Wdgrasham 4 points ago +4 / -0

I went to her Dr Office when i got me some Rona, and I felt like i had the flu. Did an EKG, Gave a vitamin B12 shot in the butt, breathing treatment, perscribed HCQ, Ivermectin, and Azithromiacine. Told me to take zinc and Vit C (already was). Took all meds on Monday night, and felt great when i woke up. 90% of flu symptoms were gone. took another week for mild symptoms to be gone. HCQ from their locally recommended pharmacy was $50 for 50 pills. they said if i go to CVS or similar and use insurance they will only allow/cover 7-14 pills. I used 17 pills, then my wife got CHyna-Virus from me and she used 15. Still have some left over.