Vfdfrd -12 points ago +2 / -14


Listen, really hear me out. I was a DEDICATED follower of Q. Reading “drops” posting interpretations, cutting people out of my life who didn’t believe in it. All my faith was in Trump. Then I began to find my way out. And please hear me out guys. Im no “shill” im a regular fucking guy just like the rest of you were before this shit began. Let me list some facts for anyone to dispute..

  1. Trump was a lifelong democrat himself.

2)TRUMP was funded by Soros himself ona $160 million loan for a project in Manhattan.

  1. gematria will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt you have been cleverly defrauded.

I get how hard it is to let this shit go. And if youre still reading its just because youre waiting to see how big of a shill dipshit pedo whatever else you can label me. I had an account dedicated to Q shit that got deleted. I spent MONTHS AND MONTHS. Trying to piece together the “plan” i beg you guys to step back. I know some of the shit in Q is real. There really are sick pedos out there. They really do use children in honeytraps and yes Epstein was a MOSSAD agent. I’ve done my research. Where the shit falls apart is Trump being a “good guy” he attended FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, one of the largest JESUIT institutions in the world. Trump is no savior. He is a jesuit puppet. I wish you all the best. GEMATRIA WILL SHOW YOU OUT OF THE MAZE

Vfdfrd -4 points ago +1 / -5

When do you guys give up? I was Q once upon a time. Lost friends and family. Got laughed out of town, but held on tight to my beliefs. Then, I found gematria, among other things and thank the lord above found my way out and was able to reconcile with those closest too me. When do you guys stop? Whats it going to take? The gig is entirely up.