Either it contradicts the narrative of the unhinged merciless dictator, or Wagner was most certainly a false flag by Putin.

It's insane that they'd just go back to normal if this was real



Something BIG must be coming and they're probably going to frame "QAnon" for it. Why else would a suspiciously apologetic Nazi propaganda documentary not only be on the front page, but STICKIED as well?

I'm hoping this was just a sting operation to see how many users will praise ULTRA-LEFTWING Nazism so that we can DEPORT THEM ALL.

Q does NOT advocate for Nazis, warns against them, in fact identifies them as one finger of the hand of the enemy we're FACING.

The NAZI order.

NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

The Sum of All Fears.






Stage SET.



In Honor of Trumps bid, im going back into the fray! I'm back baby!

FYI X22 once quoted me in Nov 2019 after I did a long thread about the 2020 elections being a sting operation



On the one hand we KNOW they cook the books everywhere.

Yeah, Desantis apparently had tight control over the operation of the election, how much do we really believe that though?

How PERFECT would it be to have Desantis be given a MASSIVE victory in order to make Trump look like he's lost control of the Republican base? Even though it makes no sense, Trump still fills up stadiums and is largely responsible for most of the success R's had this time, including Desantis.

But the D's knew they weren't going to win Florida anyway, so instead just THROW IT hard, so they can divide the Right on Desantis vs Trump.

It's almost too perfect


The other month Q came back to post on 8kun... and everyone had a fit, and none were as sceptical as us ourselves. And since then, nothing.

So, is that it? What's the current thinking on this now that the dust has settled?


We all know they launder money.

Maybe shit is so fucking bad, but because 90% of Congress is deep in stocks and insider trading, they don't actually want it to full on crash (at least not until they get a better exit price!)

So send zillions to Ukraine to somehow buy stocks all over the place and keep things stable at key moments. Works well because someone also gets to own those stock which will be very valuable if the market does come back.

Heck they probably knew the sanctions would crash the market so they sold ahead and now are buying back with insane leverage with laundered tax dollars via Ukraine.

Is this possible? If so, how would this be proven? We q researchers think outside the box but we don't believe things unless we draw the map.

Is there anyway of measuring if Ukraine stock related activities have gone gangbusters? Perhaps we can monitor Ukraine Blockchain? Remember how everyone donated BTC and ETH to them?


...and it is YOU!



Q mapped it out for us. Taught us the patterns. It's like a linear projection on a chart, we need to keep connecting the dots.

I'm an OG and it's always frustrated me how we think we're so red pilled because at least we're smart enough to know Q is legit, yet we're actually morons because we don't actually get the point Q was making (don't be triggered, this is tough love my brothers and sisters, stay with me here)

Like when Q revealed B2 is BB is Bill Barr. Duh. That should have been cracked ages before Q spelled it out. Q's not writing some new Gospel for us to entome, Q's trying to clone into us so we can carry on the mission together.

This is what "We Are Q" means. Yet here we are getting horny over the possibilities of Q coming back. If that happens, great. But if we're just waiting for revelations and direction from some mysterious keyboard mystic, then I hate to say it but then the critics are right and we're exhibiting cult behaviour not free thought like Q instructed us to do!!!

Why do we stay in scope? When Q said to follow the Wives, why didn't the hive mind build wife tracking databases where we study literally every influential actor, politician, etc that we can think of?! Instead we just obsess over the few Q used as examples. That wasn't his point!

We're to build the map. News unlocks the map. It's all open source.

I'm sorry for the rant but I find it frustrating how smart y'all are but we're not actually working together like the autistic hive mind Q trained us for.



Think about how awful the sanctions have backfired against the Nazis who secretly rule us? Unless you want to argue they were purposely trying to enrich Putin, it doesn't make sense. Afterall, a Great Reset would need every world power to be bankrupt and thus the only option would be a whole new world. But they miscalculated. Only the West is getting destroyed financially (and keneticly, if you somehow think Ukraine is western).

Trump/Putin/Xi saw this coming years ahead of time. Now Schawby could do the reset in just half the world, but that would basically make Russia and China super powers by comparison. I don't think they want that!


Ok so I've been following Q from the very beginning and I've always thought BB was part of the plan. But it seems such a contradiction for him to basically take Pence's side and deny the fraud. However, Sloppy Steve was also lambasted by Trump for being a source for Wolfe but next thing you know Wikileaks puts out a pirated version of "Fire and Fury" with one strange difference: many O's are replaced with Q's... all the sudden Bannon comes out with the WarRoom which puts the left into the fires of hell every day, with 100% ULTRA MAGA TRUMP alignment. Games are afoot.

Ok so what is Barr doing? He's not really the main person to deal with the election secirty anyway. We know about NCSWIC and the executive orders from 2018, nevermind SpaceForce theories.

Barr is "cover", a legitimate source that others can align with and keep optical distance from the plan itself. This made sense to me with Ivanka siding with Barr. She's a darling of the left, and she'd be in a very awkward position to have to side with her father who the left hates. Instead, she (and others who also NEED to save face) can also side with Barr.

Also, Barr is able to later affirm the fraud because he didn't actually "know about that evidence at the time", which is bullshit, but....

At the end of the days it's all about optics, because Barr doesn't matter at the end of the day anyway.


We've been infiltrated by Nazis at the highest levels. Hitler escaped to Argentine and orchestrated the 4th Reich in exile. Operation Paperclip put top Nazis in top technology positions, the birth of big tech. Mk Ultra. Mockingbird. All themes heavy with Q.

Think about that Comedy bit with Zelensky talking/mocking the Azov. How they don't steal and kill Jews anymore, they do that to Russians instead and that's ok.

Ukraine was a trap for NATO. It exposed their weakness, strengthened the Asian bloc and has nearly destroyed our corrupt economy. GOLD might destroy the FED afterall. On the brink of the Great Reset, behold, a vicious BEAR.

Remember that cliche example from Bugs Life about the cockroaches being out numbered?

The elite traditionally solve this with mass hypnosis via religion and prescribed culture.

This doesn't scale well. If a population of 50k gets one true philosopher, it's easy enough to shame and snuff that person out. If he persists, burn at the stake and serve as an example.

When it's 500m, now we have 10k philosophers and many will somehow entice their local community to think twice. But that's fine, the elite just inject some informants and moles into their movement and either usurp control of it (Tea Party) or if that fails, false flag some extreme elements into it to make the whole movement taboo.

But the Internet meant that even a single philosopher now has the whole world listening. Just one amazing thought can go viral in an instant. They shirked off the internet forever, never dignifying conspiracy with a response. But something changed in 2016.

When Trump actually polled well they realized the internet can no longer be ignored. All the sudden the gravity shifted. Alex Jones was now openly discussed and mocked. Fact Checkers were invented and made militant. Algorithms were all but mandated by politicians to regulate "misinformation"

Covid was the ultimate test. Could they control what some identify as Mass Formation Psychosis on a worldwide scale? Unfortunately, yes. We were immune, but even in our group many have had to consent to the drone mob for our safety (see burning at the stake above)..

They successful rebalanced the equation so that even though there might be 100m philosophers world wide spouting deep truths, the mob of 7b remaining humans are terrified, literally of dying, of listening to us!!

Then I thought where this is going.

They needed us to tend their lands and make shit for them. Fight their wars of Vanity and Valour. But AI is getting so good, soon there'll be literal robots to automate everything. Even warfare.

The biggest risk to war was your soldiers had to be willing to die for the cause. So it always had to be sold as noble. Religion helped a lot with justifying such godless mayhem. Ironically.

But once the elite get a largely robotic army? That is far smarter, stronger, quicker than us ants? All pretenses will be dropped. They simply won't need the old persuasion games anymore. You'll do what they say or their androids will kill you without blinking.

We are terrifyingly close to this reality.

They still need us for now, but if we don't wake the world up soon this is going to be the end of freedom forever.

Yes it sounds like sci fi, terminator Skynet shit. But we also know that movies aren't just movies.

Honestly, knowing this i don't have a clue what to do about it. But I'm pretty sure this is why think tanks like WEF don't give a fuck now and are gloating about the Great Reset. Think about it!


Could be nothing?

Any original gangsters here? Who remembers #releasethememo?

Are your memes ready?

Proofs are important, did we stop making those?

Did we forget that Where We Go One We Go All?

That Q told us that WE ARE Q?

What, we're waiting for a happening and forget that WE ARE THE HAPPENING.

We are waiting for an awakening and forget that the (truly) woke are the only ones who can awake our sleeping friends and countrymen.

The silent war continues, but that's not our war. Our war is raging, and it's to be loud! LOUD DAMNIT. WHY AREN'T WE BEING LOUDER?

We are watching a movie? Sure, fine. Be a leading actor then! Be the star! Rise up, and play the role of a lifetime!

Is devolution happening? Yeah, probably. So I guess we should just sit back and pop some corn, right?

Did we let Jan 6th and the Viking fake Q flag scare us into submission?

Did you take the oath of allegiance in vain when Q, our brothers and sisters, and even GENERAL FLYNN himself did?

Are you really just waiting for audits and arrests?

The time is NOW.

I don't know what to tell you to do, JUST DO FUCKING SOMETHING.



I hope you all can appreciate some out of the box thinking.

Remember Trump vs Sessions? Vs Un? Vs Bannon? Yet these folks all turn out to be his most staunch allies.

We can't just think because Trump slays someone that he's actually serious. In fact, the more grandiose his rhetoric, the more likely its theatre.

Remember Q said we don't telegraph our moves to the enemy? What did Milley allegedly do? Just that? But remember that Trump and Xi have a plan together. This is both evidenced by the strange Forbidden City summit but also Q directly telling us that China and Russia are actually our allies against the old gaurd. Keep in mind that China is s conquered state and they're literally dying for freedom. I suspect Xi wants to pull a Gorbachev. Consider that the party was plotting to oust Xi when the Pandemic started. Why? Because COVID-19 was originally meant to oust him as well! There's a silent civil war going on concurrently inside EVERY NATION ON EARTH RIGHT NOW!

So remember now the second half of Q's post: we will light a fire to smoke them out.

So here's my theory.

Milley knows Nukes aren't on the table, but the devolution plan has to be utterly dispelled from the enemy. What better way than Trumps top general having a treasonous phone call, an unthinkable betrayal. Nancy bought it hook line and sinker. She brought a bow to MOAB fight. Fucking idiot.

As a result, Biden keeps him on. Who's in charge of Afghanistan? Was Milley part of Trumps Taliban negotiations? Of course. Who took the blame? Milley! Catching on? The Taliban knew as soon as America left, ISIS would destroy them. Since the plan was always to lose/sting the election, Trump told them exactly how it would unfold and it was exactly as it did. Yes, Trump gave them the tech via Milley to ensure Afghanistan doesn't remain a puppet CIA drug fund. That doesn't mean he's behind the bombing or Bidens war crime murder, you just can't control those things.

So after that we find out about the phone call. This is amazing because lefties just spent weeks defending Bidens big blunder, raise Milley as a Trump hating hero, and then get hit with a pretty big pill to swallow. Is the average lefty normies actually ok with Americans top generals warning an enemy about a first strike (as that gives the enemy the power to be the first strike against NY or CA!) Many honest lefties (you were one once, admit it!) will simply not accept it, and suddenly cast a suspicious eye at all the news defending TREASON.

The funny thing is Milley and his counterpart likely did this in the full knowledge of Trump and Xi. Hell, I bet they were in the room.

First thing Milley does is make the army gay as fuck. Woke as fuck. Why? Because 95% of these faggots are commies (light a fire). Next phase is vaccines. A crazy number of military LOVED Trump. At this point righties are the ones most likely to resist the jab. So, the best and smartest and most loyal military ARE GOING TO LEAVE.

Still with me?

Once all the voter fraud is unveiled, the Biden emails fully exposed, Fuck Joe Biden is officially the second American anthem, Wuhan is exposed beyond doubt, and at last devolution is unveiled.. Bidens military will be reduced to a drag queen brigade against a literal legion of militias all siding with the devolution Generals.

At this point Milley walks across the battlefield, shakes Trumps hand and throws on a MAGA hat.

Just a crazy theory, though.