Democrats Weaponize everything, are the doing it to their own Followers?
From Candidate who couldn't win a vote to Liberal Second great hope to..... Loser
the left is gonna have a melt down with this one. found on American Thinker
The Cost of insuring people is getting so high, Insurers are jumping to cut customers.
first they made our children ignorant. everything else falls out from that.
I thought remembered seeing and article that indicated as part of the 100th anniversary of WWI the Brit foreign office release a secret communique from Woodrow Wilson to the English gov saying he would come to their aid if needed in their war against the Germans. it was written in 1914 before the war started. I can't find it anywhere now. Can anyone find it or was it all my wishful dreaming.
Biden's "screw you" to the Democrats
how Lucrative are Sex-change operations???? This Lucrative...
Proof that we are currently transitioning into a Socialist Dictatorship, only Trumps election can stop it.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
James Woods wakes up to the complete villainy of the Deep-state Democrats