Along with Q there are a group of accounts on Twitter such as Mr. pool and Archiillect that have warned about flooding. Is it possible that the United States and countries around the world are about to experience a massive tsunami like flood event? Is that what’s coming?

Years ago I read about and watched YouTube videos of people who were discussing the massive flood hypothesis and how it was determined by high-ranking military that the eastern and western portions of the United States would be submerged underwater.

I’ll try to find the link.


I am honestly getting legitimately scared about the progression of this Covid agenda.


Do not stand with cuckservatives that stand with Israel. The Israeli Zionist lobby on America has for many years been destroying America.

Take a look at the percentage of Zionist in Congress. Approximately, 33% of the Senate are Jewish and 8% of the house. This is disproportionate number of jews in terms of representation. How did all these people get into power?

We must also look at AIPAC which holds so much power in DC that if were to determine a politician was a threat to Israel they could potentially destroy that person through organized media hits, fake lawsuits, etc.

The Israeli lobby is so strong on our government that we are giving them 4+ billion dollars a year in foreign aid. That is a ridiculous amount of money that could go to schools, infrastructure, Veterans care, and so much more EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

Israel does not care about us. They are not an ally but a parasite that leeches our tax dollars.

Ask yourself, when is the last time the Israelis have ever stood with us during war in the last 100 year??? There isn't a single time. They aren't our allies. They just pretend to be because we are useful to them.

I will make more posts that will go into more detail on why it is imperative that the majority of the United States citizenry wakes up to the parasite that is Israel and their drain on American exceptionalism.

Israel is nothing without America and they don't want you to know that.

Israel continues to hide their war crimes against Palestinians and anyone that dares criticize them is canceled by being called an Anti-Semite.

We do not wish to criticize Judaism at all. We criticize Zionism which is the belief system that brainwashes young children into believing in the Greater Israel theory . The belief that we are all goyim and serve them. The belief that they wish to expand Israel our to the rest of the world. We criticize the belief that you think you deserve to kill innocents to steal their land and to take our tax dollars to do it.

I will post more details in the future but this should be enough to get people to start looking into Zionism and why we must reject the Israeli lobby on America.


It seems like every politician in DC bends to the influence of Israel. Why, given the obvious overreach by the Israeli govt on Palestinians, do these people continue to support them? You would think there would be a denouncing of Israel in the Washington establishment but instead many politicians are aligning themselves with the people doing the oppressing.