
Texas pede here. It’s looking like McCarthy the anti trump RINO will be the new speaker to sabotage Trump and the party as much as possible.

Fraud is rampant just as bad as 2020 with many of the same methodologies used including not knowing results in key states.

Trump says we’ll be very happy soon. Is he just talking about him announcing himself re-running? That would be sad and terribly predictable as the fraud will just reoccur in 2024 and he’ll never get back in.

Now I’d love to believe in this plan as I’ve been praying and hoping for such a thing to happen. But it’s binary either justice occurs from the fraud or hello, new world order.

Where’s the hope here? Are we all just waiting around putting our faith that a secret good guy group will save us? Genuinely asking not trying to sound like a dick with my oversimplification.

Thank you.



I'm curious what's going on with Arizona, Wisconsin, etc from voter fraud? It seemed like many months ago we were closing in on getting a recall in one or more of these states? Trump keeps hinting at a 2024 run which really flies in the face of removing Biden and retaining his rightful position as President. Of course, this could just be a red herring for the pubic until the right moves are made at the right time.

I'm personally just getting confused and have fallen out of the loop. It almost seems like people understand the fraud occured and nothing is truly being fought on this front (other than Trump getting his nominees in for the upcoming midterms). What about 2020? Is there a new patel patriot video that gives some sort of update or reasoning behind this? Are we just waiting for some magic moment for the military to intervene?

Let me know what I've missed. Thank you!


Now that Kyle has been found not guilty on all accounts. I'm wondering around what time we should expect things to pop off tonight? Also, what are some good livestreams to follow?



I’ve been sick since Friday. I have a really great immune system. I usually maybe get sick once a year and it’s pretty mild. I’m an athletic late 20’s male. No mask, no vax.

I have fever, a sore throat, a mild cough, general acheyness. Flu like symptoms I guess. However i basically couldn’t sleep for 4 days (maybe an hour here and there). My daily regimen is to take vitamin d3, K2, wheatgrass powder, vitamin b complex, krill oil, lugols iodine and magnesium before bedtime.

I feared getting sick because of how treatment is denied if you don’t submit to covid bullshit so I tried a teladoc service a few days ago to avoid going into a hospital or urgent care. After confirming my appointment they said “you must submit a negative covid test to proceed” so I told them to shove it and got a refund.

Two days passed and I did another Teladoc service. This time the female doctor asked if I was vaxxed. I said no. Then asked if I had a negative covid test. I let her know I would never get tested because there is no stated accuracy of the test and no real unique symptoms of covid. The doctor basically told me to rest, drink fluids, and take 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours.

Well I’m still struggling with my sickness. I’m doing my normal supplement regimen, but I added vitamin C, turmeric, and zinc with quercetin. I still feel pretty shitty. Does anyone have any better suggestions or experienced this hyper flu shit?

I can’t really talk to anyone about my symptoms because everyone is brainwashed to say that any sickness is Covid. It definitely seems like service is denied to anyone that won’t jump through Fauci’s hoops. If nothing else try and stay healthy patriots.


I’m beside myself seeing the trend of music venues requiring proof of vaccination (plus masks) to go to a concert. I’ve unfollowed both the Foo Fighters and Death Cab for Cutie for trying this shit. I’m sure plenty of other bands are saying/doing the same shit.

I can’t understand how fucked up you have to be to go out on tour and limit ticket sales to people who agree with your ideology. They are losing money and being the biggest tyrannical assholes ever. It concerns me at what point will people fight against this shit??


We haven't heard any news regarding Space Force in a long time. Why did Trump establish this? Any merit to them able to circumvent the Deep State spy grid to Counter Strike them?

I've heard some things months ago about this, but haven't in a long time. Who even heads the Space Force? They are so mysterious which I feel is probably a great thing.


I understand March 4th is coming up soon and though my faith is low on anything positive and transformative happening I truly hope that Trump emerges again as President.

I have to be honest though because I am a skeptic by nature. It seems to me that the Q posts are too vague to mean much of anything. If we could discern what they mean, why couldn't the enemy do the same? What's to stop a deep state person from coming on here and cracking the code by seeing the timestamp of a tweet and relating that to a Q post?

You could argue that it's fine if they crack the code too because they are fucked anyways (again I'd love for this to be true). I'm not here to shame anyone for loving this country and Trump and wanting the traitors removed. What indicators do we have that the plan is truly unfolding? If March 4th doesn't happen will the goalposts just move again?

I have a lot of questions bubbling in my mind around this stuff, but I hope someone can point me to something more concrete. Even a video or something (I've watched a lot of X22 report but again it's so vague that It's losing my interest).

I want hope, Jesus, America and for us to win this battle. Maybe I just need a hopium injection. Anyone care to share and help a fellow patriot out?

Thank you!

