WeaponizedAutist1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for your insight mate.

They have broken the law of God and men countless times in the last 14 months, I don't think nothing will stop them except full blown insurrection from our side.

WeaponizedAutist1776 2 points ago +3 / -1

Thank you for your insight friend. Interesting thoughts which are appreciated and might be used to some extent in the EU.

Luckily, I work fully remotely for over a year now (ever since this madness started), and hopefully my company won't mandate the vaccine (as it would make no sense -- we are remote anyways, and it seems they are not planning on returning to the office; as a matter of fact, they are cancelling/shrinking office space as most people prefer remote work).

Sadly I live in the EU, which is ran by an army of want-to-control-it-all bureaucrats. You never know what those fucked up marxists will come up with next.

Moving to some other country in the world without all this bullshit would be an option for me as well.

WeaponizedAutist1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree. I refuse to wear a mask and enter stores and facilities without one as much as possible, and have been in various clashes with many people about it.

It's a broken situation -- private business can have rules in place for their place, which includes that they may refuse to serve a customer without a mask. As a classical liberal, I respect that... But still I break that rule, because it's been mandated to them, by the government.

I do intend to refuse in complying. I pray that I do not clash with some of "officials" in regards to masks and shit; I am afraid of how I might react.

WeaponizedAutist1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Best way to help your family is to not get involved into this. There will be a bloodbath on the market, one way or the other.

In the end, do you friend.

WeaponizedAutist1776 -2 points ago +1 / -3

bro don't you get it... everything that happens is now connected to the Q... GME is part of the plan! lolz

WeaponizedAutist1776 -1 points ago +1 / -2

This post is idiotic, I am sorry. You have no idea how the stock market works. Short selling is extremely important for market's liquidity, efficiency, transparency (without short selling, Enron would continue to operate for longer, without short selling 2007-2008 crysis would be much worse -- only after there was a mechanism to short the housing market did the bubble finally start to burst). Few billion dollars is a lot of money, but not a lot for mega rich. This meme stock situation has nothing to do with the Q, and the fact that it's stickied is very disappointing for me.

I am leaving this website as there is no point if stuff like this is hyped up and stickied.

PS don't have anything personally against OP or any of you. Wish you guys all the best.

WeaponizedAutist1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

46%... 46% are total fucking idiots.

WeaponizedAutist1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump's speech yesterday at St. Andrews. Do you know how many flags were on stage? 17. Guess which letter is 17th in the alphabet?

Have you seen Mike Pompeo's tweet from the other day, with Washington crossing the Delaware? Do you know what boat type he was on? Durham. He posted the tweet at 8:30 AM in the morning ET, and then you have this: https://qposts.online/post/3800. Get it? 3800... Too many signs my friend. I hope this was not a psyop.

WeaponizedAutist1776 6 points ago +6 / -0

If we come on top of this, history will remember Mike Pompeo as one of the Greatest Children of Liberty that ever walked on this Earth.