WellDoneWithKetchup 2 points ago +2 / -0

They better all be on fucking meth or something. Who tf gets that excited to have a decrepit old demon lie to your face on a computer screen? They're trying so hard to make Fauci some cool pop star type bullshit. Weird ass soy cunts.

WellDoneWithKetchup 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ordering & paying for masks is already stupid enough. This genius not knowing simple numbers is just the icing on the tard cake.

WellDoneWithKetchup 9 points ago +9 / -0

I thought too that it sounds very much like she's acting. Sounded very fake dramatic, rather than truly emotional. Do I think he's a disgusting pedophile? Absolutely 100%. But that recording sounded completely rehearsed, & not at all genuine to me. Then she says about not knowing the doctor would report it. Why tf would you NOT want it reported? I think this was a rehearsed & recorded call to cover her own ass.

WellDoneWithKetchup 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep it's real. & President Trump retweeted it right after someone on the boards asked Q to have him do that.

WellDoneWithKetchup 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd only gotten 2 or 3 over the past several years or so, but within the last month I've gotten at least 3 of them & 2 were kinda strange. One gave 2 names, which they don't often do, & no description of the vehicle. Their last names were in all caps, (both had the last name White.)

Last alert I got had a link to the state police's Twitter, which has never happened before. In the tweet they mention that same last name White, but different first name than the last time.

Also, emergency alerts have always saved to my phone. Suddenly, they're all gone except the very last one. May be nothing, but I've definitely noticed an uptick in amber alerts, too. It's just strange.

WellDoneWithKetchup 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Saving Israel for last"

Probably irrelevant, but...

WellDoneWithKetchup 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does that mean that once the report is released, when it shows foreign countries were interfering in our elections, & American citizens were conspiring with them to do so, couldn't they be tried as enemy combatants, therefore military tribunals? Or am I way off?