A good friend has had his brother go missing in the area. Avid outdoorsman lost on a hike. White, just shy of 6ft, dark hair. I fear it’s a “died suddenly” while hiking. Please keep an eye out and if anyone is local and would like anymore details to help look I’ll give what I can. Thank you.


So, the only other female hasn’t vaxxed. She said she was going to today after work. Today was literal hell on earth at work so I doubt she did. However... fiancé had been sick the past two days. I have EDS so I’m nauseous all the time, but I wasn’t. Today he said he had suddenly smelled vinegar. Looked it up and it’s a “symptom of covid”. He’s honestly fine-ish, but it is the 2nd time I’ve ever seen him take a day off work in 5 years. 1st he rolled an ankle and couldn’t stand on it. I’ve gone back to work and taking public transit but more so I’m in a small confined space with 6+ fully vaxxed people. Are they shedding the covid onto me? I’m convinced I’m ironside and possibly patient 0 in my area so I won’t show any symptoms.


The only other female in my small office is not vaxxed yet. All the guys are. Today she got the text she can schedule and appointment. The app let her pick her sight and listed which shot would be administered. I asked which one she’s getting. When she said she wasn’t sure I subtly said “you should google negative side affects in females aged 21-35 and see which has the least side effects. Remember women react differently to so many things because of our hormones and stuff” she agreed and started googling. About an hour later..... “you know I think I’m going to schedule it for next week because the weekend is going to be so nice I don’t want to feel crappy” Frens, I think I helped. Let’s just pray for her, pray that every weekend is too nice to sacrifice!


Instead of being BBB accredited we have the Pede Business Bureau. We have a network of based business we can support. Bankrupt the rest. Doctors, dentist, mechanics, carpenters, hair dressers, gyms, Shop owners of all kinds. How can this happen, logistically? Imagine you can feel good when you spend your money and know you’re supporting someone who wants the same outcome for our country? United we stand.


I lasted a year not engaging in this psyop clusterfuck. But here I am. Complying. It’s day 3 at my new job, wearing a mask at my desk. I get to take it off when no ones around (often) and I tell everyone when I enter their office to not put one on for my sake I DON’T CARE. The only person to not shake my hand was a miserable fat guy (he’s already my favorite). What’s bugging me is I’m listing to grown men joke about transgenderism while shopping around for their vaxx appointments. It’s like they half get the clown world we are in but not fully. They want their lives back and simple pleasures and believe the vax will get them to a Red Sox game faster. What’s funny is the news talks about how hard it is to get a shot here but all they’re squawking about is how many open appointments there are today. Also 2 out of the 3 that got the vax said their cards are filled out improperly. Including their names. So where’s the oversight? Who’s keeping track? I’m too new to ask these questions. Soon though.