My feed on YouTube has an "Epidemic " of Tesla drivers falling asleep while driving. NARRATIVE ALERT, Teslas are bad, therfore Elon Musk is bad, we should stop supporting Elon as a consumer group. Same old playbook from the Dems. Lets dirty him up. And squeeze him. The little mental outlaw made sure to show this is a problem worldwide. Discernment, Elon is under attack, it took them a bit but the forces are moving. Remember what happened to our president not a moment of peace during his entire presidency. Turn coats and backstabbers the entire time.


The wife was furious with the shotshow in 2020. It took some calming explaining for me to get her to MAGA again. The clincher was the three referendums on allowing the local government to have a blank check for increasing debt and property tax. Last the governor changer will finally, FINNALY, allow parents to use public funds for private schooling. We can get the kids out of the indoctrination centers. Last, the government should never, ever be allowed within 100 miles of public schooling systems. As a nation we have squandered our children's education.


Hello Everyone, Its been about 4 weeks since i dropped my phone from 5G function or band down to LTE or 3G. Recap the phone at 5G was causing my hands to feel a sunburned affect on the back of my hands. Felt like a stinging sensation started hurting just holding the phone. Anyways, I asked for help and received lots of advice from everyone. Thank you BTW. So having turned down the bandwidth the stinging sensations were still their but not as bad. Now that 4 weeks have passed I can say the stinging sunburned feeling is gone. It went away slowly and got better over time. So pay attention to your body and practice keeping your phone away from you during rest periods. I hope this follow up helps others. Thank you.


I completed a blood donation. While going through screening I asked about vaxxed donations vs. Unvaxxed donations. The lady said they were all basically the same and they don't worry about vaxx or Unvaxxed donations. Now they do screen for a ton of STD's but i don't know if they are separating the vaxxed from unaltered blood. ( I like unaltered vs. Pure blood) it seems to be a better way to indicate your status health wise. I may be a minority on this but pure blood seems like a woke statement made up by the thought police. They do love changeing their words/meanings.


Hello Everyone, I have a question. My fancy 1000.00 5G phone is burning the crap out of my hand. I have been having a stining sensation on my left hand. It goes away if i leave it on the charger away from my body. But damn if im on the forums the stinging returns. Its the phone and comes back as soon as I pick up this hand held microwave. Can anyone suggest a method to handle this thing or turn down the singing affect? I plan on turning off mobil and switching to wifi when at home. My cellphone provider built new towers and we had to switch to all 5G phones. They told us the 4G phones would no longer work. This is ridiculous.

They are dying 👀 EYES ON! 👀
posted ago by Weneverleft ago by Weneverleft

Hello everyone, I just returned from a beautiful Summer vacation. However, the news at work is not good. I found out two more people have passed from SADS at work. This is now in my personal orbit that the vaxxed are dying. Now i know why my employer is hiring like crazy. They have been hiring indiscriminately for months now. And i believe they knew what was coming. The vaxxed are dying now...


Hello Everyone, I wanted to ask people have you seen TV lately? I was getting an oil change and was stuck in the waiting room. The TV began playing a local news forcast. It was surreal to say the least. I asked another patron is this normal? I have not watched TV for years now. What i was seeing was the anchorman who was disheveled and unshaved. He looked like he could not be bothered to take care of his appearance. The woman on the segments were so heavyset that they had doublechins. I recognized no one and was shocked seeing such an unprofessional appearance. I remember that it was important to present a professional well maintained presence in the news room. This was anything but. We live in strange times. Share your observations if. You would.


What happened to this guy? Jovan Pulitzer, the computer whiz and forensic paper analyst who has been working tirelessly for more than a year to expose all the fraud in the 2020 election, had this to say about the fraudulent ballots they uncovered in Maricopa County

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