WJRII 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’d also like to point out that my 6th grade desk was bigger then the one he just signed theses EOs on....

WJRII 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get it. Might be nothing...... Just odd when he went to put away his pen and the pocket was sowed shut. I don’t ware a suit everyday but if I did I’d know how to holster my pen. Showing his age if anything. SMH.....

WJRII 2 points ago +2 / -0

My first answer would be LK 5:10 “Fear not; from hence forth thou shalt catch men”

Thank you,


WJRII 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate your response and do agree with what you said. I asked the question in the event a scenario played out that would leave my friends, family and community in a state of shock. All be it my first mistake was thinking I was aware how the plan was going to play out.

I do see the advancement of there policy playing out in my community. Just today our local news station recommended the use of waring 2 masks in lieu of one due to the multiple strands of viruses now in our state. Everyone is going to “Love” this move..... The best one yet that has even my blue friends questioning “The Deep State”. Now men can compete in woman’s sports..... SMH.... I’ll continue to eat my popcorn and watch the show. Until I hear otherwise.

“Hold The Line!!!!”


WJRII 10 points ago +10 / -0

I prey to God that he hear our preyers and reconcile the wrongdoings of evil men throughout our history. I prey to God that he end the divisions between us that have harbored wars and have taken so many lives. I prey to God that when he comes to give back to us what is rightfully ours, that he softens our hearts to allow the unbelievers to follow us into his light. I prey God reveal to us and guild us back to the Garden of Eden. Where all men, woman and children can again live without shame and come to understand how extraordinary each and ever one of us truly are.
