WouldSTrumpD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can anyone explain where they got this data from, have they said? Did they just straight up steal a voting machine from some town or something.

WouldSTrumpD 0 points ago +1 / -1

What is the difference between division and subtraction?

WouldSTrumpD 3 points ago +3 / -0

We are like 2 peas in a pod. I completed the same project but with a neural network as the board evaluator.

Do you play? I am merely an amateur but my rank is 4 kyu currently

WouldSTrumpD 1 point ago +2 / -1

A0 would often commit move repetition to see if the engine would repeat moves as well (3 move repetition would result in a draw) but on the 3rd move it would continue with a different strategy or make several moves (often backwards) to reposition a knight or a bishop and completely change attack to the other side of the board.

That is simply the horizon effect , and you will find that Stockfish behaves much the same way. The engine can only look a certain depth down the search tree and so once the repetitive moves have been played, a viable attack reveals itself over the "horizon". You can reproduce this yourself with a simple minimax algorithm and naive board value calculator.

Stay strong in your fight against the DEMONRATS my brother, and do NOT take FRAUDCI's vaccine

by Evspra
WouldSTrumpD 0 points ago +1 / -1

This sounds like the plot of Tenet. Could the movie have been a psy-op to prepare the public for the truth?

by Evspra
WouldSTrumpD 0 points ago +1 / -1

The wife took my phone away because I was spending too much time browsing this website, usually I get one hour a day but she saw on screentime that I was doing more than that. I can check in occasionally from the desktop when she's in the bathroom but I guess I'm back to Fox for my daily news :(