtain payment.

They are criminals. They are also, likely, [they]; or, paid by [them], making them a part of [they].

Although, like at the end of the movie “Limitless” in the hospital scene, they can still choose to walk away when they’re no longer being paid, and stop doing evil deeds. I pray for that outcome.


Hi, an introduction:

I had helped out Wins of the Day Anon (WinsAnon), on Voat, for a week while he was in surgery, beginning of December. He and others encouraged me to continue, and I did. When Voat, on "Christmas died, the other day", I continued at my site, https://verboseanon.com/

Yesterday I created an account here, and made my first (uncharacteristically short :) ) post and a few comments.

Today I interacted with a mod, u/SirThundercuntTRONxp and asked if it was okay to post these here, and was encouraged to do so. Thanks, hope you enjoy!

In some of the things I talk about, I may refer to previous posts, which you can find at my site above, at least back until Christmas Day.

If you want to find anything prior to that, I explained how in my response to the mod's encouragement, over here: https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2mAzsy/x/c/4DrwVRHzNx7

Also I'm recovering from multiple concussions, and have memory issues. The good news is, you get a second chance to make a first impression! :) Also that explains why I might say some things multiple times. Sometimes it's emphasis, so, discernment helps when dealing with me. :)

God bless.

PS I'm getting used to the formatting here, and it's getting late! I'll do better next time, I promise. :)

Specifically: I wanted a numbered list, but it came out bulleted. Is there a "help" for the format codes? Appreciate it! Looks better on my site, for now.

Second post for today, so “29b”.

  1. https://apple.slashdot.org/story/20/12/29/1825241/apple-researching-keyboards-with-adaptive-displays-on-each-key Just a couple days ago I had this idea, while talking to my wife. Not saying “they stole it from me” just that it’s neat to see alignment. Lots of hundred monkeys these days!

  2. https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2ijtVw/nashville-business-puts-the-mask/c/ Awesome sign on a Nashville business’s front door! It displays the “mask required” and also says if you’re not wearing one, we won’t harass you. And calls out the communists who are running things into the ground.

User AngelofDeathToo shared a door sign PDF, a generic one based on the above, and I made a tiny.cc link for easier access: https://tiny.cc/maskcommunismsign which is the PDF, and I also made https://tiny.cc/maskcommunismsign2 which is a link to the original picture, in the post above.



  1. https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/12/29/019244/coinbase-to-suspend-trading-in-xrp Well this sucks for some friends! I had bought a little XRP “on their recommendation” and am nowhere near blaming anybody else for my actions. But I only bought a little; my friend was heavily into it, so this may not be good news, for him.

XRP had gone from around $0.25 to over $0.70, after I had purchased; and, now it’s back below where I bought, at around $0.20. But I bought with Bitcoin, not with dollars, so I need to do more math to determine how much my trade actually lost (I think it’s a larger percentage than just a 20% loss — yeah, bought for ~2500 Satoshis, now it’s worth ~700, so a significant loss; but, of a tiny amount). Will HODL for now.

  1. https://science.slashdot.org/story/20/12/29/0853220/the-lasting-lessons-of-john-conways-game-of-life Blast from the past! And, learned of John Conway’s passing this past April, RIP. Blurb describes the three rules of this “Game of Life” and how it can make “creatures”, like a glider, and a “glider gun” — I remember hours of fun exploring this stuff, decades ago!

  2. https://yro.slashdot.org/story/20/12/29/0035203/new-york-posts-hunter-biden-laptop-source-sues-twitter-for-defamation Symbolism will be [their] downfall. This time, the symbolism is “hackers are bad” and “this guy’s a hacker” when the guy performed no illegal hacking. He was paid by Hunter Biden to penetrate Hunter Biden’s laptop, because Hunter Biden had “spilled coffee on it” (or something else happened, to make it inoperable), and he took it to Mac to have it repaired.

Hunter Biden and Mac signed a contract saying, “If I (Hunter) don’t pay and don’t respond for 3 months, the owner of the property becomes Mac.”

Mac reached out to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden knew he had put that computer in the shop. He knew what he had signed, and that the computer would no longer be his, if he ignored Mac’s calls.

Hunter Biden ignored Mac’s calls. The laptop (a Mac, confusingly ? ), became the property of Mac, the store owner.

Once it was Mac’s property, he could do whatever he wanted with it. And, he did; and, for Twitter to state that “what he did with his property is illegal” is a lie. A bald-faced lie; they are supporting the enemy communists who are at our door.

So it’s great to see him now suing Twitter. My take is, he’s going to win — if, that is, the courts have been fixed. Since we’re so close to the end game, I am pretty sure enough of the courts have been fixed — and also, this case likely won’t be tried until next year, giving the courts even more opportunity to stop peeing on the walls (we “fix” male cats for that reason).

Another article about Mac suing Twitter: https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/delaware-shop-owner-hunter-biden-case-sues-twitter-500-million-defamation

  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/great-reset-tiny-houses-pushed-solution-climate-change This “tiny house craze” now smells to me like communism. Change my mind. “You can eat bugs, too, they’re tasty!”

  2. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/mask-free-flash-mob-invades-cvs-we-want-freedom/ Great 30 second video of “maskless invaders” in a CVS! The video was taken, it sounds from the lady speaking, because someone assaulted and battered her just prior to it.

To be clear: touching someone else is battery; and, the threat of it, is assault — a reserve police officer I worked with (in software) told me that.

“Flash mobs” became a thing shortly after texting. Good to see it being used “for good.” Ah — just noticed a possible “naming connection” — “flash bombs” are a thing.

  1. A staunch liberal harangued me, in response to my telling them that I was learning gematria and seeing palindromes everywhere, and that numbers had meaning; saying something derogatory like, “if you give meaning to every number then every number you see has meaning, which is meaningless!”

No, that’s so not the case. If you learn something and fit other things into what you’ve learned? That’s called growth — not “meaninglessness.”

(Although in the response I got I did perceive “meanness”, which I just saw by removing “ingless” from the above; yeah, words play me, I can’t help it, it’s the extra neurons.)

To be afraid of what someone else is spending their time on? That says something about the person fearing, and less about the person spending their time. Unless that person was actively planning to harm the other party; which, I’m not. But does the other party believe that?

I asked several questions the last time we spoke, and the other party thought I was being unreasonable, and that I was attacking — when in fact, I wanted to innerstand just how far the convictions of the other person went, and if they intended to harm me: i.e., force me to wear a mask, or report me to the authorities for non-compliance with a non-law.

But I’m the bad guy?

  1. https://cnsnews.com/commentary/bay-buchanan/trump-administration-rule-poised-take-stand-against-financial-censorship This is great news! The “Section 230” rule change will bring the tech giants to their heels, with respect to banning voices. This article talks about another change, that being to the banking system — to not allow them to “ban conservative voices” merely because they’re conservative.

I’d imagine banks will still “find reasons” to ban conservatives — but, their behavior is now more on display.

  1. A line of dialogue I recall hearing countless times as a child growing up on television programming: “Who is that masked man?”

The show was “The Lone Ranger” and he fired silver bullets.

His sidekick was a palindrome, I just realized, if “to” is considered a unit (“Tonto”). A technique I learned years ago from the band, They Might Be Giants, with their song, “I Palindrome I”. ?

The image from Jack Posobiec’s tweet, embedded in this article, rang that bell: https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/federal-judge-blocks-legitimate-voter-purge-in-2-georgia-counties-stacey-abrams-sister-would-not-recuse/

Her sister, did the judging for her? “Those people who moved out of state? Yeah, we’ll still count ’em.” I think they both are unaware of the gathering disinfecting sunlight!

  1. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/suspicions-grow-nanoparticles-pfizer-s-covid-19-vaccine-trigger-rare-allergic-reactions I have studied nanotechnology. From what I’ve studied? I don’t want any nanomachines in my body, especially, without consent.

Damning sentence from the article: “Screening millions of people for anti-PEG antibodies before they are vaccinated is not feasible.”

Oh really? Determining whether it’s safe or not, “is not feasible?” What kind of clown is doing the talking there? The kind that says things like, “We have to pass Obamacare, to see what’s in it”??!?

Article ends with, ““At least [anaphylaxis] is something that happens quickly,” Philips says. “So, it’s something that you can be very much alerted to, prepared to recognize early and be prepared to treat early.””

I agree — at least that reaction can be detected before the victim leaves the facility! The reactions that cause autism spectrum disorder, and other health issues, decades later? That is the reason they created the shield called “Vaccine Trial Court” — so there are much higher hoops for us to jump through, to obtain justice from [their] attacks on our health.

I myself failed to jump through the disability insurance hoop, and learned that they routinely say “No!” the first time asked. Many people give up at that point. Not because they didn’t have a case; but, because they don’t have the resources to continue — they’ve gotta feed themselves, after all.

It’s like rebates; they know some people won’t do it, so adding the rebate amount to the purchase price, they know a percentage of it will just be kept by them, with no extra effort. But the disability court is even more devious — setting hoops up for injured people to jump through!

  1. https://www.breitbart.com/news/statue-of-slave-kneeling-before-lincoln-is-removed-in-boston/ So, if the whole “Boston (not) Strong” episode didn’t convince you that Boston is cucked, perhaps removing Lincoln’s statue, will.

The Salem Witch Museum made me rather “uncomfortable” (wording from the article justifying the vandalism); are [they] going to take aim at that, next? Doubtful; they just erected a statue to satan in that town a few years back.

  1. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/mcconnell-introduces-bill-repealing-section-230/ Nice. The tooth is about to stop hurty! ?

  2. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/breaking-trump-campaign-files-wisconsin-case-to-u-s-supreme-court/ President Trump’s team taking Wisconsin arguments to the Supreme Court. Details in above article, as well as links directly to the filings: the Petition, and the Motion for Expedited Consideration.

  3. https://www.dailywire.com/news/senate-directs-defense-department-dni-other-agencies-you-have-180-days-to-tell-what-you-know-about-ufos I told a relative, “aliens (ETs, that is) are coming” and was mocked for it, like “that’s just movies, that’s not real life!” She doesn’t innerstand how [they] put news in movies, and fiction in the news.

So there’s six more months until full disclosure of ETs? No worries, I can wait forever. And I will! Well, not just wait; I’ll also act, while time passes, to glorify God. As much as I can; and, I know that I have fallen short, so many times. I can only do better in the future; I can’t redo the past until after the end of time. And this might be my last trip through Earth but I’m not certain whether I’ve had the experience of having children yet and that’s a pretty important one. So, we’ll see when I get there; it’s more than a thousand years off, I believe.

Amusingly, this 6-month deadline, “was triggered by President Trump signing the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill on Sunday.”

Gotta love when the white hats cover all the exits! Like the climax of the horror movie, “Carrie”, when she telekinetically slams and locks the doors shut before killing (almost) everyone. It will happen very quickly.

  1. https://kjzz.com/news/local/utah-flu-season-almost-non-existent-after-fears-of-twindemic More reporting on the bizarre statistical impossibility that “COVID has cured the flu!” This from Utah. To be clear on my quote: there are usually over 17 thousand flu cases on average by this time every year; and, there were 36 that I reported on yesterday.

  2. https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2juTxb/x/c/4DrwVMZ1yTK Great poem, linked from this comment about pterodactyls being “flying school buses” whose wing muscles could only glide.



  1. https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/police-officer-says-god-redirected-seconds-nashville-explosion-literally-heard-god/ Wow. Two officers, the article describes, “heard the voice of God” telling them to move away, towards each other in fact.

Saw at GreatAwakening.win, where I’ve taken up shelter yesterday, after Voat was blown into pieces.

Reading this article brought tears to my eyes. The Bible verses therein, make so much more sense to me, now.

https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2m954i/nashville-officer-hears-god-dire/ This comment mentions that there’s “voice-to-skull” technology (as projected in the movie “Real Genius”) — so this might have been “white hats” warning them away. (And, who directed the white hats? ? )

  1. https://greatawakening.win/p/11RO2hdxtx/must-read-tweet–lays-out-what-i/c/ The referenced tweet thread’s first is: “The 1786 / 1787 First Constitutional Congress known as the 1786 Constitutional Convention. What did they give us ? A Republic ?? the gave us our founding laws, Duties of Congress and the Decelerations of War . But in 1908 the Deep State hid it and by 1912, it was no longer taught”.

The text is full of typos, but “look past them” for the awesomeness (the author is dyslexic, it turns out): https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1291752664024350723.html

What’s neat is he doesn’t refer to NESARA/GESARA at all! He says that the about-to-be-wiped-out $46 trillion of debt the US has incurred, is obligations to federal pensions and the like. So if NESARA/GESARA happens as well, that’ll be like icing on the cake that is the truth!

That’s a reference to the video game “Portal”, which had the repeated phrase, “The cake is a lie.” I only recently realized it was a reference to Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake” (or someone else according to Wikipedia — so, amusingly, perhaps a lie within a lie?).


Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Am continuing to write.

kek, this is uncharacteristically short of me. :)

God bless.