This page is fake: https://www.state.gov/biographies/donald-j-trump/

There are no other presidential biographies listed, check the list yourself: https://www.state.gov/biographies-list/

A rogue individual in the Department of State published this page as a psy-op.



Well they arrested "zip tie guy:"


And he says that it was his mom standing next to him in the vest. Are we supposed to believe he was special forces? Because that's what some supposed "expert" on the Internet said yesterday (can't recall who).


On https://www.simonparkes.org/post/urgent-information it says Trump will address the nation at 9PM EST. It is that time, and I don't see a speech. What gives? Are these guys LARPing? Because this is very disappointing.


I've seen posts and comments here about the upcoming impeachment, that action needs to happen before any impeachment. I don't think impeachment is in any way relevant, because Oathkeepers who are ready and willing to execute The Plan are not going to put their hands up and say "oh well, lets cancel the plan because the illegitimate House and Senate says so."

It is true that we are a nation of laws but we are also a nation of people. Laws cannot by themselves effect change. Ultimately it is humans with their emotions and motives who must carry out actions which transform the world.

Impeachment is a non-issue.