WhiteCrow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Speaking of fascistic nonsense, here's a friendly reminder that there has never been a instance in history of a political faction that employs widespread censorship ending up as anything other than a authoritarian human rights disaster.

They'll come for you too, don't worry. Just be a patient slave.

WhiteCrow 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's propaganda. The Q script has been used before.

Any time a targeted group is instructed to not act or organize, without an alternate call to action or reasoning behind it other than "Trust us / Trust the Plan" - they are being pacified. It's a textbook play during a coup or forced regime change. It buys those acting all the time they need to set up the machinery to make sure that resistance can't act in the future.

This tactic has been employed before. If a group of dissidents were too large or well networked in East Germany, a tactic the Stasi employed was to start sending them false, encoded messages from NATO "friends" saying that help would be on the way, their movement was being directly supported, and to "hold their position". In some cases the Communists provided medicine and materiel to really sell the lie and keep the dissidents comfortable.

In reality, this was all just propaganda to stop them from decisively acting until the ring could be destroyed completely, rather than piecemeal, and it worked. This was a refinement of "Operation Trust", which was similar.

Look it up and stop being manipulated.