I hate having to post this but I feel it is necessary.

Let me preface this first by saying the mods on this site do an overall great job for this community. Moderators are important in keeping content, both posts and interactive comments, relevant to the site, topics, and the Great Awakening as a whole. Unfortunately, it seems to me not all moderation actions are with the site and rules in mind.

When a moderator takes moderation action for personal reasons, it's an overall net loss for the community. If a moderator is using moderation action for personal reasons, we the community should hold the moderator accountable. That is the purpose of this post.

This was posted earlier today:


As you will find, the post is locked from commenting. If you read the comments, it began with u/BQnita asking how they're supposed to read the image from the post. I replied once stating it worked for me. I replied again asking if they tried the process that works and let them know it was surprising to me they did not know this process being they've posted so much content to this site along with their status as a moderator. Being that this situation comes up frequently in the comments, it is also answered frequently in the comments. Hence, my surprise. They double-downed saying it was still not readable without acknowledging the procedural question I asked them, trying to help. I posted this screenshot of the image zoomed in with the post link visible in the screenshot. Minutes later, the post was locked from further comments.

Nothing broke the rules. Nothing was uncivil. Based on how things transpired, it seemed to me u/BQnita figured out they were wrong, got embarrassed, and locked the post for it. Who knows? Maybe another moderator locked it. Is there a user-viewable moderation log to confirm who locked it? Typically, the moderator that locked the post leaves a message stating why it was locked. That was not done here but I digress.

As far as I am concerned, this is an abuse of power, as menial as it may be. Moderators have no business whatsoever taking moderation action for their own personal reasons. It's a stepping stone to communist-like censorship which this community should be vehemently against and stand-up against if it happens, no matter how big or small, which I am doing here.

This isn't to bully, embarrass or vilify u/BQnita. They've been a huge contributor to this site for a very long time and only make this site better with those contributions. In fact, they're one of my favorite contributors.

This is to hold u/BQnita (or whoever else) accountable for this to prevent similar action in the future. I'm not asking they be removed from being a moderator. That would be way too extreme. I am however asking that u/farmforfreedom have their post unlocked and such personal moderation action not be used in the future as it doesn't do any good for the community as a whole when it happens.

Communist China would remove or hide this post to stifle any discourse regarding the situation and ban me for my dissent. I trust we're better than that here.



We should all be able to use cryptocurrency within the open, free market.

It is my opiniom that cryptocurrency should never be used as a form of currency issued by the federal government of the United States of America as a standard because it is unconstitutional.

Source : Article I, Section 8, Clause 5

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures