Trump is already running. The Democrats have to whip up someone, and pretty fast. They are obviously dumping Biden. Otherwise, how did all the secret documents shit get out? It appears that they already know Heels Up is loser material. The Democrats showed off "their best" in the last Democrat primaries. The well is dry. They need new material.
Don't you think the globos miss the Obama days, when millions of naive Americans bought the hopey-changy thing and showed up for Obama rallies? I'll bet they want those glory days back, and are stupid enough to think that Big Mike will do that. Unfortunately, it won't be long before the normies figure out about his ding-dong. Hence, a partial reason for the trannie push. The other reason being, of course, the usual Satanic pedophile thing.
Who else can they possibly run?
Change my mind.
Anyone else heard about this? Any further sauce anyone knows about?
This has happened in Firefox. Everything was normal until a week or so ago. Then, when I clicked on a particular post, both the site and the browser would crash, with Firefox posting an error message. When I went back into GW, I was signed out. Heck, the site doesn't normally sign out that quick. Have the glowies found a new angle?
And yes, the posts that caused the shutdown were particularly spicy. The site and browser would shut down a second time when clicking on the same post.
EDIT: It just happened again. The "Mozilla Crash Reporter" says: "We're sorry. Firefox had a problem and crashed. We'll try to restore your tabs and windows when it restarts. To help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a crash report."
Of course, I declined that.
I was starting to read an interesting post about COVID and the military and how they got royally screwed.
EDIT: This crash never happens when I visit other sites.
The whole Twitter files thing took me by surprise, and almost certainly took Deep State by surprise, since they left all that evidence around on the servers. Where else have they left evidence? FaceBook? Google? Government servers maintained by Amazon and Microsoft?
Not that there were any surprises to a GW reader, but what I did find interesting was the hierarchy: The FBI was telling Twitter exactly what to do. They even had people WORKING there. Zuckerberg admitted that the same sort of thing was happening at FaceBook.
The red suppositories are necessary for the whole case to be judged in the court of public opinion first, before anything else happens. Congressional hearings would be next, and have been promised. We know that there are plenty of RINOs in there, but there will be a significant MAGA presence in 2023, larger than it is now. The evidence of that is how the Congressional crooks are putting through this outrageous spending bill right now REAL FAST. They would only do that if the situation were about to change.
Anything found out in Congressional hearings is legal evidence, which could be used by state law enforcement or for civil trials.
Elon has hinted at Twitter Files on COVID, but, as far as I know, hasn't released them yet. This would WAY hit home, since everyone except Deep State was screwed by COVID.
The RINOs are puppets who do their puppetmasters' bidding. Who knows, though, if they can also be controlled by white hats. The only way someone is this damn obedient is if they have committed crimes.
So, if RINOs can be controlled, then the House can be used to stop much or most bullshit government spending, which would devastate the Deep State apparatus. What if the House stops funding the FBI and CIA?
Also, could what happens in Arizona affect Masters and change the numbers in the Senate, especially with Sinema going independent? What if something changes with Heels Up as VP?
Not sure what Trump endorsing Kevin Cocaine Orgies McCarthy for Speaker of the House is about. The Speaker thing is an interesting wild card, especially when it comes to succession.
Also, I have noticed that several states seem to have actual honest governors and attorneys general. (Question: which people do you think fit this?) This past fall, doubts surfaced about DeSantis, but that may have been just theater to make the globalists ignore state law enforcement. Many of the globalists have violated state laws. Cheating on state income tax alone would indict many of them.
"United States" is supposed to be about states being the primary form of government, and the legal structure is still there.
Maybe "military is the only way" is a distraction to keep Deep State from looking at state law enforcement, which has none of the "military state" bad optics.
I'm just sorta "brainstorming" here. Your thoughts?
How did Musk become so rich anyway? Anyone look close at that?
The whole thing looks to me like a brilliant move, much better than the sudden "military tribunals" idea or Trump doing the declassifying.
Elon Musk is a crazy man who nobody really understood. Let that "sink" in. Wokes bought his stupid electric cars. He said and did widely varying stuff. Maybe he was an extreme white hat playing a role. It sure looks like it right now.
So what else is in the Twitter files? If the globos blatantly handled their election interference this way, maybe it is only the beginning. What is in the DMs? What else was coordinated this way? Although this is certainly plenty enough already.
Then, you may ask, after the wrongdoing is revealed, how is anything enforced, with the federal government run by crooks?
Well, the lack of total control of Congress by crooks in January may play a role. But more important, I think, is that the crooks have violated a huge number of laws, on all levels -- federal, state, and local. Think about that. Hell, Cankles probably violates the entire criminal code every day before she eats breakfast.
The founders of the country set up a system with three levels and three branches of government to make it difficult for someone to centrally control the country.
So, there appears to me to be several honest state governments in place. Your opinion on which ones? The DeSantis controversy will continue, but there are many other possible white hats.
We are always assuming that the bad guys have to be arrested for violating federal laws, such as treason. Who the hell cares why they are locked up, as long as they are locked up? How many state and local laws have they violated? What stops state attorneys general and local sheriffs from hunting them down? Especially with all the evidence just lying there on Twitter, if Elon keeps releasing more and more dirt. Hell, just state income tax cheating alone...
Of course, there are many corrupt state governments, but an honest one can lock up out-of-staters for violations.
Also, keep in mind that the military in Russia and the military in Brazil are playing major roles, and this whole thing is global.
And, if we are confused about what is about to happen, imagine how the crooks feel. They won't be able to walk the streets. That is because it is too hard to walk and shit your pants at the same time.
I have searched around and called around, and found what I think is the best way to get Apple to get the Go Woke, Go Broke thing. I have found in the past that being a citizen journalist, who says he or she often posts online, works well. The media relations staff generally is much more tightly connected with management than the average schmuck answering a customer service call.
Here is the media contact info that was buried deep in the web site.
Apple Media Helpline
(408) 974-2042 [email protected]
I see a lot online about a boycott, and you might want to mention that.
Maybe assisting a dictatorship beating people and burning them to death is not such a good idea...
Where we go one, we go all. Support the Patriots in China.
In case you needed more motivation to keep fighting the evil ones...
EDIT: Lots of deleting going on below by the mods. I wondering who is trolling. Is that you, Cankles?
I just contacted them, and they are not yet hearing from Patriots about how the company is helping the Chinese dictatorship by dropping the app that the protesters use for coordination. Also, Apple is threatening to drop Twitter from the Apple Store because the company believes in censorship, not free speech.
Go woke, go broke. Call and chat with the main company, and contact the Apple stores. Mention a pending boycott. Make it so these assholes can't walk the street. Spread the word. You guys are really good at that.
And, most important, look at Linux for your next computer, and a Musk phone if that happens ("Musk phone" sorta works, doesn't it?). I hope to hell Elon makes a phone. Any suggestions on hardware for a machine with Linux OS?
Send Apple on the downward spiral now enjoyed by Disney, Netflix, FaceBook, and Amazon. And don't forget Bed, Bath, and Beyond when they dropped My Pillow. You Patriots are kicking ass! Now it's time for Apple.
Grow a set, and get organized.
And remember that there are multiple battle fronts. There is the economy battlefront (WITHDRAW from their crooked economy) and the school battlefront (WITHDRAW from their crooked schools) and much more.
Your input is welcome. This is a theory in progress.
The Globos have been around a long time, and have been planning a total world dictatorship, including a permanent lockdown.
For many years, life seemed pretty normal to most of us. We didn't understand how we spent most of our waking hours making the Globos rich and powerful. We believed what the three networks said. If Walter Cronkite said it, it must be true.
The internet came along, and suddenly there was a freedom of the press that wasn't there before. The Globos weren't really aware of this until 2016.
Trump and others knew about the ever-creeping dictatorship and created a counter plan. They made sure that Trump got into office the first time despite voter fraud.
The Globos tried to shut down freedom of the press on the internet, but they were only partially successful. They were trying to catch a horse that was already out of the corral.
Trump totally flipped out the Globos, and they went after him, revealing themselves as the creator of Fake News, bioweapons, and so much more.
The Globos sped up their dictatorship plan, including messing with kids' minds with the trans thing, and creating chaos with massive crime and a screwed-up economy. However, that plan backfired, because it was too quick and too obvious and too stupid.
BUT the Globos had a Plan B: The RINOs. They could put the RINOs "in charge," and return things to "normal," so regular people would ignore once again that they spend most of their waking hours making the Globos rich and powerful. Back to Walter Cronkite.
SO, they spread a rumor about the big "Red Wave" coming, so that the MAGA crowd would get their hopes up.
THEN, after the "election," they spread, very quickly, and check out the exact quotes from the RINOs, the narrative that there was no red wave because of, check this, Donald Trump. So we would get on our knees to Cheney, Ryan, Romney, etc. and beg forgiveness and plead for the RINOS to take over the party and the country.
BUT THE FACTS STOOD IN THEIR WAY. 95% of Trump's endorsed candidates won. The races for the House and Senate aren't settled yet. Arizona isn't settled yet.
Go look at the bullshit they are spreading right now on Fox News and Breitbart.
They promote DeSantis as the new Republican leader. Whether DeSantis is MAGA or RINO I don't know, but I lean MAGA because he has great management skills, and Globo puppets can barely tie their shoes. DeSantis may be playing along with the whole thing, and he and Trump are laughing like shit.
The RINOs ignore the fact that Trump had launched a new social media, TruthSocial, that is well established now, and can tell people the truth.
The voter fraud is horrendous. Any MAGA wins are truly amazing.
Also, the RINOs know where the MAGA sites are, and send trolls out in large quantities with the narrative "Trump ruined the red wave. Boo-hoo." I remember a mod saying it happened here all of a sudden, no doubt because we are the Cool Kids.
And then, this morning, we couldn't get into the site. Wonder why?
Their problem is that they are too obvious. And pulling Paul Ryan out of the freezer was way stupid.
What is Trump's announcement going to be? Maybe what I have outlined here. Maybe something else.
What think you?
“174 wins and 9 losses, A GREAT EVENING, and the Fake News Media, together with their partner in crime, the Democrats, are doing everything possible to play it down. Amazing job by some really fantastic candidates!” Trump wrote.
"ARIZONA UPDATE: Kari Lake Within 1% Of Katie Hobbs – Republicans Are Coming Back"
Georgia Senate seat is still up for grabs:
Why is Fake News spinning this as a massive loss for Republicans?
Trump Derangement Syndrome. They want to get rid of Trump so they can return the party to RINOhood.
According to Faux News:
"Republicans on Wednesday are struggling to make sense of lackluster election returns after months of predictions about a 'red wave,' while finger-pointing and questions about the party's future abound.
"The blame game is already erupting between the pro-Trump and anti-Trump wings of the party. Other Republicans, meanwhile, say they're simply confused about what happened at the ballot box."
Could the "red wave" thing have been something the globos created to mess with us, so we wouldn't be happy with many good wins?
Look at what the RINOs say:
Megan "No Name" McCain: “This will go down as a giant warning sign and, hopefully, a convincing argument against the delusion that President Donald Trump is the future of the GOP,” John McCain’s bitter daughter wrote. “Too many Republicans lost in an unloseable election last night, and they have no one to blame but themselves.”
Lyndsey Graham: “Definitely not a Republican wave, that is for darn sure."
Fetterman is NOT a loss. I don't know why Trump endorsed Oz, probably just strategic, but the guy is major RINO. He conceded RIGHT AWAY, even with massive evidence of voter fraud, and made one of those touchy feely RINO statements:
"This morning I called John Fetterman and congratulated him. I wish him and his family all the best, both personally and as our next United States Senator," Oz wrote in a statement. "Campaigning throughout our great Commonwealth was the honor of a lifetime, and I will cherish the memories and the people I met. Pennsylvanians showed up with passion and a vision for a bright future that I found inspiring every day. I want to thank my supporters, so many of whom worked tirelessly to spread our message and support me and my family."
"We are facing big problems as a country and we need everyone to put down their partisan swords and focus on getting the job done. With bold leadership that brings people together, we can create real change. As a Doctor, I always do my best to help others heal. That's why I ran for Senate. I hope we begin the healing process as a nation soon," he added.
Healing process????
Of course, Fetterman is brain damaged, but what difference does that make with a Democrat?
This was a PLAN to discourage the Trump supporters. Don't fall for it! Beware of the RINOs!
Apologize for the Fake News link:
Youngkin was always a bit fishy. He appears to be doing the "right things," but his political campaign in Virginia was cut off from people outside the clique. They only wanted door-knocking volunteers, according to Republican volunteers in Virginia.
DeSantis might not have immediately told the "megadonors" to take a flying leap, which would explain Trump assigning him a nickname.
Even after a red wave, Pedes, be on super alert. The enemy might be just getting more tricky.
Anyone have further information on subtle RINO fuckery?
GLOWIES! Feast your eyes on this one:
People have been so brainwashed that they don't even READ this document and realize that most of the U.S. government is ILLEGAL and can be shut down by Congress by simply not funding the illegal agencies.
From Article I:
"Section. 8.
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
"To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
"To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
"To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
"To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
"To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
"To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
"To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
"To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
"To provide and maintain a Navy;
"To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
"To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;—And
"To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. "
This later is followed up by the 10th amendment:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The federal government, by law, can ONLY carry out those functions listed in Section 8. Any other functions are clearly illegal. In other words, most of the federal government is illegal and needs to be shut down. This can be done quickly and easily by simply not funding them. No law needs to be passed. It already IS the law.
Let's look at the functions that require funding by the taxpayers:
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;" Providing a currency should not be a high dollar item in the budget. Of course, we have a serious fucked up currency, but that is a separate issue.
"To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;" Also not a high-dollar item. A small, contained law enforcement function.
"To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;" I am not sure what this means. Anyone?
The rest of the functions have to do with national defense, but ONLY national defense. After all, the first part says "provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." NOT South Korea. NOT Germany. The military is ONLY for the defense of the country of the United States. That means stopping invasions at all borders and keeping anything from flying in out of the air. That's it. ALL ELSE IS ILLEGAL. In fact, the protection from invasion is explicit. Article IV, Section 4 says the federal government "shall protect each of them [states] against Invasion." So, lack of protection is also illegal.
These functions on the list should be paid for by fees:
Regulate commerce with foreign nations and between states
Someone becoming a citizen
Post offices
And where is that cool-sounding militia, anyhow?
Think about this, Patriots. This all means that the following federal agencies are illegal and should not be funded:
Most of the Department of Defense
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce, except for patents and international trade
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services (Goodbye Fauci and CDC!)
Department of Homeland Security (law enforcement needs to happen on a state level)
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of the Interior (the land needs to be turned over to the states)
Department of Justice (This needs to be turned over to the states. No loss. They are just crooked glowies anyway.)
Department of Labor
Much of the Department of State (Some international relations stuff, but minor)
Department of Transportation (needs to be handled by the states)
Much of Department of the Treasury (a much more limited role, with a dinky little tax to collect and dealing with currency)
Arts & cultural agencies (down the toilet)
Museum agencies
Commerce & technology agencies
Human service & community development agencies
Law & justice agencies
And you think we will ONLY save the money from not having those federal employees and buildings? No, boys and girls, you don't see the big picture.
"In fiscal year 2020, the federal government spent more than $665 billion on contracts"
Government contracting is the great scam of the century. You might say that COVID is the great scam of the century, but COVID is PART of government contracting. Also those biolabs and everything else. Most of it is for the agencies and functions that are illegal to begin with. With the contracts that are for legal purposes, the money is grossly mismanaged. There are layers of contractors and subcontractors and projects drawn out for years that should take two weeks. This is NORMAL. Ask anyone who has worked on a government contract.
And the globos, including members of Congress, OWN STOCK in these government contractors.
The globos are scared of a Red Tsunami for two reasons: Many know they will probably go to prison. Even those who have not technically broken a law (beyond the Constitution) know that their gravy train is about to be cut off.
So, who makes sure that Republicans in Congress follow this plan to Defund the Feds?
We do.
We are MILLIONS. If we can win this election, we can put constant heat on the members of Congress to make the United States legal.
A big win will have the RINOs shaking in their boots. They have no supporters. I am around grassroots Republicans on a regular basis, and they are all MAGA.
Oh, and also term limits, maybe one term for senators and two for reps. No benefits, no retirement. It's a TEMP job. Slash the staff budgets. With a limited government there's far less work to do.
Are you with me, Patriots?
We Are The Plan
Well, let's look at the family business. According to Gateway Pundit (
"Taub is in prison for attempting to abduct a 14 year old boy. She was a well-known nudist activist in San Francisco. She claimed that she was David’s “ex life partner” has known him for more than 20 years. Together, up until 7 years ago, they raised their two sons and her daughter."
Abducting a 14 year old boy...
How about this scenario: Captain Underpants bullshits a kid, maybe a boy, into coming with him to visit his famous friend, Get Hammered. The kid figures out at some point that something is way wrong, and finds an impromptu weapon. When the two perverts are down to their underwear, they get surprised by a hammer-wielding dynamo. Pelosi goes down easy, being an old drunk. Captain Underpants is somewhat hurt, mostly because he wasn't expecting anything. The kid gets away and calls 911. (WHY aren't we hearing the 911 call?) Then he gets the hell out. Even law enforcement is acknowledging a third person was there, but keeping real quiet about who it was.
Everything fits: Captain Underpants in the secured building. Both men are injured. Complete cover-up.
This really seems like kid diddling gone bad. That is the only thing that would justify the extreme cover-up.
Change my mind.
EDIT: This post just reached 17 comments.
I had been wondering for some time how all the Deep State stuff is coordinated. There have been many reports on this site of how exactly the same stories show up on all the Fake News outlets. How EXACTLY does that happen?
Democrats are really amazing at voter fraud. They have turned it into an art form. But how EXACTLY do they coordinate the effort? All the pieces -- ballot dumps, voting machine fuckery, etc. HAS to be centrally coordinated in order to work. What is the mechanism for doing this?
And crooked politicians are everywhere -- local, state, and federal government. They are kept under control. How does this work?
There would need to be a large-scale web-based system with communications and task management. Such a system probably would not be deep in the background. It would work better if it were something out in the open, so no one would go searching for it.
Could it have been Twitter, including its direct messaging?
Twitter was already a Fake News outlet, and hired major wokes at major salaries. What a perfect place for a Central Woke Machine? (kinda like "coke machine")
Enter Elon Musk as the Wild Card. We didn't know quite what to make of him. But that meant that Deep State didn't know what to make of him either. He farts around with the actual purchase until early voting gets going and then BOOM! Gone are the Wokes. His people are going in looking at the code. What's next, I don't know. But the movie sure got yet more interesting.
Did their Woke Machine get shut down right when they needed it, with no time to replace it?
And then, this Paul Pelosi thing and the Homo with the Hammer (thank a GW member for that one). I think that was an accidental bonus. I don't see how white hats could have set that up. But, if anyone needed more evidence that Democrats are degenerates...
What are your thoughts on this, especially on the Woke Machine concept?
Anyone know what happened?
Just when you thought things could not get more absurd, they do.
And yes, the homeowner needs to work on his aim.
Sorry it's Faux News:
I was too lazy to look harder for the story.
But wouldn't it be great? Live streaming. Drunk, weaving Pelosi lifts up a fragile fist and tries to hit Trump. If she actually succeeds, would Trump even feel it? Would he start doing that dance thing he does?
I wrote a post earlier about a child trafficking ring that has been exposed. A Democrat operative recruits supposed "trans and gay" children by encouraging them to run away from home and be under the care of a "queer friendly" guardian. This is paid for by the Democrat party.
My earlier article:
The article published by Luke Rosiak:
Luke Rosiak was the one who broke the story about rapes by a "trans" in Loudoun County Schools.
The information has been turned over to Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, who has been actually enforcing laws since taking office in January. That is a weird and new thing in Virginia.
It has not been turned over to local law enforcement because they are controlled, for instance, in Fairfax County by a Soros prosecutor.
Videos are available at the following link (sorry about the Google link. That's what the undercover person used):
These zoom session videos at first do not seem incriminating, but they show the bearded pedo guy luring children to his cause. He is in a zoom call with children, and seems totally reasonable, persuading them they are part of a political cause, which included the walkout of 12,000 high school students to protest Governor Youngkin's new policy that parents need to know everything about their children, including anything "trans." You actually see him grooming. It is very subtle and very scary. He is carefully messing with these young people's minds.
Thanks for your research in the comments to the previous article. I will forward it to the right people. Also feel free to forward anything to the Virginia Attorney General.
What is needed right now is getting out the link to the Rosiak article in a massive way, so the parents in Northern Virginia know about this and watch their kids more closely. So far, it does not look like any kid has disappeared. We need to move fast so it doesn't happen.
Also, any research is appreciated, as this just opened up yesterday because of an undercover person.
I do point out that this could be the last nail in the Democrat coffin, but we need to concentrate on the safety of the kids.
Stay strong!
The Wokes are going to cover this up, and most media in Northern Virginia is Fake News. But you are the news.
A group called the Pride Liberation Project organized a walk-out of 12,000 high schoolers in Northern Virginia in protest of Governor Youngkin's new policy of parents being in charge with the "trans" issue. ( His draft policy also includes "sports that are separated by sex will be separated by biological sex."
The walkout created quite a stir. But what was really behind the Pride Liberation Project has just come out today.
They are a child trafficking ring who are manipulating children who think they are trans or gay into running away from their parents and placed with new “Queer friendly” guardians. They will DISAPPEAR from their parents. They are being groomed right now.
The plan is for the children to be coerced and kidnapped into child trafficking rings. The one running this shit show is "Aaryan Rawal, a college student who worked for a Virginia Democrat state lawmaker."
The Daily Wire has internal communications proving all this, including an internal message board and video.
"The group, which raises money using the Democrat platform ActBlue, said it can also provide significant money to youth who want to leave their parents. 'We can pay for Ubers, Lyfts, and other passes if you need to leave immediately. Some students or adults may also be able to come get you individually,' Rawal wrote."
ActBlue? What a surprise, huh?
YOU CAN STOP THIS. You are the news. Spread this information everywhere. It is not clear yet whether any children have been coerced into disappearing yet. YOU CAN PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING. If people know about this, especially parents, it is way less likely to happen.
The author, Luke Rosiak, is the person who first published the article about the rapes in Loudoun County, VA schools. That article circulated on the national independent press (which you are), and people in Northern Virginia all heard about it. Let's do it again.
I love you guys. I know you will come through.
I have heard this most about Republican parties in densely populated areas. Some people have attended meetings, finding out that the board members wouldn't know an HTML code if it bit them in the butt, and moving on. But this is a problem! We have to beat the Democrats big everywhere at every level! (And the RINOs too. Turtle can kiss my butt.)
I have heard this crowd running some local Republican parties referred to as "Fox News Republicans" and they tend to be over 50. Sometimes WAY over 50. Not that that's a problem in itself, but I suspect the computer illiteracy problem increases with age some.
How many political campaigns have been run with door knocking via a mobile and an app like Campaign Sidekick, so that Android and Apple and the FBI can track Trump supporters? Hmmm, what could go wrong with that? ESPECIALLY if the volunteer is way over 50.
Also, leaving aside technology, there seems to be no sense of organizing tasks for a project, with databases or with paper.
Your input would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea how widespread this problem is.