
"Voters in California, New Jersey, South Dakota, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, and New Mexico are selecting their GOP and Democrat nominees in several primaries on Tuesday as the signs of a red wave continue to brew off both coasts.

"The mostly western states voting on Tuesday have several battles on the line, as Golden State voters in particular select nominees in many competitive primaries – and the first Republican who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, in his second impeachment, is standing for reelection and will have to face the voters again. The fate of Rep. David Valadao (R-CA), who has a primary challenger, as well as the fates of several other establishment-aligned Republicans in California as well as in other states like Mississippi and South Dakota, will be decided Tuesday. The mayor’s race in Los Angeles is also interesting and could signal an even further leftward lurch of the Democrat party.

"In other places, like New Jersey and Iowa, voters will select GOP nominees to take on vulnerable incumbent Democrats like Rep. Cindy Axne (D-IA) in Iowa’s third district and Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) in New Jersey’s seventh district.

"In South Dakota, GOP Gov. Kristi Noem looks to make her reelection effort official as she aims to become the GOP nominee again in Tuesday’s primary election.

"Trump, meanwhile, again has many endorsements on the line across several of these states – and should fare a lot better than he did a couple of weeks ago in Georgia. Many of Trump’s picks are doing much better in these states, and after the establishment media whipped out their obituary pens for Trump’s political power, many may have to begin reconsidering that narrative starting on Tuesday and continuing through June into July and August."

NOTE: I don't 100% trust Breitbart. They have not been covering the voter fraud. But many of their articles seem legit.

This is the time for action. Fight for the MAGA candidates, if primaries are still going on in your state. And fight for the MAGA candidates who have already won the nomination (There are a lot of them). Spread the word, door knock, do everything possible.

These primaries are the REAL election, between freedom and dictatorship. Voter fraud doesn't work as well for them as it used to since we are so aware of it, and more states have laws in place now.

And keep fighting for election integrity laws. Volunteer to be a poll watcher, election official, or poll greeter.

This is our Normandy.



"Mark Middleton, Bill Clinton’s special advisor from Little Rock, Arkansas who connected the former president to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died at the age of 59 in early May.

"At first, no details of Middleton’s death were disclosed, however, the case was blown wide open after a FOIA request by Radar Online revealed the former advisor was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest.

"Mr. Middleton was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest and an extension cord wrapped around his neck 30 miles from his Arkansas ranch."

Oh, and this is supposed to be a suicide. I shit you not.

EDIT: The comments got really good on this one.



"Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. was photographed smiling next to a distressed 6-year old girl, and Paul Pelosi Jr. stands accused of making the girl distressed by physically touching her. An eyewitness to the scene told NATIONAL FILE that Paul Pelosi Jr. was “yanking” the 6-year old’s body, “causing her to cry, while Paul enjoys it.” The girl is the daughter of Karena Feng, Paul Pelosi Junior’s ex-girlfriend who is now running for Congress in California’s Ninth Congressional District. Paul Pelosi Jr. fraudulently got Karena Feng’s children taken away by Child Protective Services (CPS), as this article below proves. This photograph below was exclusively obtained by NATIONAL FILE showing a scene from the incident, which multiple witnesses said they observed."

"As I reported for Big League Politics: Karena Feng, a female victim of the Pelosi family’s mob-style targeting and intimidation tactics, announced on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley on Patriots Soapbox that she is running for U.S. Congress in California’s Ninth District as part of her campaign to reform the broken Child Protective Services (CPS) system, which vindictively seizes children from parents and extorts them for visitation. Feng is also running for office because she believes it might help get her own children back from the clutches of the state. "


Either the glowies have taken over GW big time, or you are letting the globohomos rule your minds.

Here is a yes or no question for you: When George Washington and his army lost bigly when trying to save New York City from the Brits, did they give up and run home crying?

You doomers have the strategic thinking ability of a damn rock.

Midterms, midterms, midterms, people. Don't expect a corrupt system to investigate and fix itself.

But remember, that corrupt system does not control everything. We were given a Constitutional republic, with three levels, and three branches at state and federal level. It's like that for a reason. It is impossible for globohomos to totally control without declaring an all-out dictatorship. The Biden administration tried that dictatorship thing with a Ministry of Truth, but the outcry ended it in a few weeks. Why?

The globohomos don't have any way to enforce an in-your-face dictatorship in the United States. They "control" the military and police. But most military and police are good people who aren't going to go along with the dictatorship thing.

Midterms, midterms, midterms.

Help with the MAGA versus RINO war going on right now. Get ready for the general election. Volunteer to work for MAGA candidates, and to be a poll watcher.

Very important: KEEP YOUR MONEY FROM GOING TO GLOBOHOMOS! Look what happens when Netflix, Disney, etc. start sinking. Make them all sink.

Go prepper.

DO NOT LET THE ASSHOLES CONTROL YOUR MIND!!!! If you are depressed or scared, you are letting them control you. Dooming is exactly what they want you to do.

Love life! Believe in the beautiful. And eat fresh strawberries from your garden.

Fuck 'em.


Good job, pedes!

First, Target starts selling tranny-wear in its stores:


Then this happens:


Target sells basic household goods and food, yet "Target's margin shortfall is 'more dramatic' than what Walmart reported Tuesday," This is, of course, in addition to the company's trannies-in-the-bathrooms policy from a while back. The zerohedge article lists other reasons for Target going down the toilet, but my bullshit meter is going off on those.

Coincidence? Nah, it's you guys. Fess up.


Just messin' with ya with that "clickbait" thing.

To understand voter fraud, you need to see it from the other side, from the point of view of the assholes carrying it out. It is a very complex operation, dependent on a certain factor.

The human factor. Their voter fraud scheme DEPENDS on Mules of different kinds. The top globohomos don't do any actual work themselves. They are too busy sucking down adrenochrome. Their puppets, the politicians, don't do any actual work themselves either. They are also too busy sucking down adrenochrome (and more, such as Kevin McCarthy and his cocaine orgies).

They COMPLETELY DEPEND on low-level Mules to carry out the fraud, and will need DEPENDS if they don't have them.

D'Souza just cut off their supply of one species of Mule.

Those Mules had no idea they were being tracked via their phones, or video-recorded. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawers. It is obvious now, even to these negative IQ people, that they can be easily caught, and made the fall guys while their "superiors" walk away scot-free.

Who is going to be a Mule now?

And RIGHT NOW is when the Mule operation would need to start being planned.

There is also another kind of Mule, and that supply is being cut off too. I have not read anything on this board about the other type of Mule.

The main method of voter fraud is through the voting machines. But those machines are supposedly "secure." Look at how much one of the voting machine vendors boasted about its "security": https://www.essvote.com/feature/security/

That means that the globohomo needs another kind of Mule: the IT Mule. To be able to maneuver fake results out of those machines requires programming skills, web server skills, and skills regarding the internet connection that supposedly doesn't exist, whether Wi-Fi or mobile. Handling that requires skills that globohomos and the Antifa crowd don't have. With these kinds of skills, this crowd is dumb as rocks. As I recall, they couldn't even fake the records of the Russia hoax in a believable fashion. I didn't bother to check details. I KNOW they can't.

Now, let's look at IT skills and how they are used in the DC Metro Swamp area. Plus recent history.

People with these skills are hired through government contractors, typically through a site like this: https://clearedjobs.net/q-Software-jobs.html or through idiot recruiters. Nowhere in the job description does it state that the employee will be working for Satanic pedophiles. They somehow leave that out. So THOUSANDS of innocent people have applied for and gotten these jobs.

At some point, they often find out that they are working for Satanic pedophiles, or, at least, assholes of some kind or another. But what can they do? They can report the "waste, fraud, and abuse" to the Inspector General's office for that particular agency. But an Inspector General's office is like a roach motel. Complaints go in but they don't come out. They can simply move on, which is what most of them do. However, in the meantime, those programmers/web designers/server maintainers see EVERYTHING that is going on.

Think about that hard. IT people, as a group, know EVERYTHING. Because EVERYTHING is dependent on web technology, and someone had to set that up. And it was NOT a globohomo or Antifa.

The bold murder of Seth Rich had a very specific purpose. It was a clear message that any insider will get wacked if they open their mouth. The IT folks around DC understood the message quite well and kept their mouths shut in open air kind of places.

Before this, many IT people were very naive, were focused on their little piece of the pie, and didn't understand the big picture, just like most people in our society didn't understand before 2016.

But then they did. It's real hard to ignore 2016 and forward.

So, hmmm, going to be a little hard finding the IT Mules to rig that election, isn't it? Maybe paying a whole ton of money would work, but these are people who make a whole ton of money doing honest work, and are, in general, honest people.

Remember, MOST people are honest people. 2000 Mules showed just one type of voter fraud. Think about this: The overwhelming majority of the U.S. population voted for Trump. We are not "divided in two." There are no "Blue Areas." There are not huge numbers of Wokes wandering around, only small numbers greatly inflated in importance by Fake News, which almost no one watches anymore. And no one is more clueless about how web technology works than Wokes/Antifas, so they are useless here as IT Mules.

One other note: IT people are generally honest, but the owners of the government contractors they work for are NOT. BIGLY. This IS the swamp. They are stealing billions in taxpayers' money in many many ways and this is largely ignored. Individual employees are not that aware of it, at least until recently. Think about this: The biolabs in Ukraine are run by government contractors. The voting machines are run by government contractors. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Just start looking at those NGOs (government contractors) getting money from USAID... And more, so much more.

More food for thought: If you were working for government IT contractors, or had in the past, were frustrated by what you witnessed but could do nothing openly about it, what would you do?

Would you participate in, maybe even set up, the many boards like this?


FecesBook and Google make their money from selling ads. It's their business model: spy on the people using their sites for "free," and sell that personal data to advertisers who "target" their advertising to the naive chumps using FecesBook and Google.

And then, of course, the advertisers are being scammed by paying for access to bots instead of people, which is another story, but one maybe about to come out via the Elon and Twitter thing. It would be just one more step for advertisers to start looking closer at those "visitor" numbers.

So, what if Trump, and maybe Twitter, started dominating online advertising with ads from American manufacturers and service businesses, practical real stuff instead of bullshit. And did it in a way that didn't spy on anyone, basic stuff that everyone needs.

Honest, in-country businesses would boom with such easy, effective access to customers.

FecesBook and Google, who are already in trouble, would be wiped out.

Follow the money. It's the advertisers. Trump gets them, and game over for those two tech tyrants. Game is already over for Twitter.

And then no one uses FecesBook and Google. They follow Disney and CNN into the compost pile.

Do you think Trump would not have thought of this?


That is all.

EDIT: Boy, did this get lively. And we have a new term here: "Mom shaming."

Interesting how all these people interpret the question in the title their own way, one that has nothing to do with this simple question, nor its intent.

Is all the formula sold for babies whose mothers can't breastfeed? No. Has baby formula been around the 150,000 years that Homo sapiens has been around? No. There's a fundamental problem here.

We humans need to be free. Free from large corporations. Free from government. If babies are dependent on large corporations and "supply chains," there is something seriously wrong.

The globalists created a fake "women's rights" movement to get women out of the home into fake careers so they could control and tax them. It is at that point that so many children stopped being breastfed. For 150,000 years it was totally normal for mothers to breastfeed their babies, then suddenly not? Seriously question this.

So then a manufactured shortage of baby formula causes complete chaos.

You are being manipulated, folks.

Some mothers physically cannot breastfeed. Is the answer to that to make those mothers dependent on corporate supply chains? Isn't there a better way to handle this? Shouldn't this be something produced on a household or local level?

Lots of the discussion below sounds like a pack of Wokes. It is based on emotion, not logical thought. Playing victim is never the answer. Finding practical, local solutions not dependent on the globalists is.

Here is a quote from the comments: "It's pretty easy for a man or non-mother woman to talk about breasts." Why does this writer assume that's who is writing this post? And "Mom shaming"?


That is all.


This was so good I had to share it right away:


"Netflix began layoffs on Thursday, just days after its stock plummeted."

"The belt tightening appears to have started at Netflix: A number of journalists working for the company’s entertainment site Tudum have been laid off, according to tweets by those affected."

Big grin on MY face. What about you?


"Harris County, Texas – Two of Judge Lina Hidalgo’s staffers were indicted this week after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies."


And the Lieutenant Governor of New York was arrested:


"Authorities arrested New York Democratic Lieutenant Governor Brian Benjamin on Tuesday morning on campaign finance-related federal charges, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News 4."

That's no small potatoes.

I've seen multiple reports of pedophiles being arrested. Here is one:


"Law enforcement arrested biology teacher Anessa Paige Gower, 35, at Sacramento International Airport on April 6 as she was returning to California from Hawaii. She was subsequently transported to the Martinez Detention Facility, where she is currently in custody. Gower’s bail has been set at almost $2 million.

The Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office (CCDA) filed 29 individual criminal counts against Gower on April 8, two days after her arrest. The charges filed in the Contra Costa County Superior Court alleged that she engaged in “numerous acts of a sexual nature with minors” between 2021 and 2022. The identities of the seven students victimized by Gower were withheld as they were all minors."

We had plenty of evidence for years of fuckery. What we didn't have were arrests. Until, apparently, now.

Keep it going. Get involved in your local Republican Party. Keep it RINO-free. Start pounding the local and state governments on every thing they do so the wokes all want to quit, like is happening in Congress. Remember that elections are run on the local and state level. Work on MAGA Congressional campaigns. Primary out the RINOs.

It's show time, folks.

We Are The Plan.


I tried a couple times and got in.



"On Thursday morning, footage of a bizarre cloud formation over Alaska's Lazy Mountain sparked a tweetstorm as people searched for answers."

If this is their next false flag, they get bonus points for imagination.


That is all.

EDIT: According to another post, it is best to use lower case for disney. I will henceforth use it. (Is "henceforth" a real word? Hmmm....)


Supposedly Russia killed a bunch of civilians in Ukraine and left bodies lying around. Oh well on that one.


Two times that the "corpses" move around.

Deep State can't even get good actors nowadays, who hold still when they are supposed to be dead.


Beach pictures of Hunter Biden's "wife."


I'd say "she" gives Big Mike a run for the money.


Take a look: https://www.breitbart.com/

They also did not cover the voter fraud, although a few articles have snuck in lately. They did not cover the Maxwell trial.

Although many of their articles seem well written and accurate, it's a matter of what they DON'T cover.


I really just had to share that one.


I just hear about waiting lists and that it's iPhone-only. I don't hear anything about content.


I really, in general, don't like the dynasty thing. On the other hand, one deals with the hand that is dealt, especially when fighting a world dictatorship.

Check out Junior: https://twitter.com/donaldjtrumpjr

And his recent quote about the biolabs in Ukraine that went, shall we say it, viral: "Well that went from conspiracy theory to senate testimony in about 6 days… It used to take six months to go from conspiracy theory to fact."

Inneresting, no?

Also insurance, since Trump Sr. is getting up there, although he certainly seems strong and healthy.


Visa and Mastercard are shut down in Russia, but there is already an alternative set up (Putin the planner at work). Apple and Google gone. Fake News packed up and left. FaceBook gone. Deep State thinks they are punishing Russia. They are actually FREEING Russia.

This is the first time this has happened. Let's watch carefully. This is our future.

Deep State is making yet another big mistake in educating all of us about what a country is like without them.

Will workweeks be cut in half because of people no longer being exploited? Will people spend much more time with their families and growing their own food? Will they own assets instead of being assets?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Sticky pretty pretty please.

It is out in the open now, not just us speculating on the boards.


Here is a quote:

Vernon Jones: “When we take Congress in 2022 I will be nominating and voting for Donald Trump to be the Speaker. And once the Senate confirms impeachment and throws out Kamala Harris and Joe Biden then President Trump will be the President of the United States.”

So, we make Red Tsunami happen, which is entirely feasible, since we already know and are taking measures against the voter fraud and are recruiting great honest candidates (Keep on RINO alert, though). The Speaker of the House apparently does not need to be a member of Congress. Trump is made Speaker and starts the impeachment of Brandon. It moves to the Senate for trial, and Biden is kicked out, although he will have no idea what is going on as long as he has his ice cream. All dirt comes out about Biden corruption in a format that cannot be ignored even by Fake News. Kamala is in, and immediately impeached, has a Senate trial, and is kicked out. No problemo finding dirt on Heels Up.

And Trump is then President. This plan has now been STATED by a Congressional candidate in the know.

See my earlier related post:


Maybe some of us had some doubt about there being a plan, but the recent events seem WAY scripted. Plus there's Trump getting very lively of late. Could this be The Plan?

Show, not tell, via COVID, Joe Biden being a dumb ass, and the like, what is really going on.

A Red Tsunami roars in this fall with MAGA folks instead of RINOs getting into Congress. Even the Democrats see this coming, although it actually depends on what WE THE PEOPLE do right now.

Nadler shits his pants. (Just wanted to throw that in.)

Congress starts getting rid of any federal agency not specified in the Constitution, which is most of them, with the budget and other means. 10th amendment actually goes into effect. Plus they fix voter fraud. And they shut down the CIA and sell the Langley headquarters for use as condos. Getting rid of the Fed and the income tax would be sweet too, and involves repealing amendments. We get an actually honest DOJ and FBI (I know, hard to imagine.)

Trump is made Speaker of the House (I understand the speaker does not have to be a member of Congress).

The MAGA House does the impeachment thing. Evidence comes out in a huge way that even the normies can't ignore.

The MAGA Senate has a trial and convicts Biden of 1) Being a Chinese Spy, 2) Being corrupted as hell, 3) Being involved in the COVID bioweapon fuckery, and 4) Being a dumb ass. He is kicked out.

Heels Up is president, but then immediately impeached and put on trial. Finding dirt on Heels Up should not be a great challenge. She is kicked out.

Speaker of the House becomes President, who is...

Nadler shits his pants again, because Deep State is in Deep Shit.

We build more prisons to house all the crooks.

Doesn't everything seem to be lining up this way?


This seems like the next step in the Reveal All to the Normies game, which seems to be, at this point:

Even normies, except the unusually stupid ones, figure out that Covid is a scam. The sickness is a cold, vaccines don't work or even lessen symptoms, and masks don't work. Meaning, then, that the world is run by a small group of assholes.

Durham reveals the in-depth evidence of Cankles & Co.'s attempted coup, which would increase even with normies the acceptance that voter fraud happened in 2020.

Trump Social and his associated media company opens up, revealing the hell out of everything in an easy-to-digest manner.

The wildest fight for Congress ever seen breaks loose, especially to get rid of the crooks on the Intel committees, who allow the corruption to happen (this based on the article on Conservative Treehouse).

Your never-but-so-humble opinions, please.

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