I feel bad asking for prayers when the world is in chaos. But, I figured maybe you'd appreciate the distraction. I have come here before asking what you would do in medical situations (certainly not asking for medical advice). I've received a lot of good insights. In 2022 my Mom was cured of cancer doing the traditional chemo and radiation treatment. Now she has a different cancer - and even with being scanned every 3 months the cervix cancer is stage 4. She's going to do the traditional chemo/radiation again. She's a good patient and does whatever the DR's say without question. I'm not going to be able to change that.

Part of the original cancer treatment involved a low dose of brain radiation. She simply is not thriving. If you felt your parent (or you) had cognitive decline what would you do?? Emotionally, this is one of the hardest things I've had to do. Watching my dear Mom fight for her life and worrying about her and seeing her almost lost at times -- more and more often.

I know you're going to tell me that chemo-radiation isn't the way to go. Believe me, I know that. But, this is her body and her fight and I need to respect that. I never want her to doubt her decision now that it has been made and just want her to feel supported. And, I want her to be ok and I am scared.

I've talked to her primary DR and she seems to think my Mom isn't sleeping well and doesn't offer solutions. I know the Alzheimer pill has a lot of problems and isn't the way to go. But, is there anything else out there?

Thank you again for sharing your insights and I always appreciate prayers!!


"In conservative media, Ray Epps is a notorious villain, responsible for turning the protests on January 6 into a riot. It is a convoluted conspiracy theory he denies. He’s now in hiding, facing death threats. This Sunday, Epps sits down with 60 Minutes."


I didn't see this reported here yet and this was a 60 minutes tweet.


How is the government going to hire 87,000 at a time when it is nearly impossible to find employees?

It's easy to assume in the current environment that they're going to try to hire left leaning agents, right? How many left leaning agents are going to want to be armed? The bill allows the IRS to have "weapons of war". Maybe they'll be happy to be armed because we've seen their hypocrisy again and again.

This all seems so far fetched. What is really going on here?

It makes me so mad to have these airplanes spray these toxins in the air and residents cannot stop it. We don't get a say. I can smell it when I go outside. I'm not walking my dog right now because I don't want either of us breathing it in. I get a migraine every time they start. I'm pretty sure there are environmental cues that trigger when to start spraying and it's possible that I have an allergy to whatever that is (high ragweed for example). But, I suspect it is the spray that gives me headaches. Is there anything I can do to detox? Last year we were able to leave for 10 days. This year we can't. :(.

Big thanks to the FDA for approving this poison.


According to Emerald Robinson we know that corporate media was paid off by the Biden Administration to report about the covid vaccine positively. Did the Biden Administration pay social media too??

Think about the banner disclaimers, "fact checkers", and bans of anyone sounding the alarm about the COVID vaccines. What if Twitter and FB were also paid to keep it all positive about the vaccines like the corporate media was. If that is possible now think about the election. Think about prior to the election where the Hunter laptop story was silenced, the President was banned from twitter, conservatives were banned. What if that was done not because of the beliefs of Zuckerberg and Dorsey but because they were paid off with Federal money ... election fraud?



I've got Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The hydroxychloroquine came from the frontline doctors and I planned on saving it for Mom if she gets COVID. I already take all of the vitamins in most preventative protocols. If you wanted to make sure that you didn't get the flu because you're taking care of your Mom what would you do?? I took some Ivermectin this morning. I took 1 extra click. I cannot get sick.

I'm not seeking advice because I know no one can do that but my Doctor BUT I am curious to know what you do if you're exposed to someone who is sick. I haven't gotten the flu since being young but I am vaccinated (did it for my Dad who had cancer and passed in April). So, I suspect that natural immunity I was blessed with isn't the same.


My husband and I are watching Blacklist. The first season was in 2013. It is bizarre how many events covered in Blacklist have become reality in the past few years. As I watch I wonder what other clues they'll give about 2022.

IMO Hollywood has shown us a lot of half-truths and until now I haven't noticed how many times they have shown us those half-truths before they happen. It's like they know it is going to happen and they want to read the temperature of the audience. Another possible motivation is to make conspiracies seem clownish. They present the conspiracy and then twist it. Media, TV production, movie production companies all seem to be owned by the same few people. I side-eyed the world wide virus from China episode but when Blacklist had a cabal episode my Spidey senses went into overdrive. The FBI team stopped a virus leading to the apocalypse. Human trafficking, false flags, blackmail, CIA corruption, mind-control, efforts to destroy our financial system, a Fulcrum which is proof of a shadow government's political assassinations and terrorism, are in episodes in the first two seasons. One departure from our current reality is the media on Blacklist isn't part of the problem. But, Blacklist did an episode about a troll farmer who creates diversions on social media by creating events that look real to the public. False flags -- look at this, not that.

Has anyone watched it? I'm currently watching season 3. Is it a coincidence? I don't know but it is captivating. Most people watched this in 2013-2015. Watching it later is just ... jaw dropping.


"Nah, they've simply blocked me from signing on - I've been silenced. Let everyone know - I'm sure I'll be back but it's an awful and petty business model." -Charles Payne

They want something in the market suppressed.


My husband and I are over COVID now and I want to thank everyone who gave me advice. I took vitamin D, C, Quinine, antihistamine daily before getting covid, Ivermectin weekly after a more aggressive initial frequency to try to alleviate vaccine symptoms. After getting COVID I added in Bayer and black cumin. Edited to add that we both took zinc.

I also was vaccinated.

I'm pretty surprised that my husband and I both got fairly strong cases with fever and headaches being our most severe symptoms. Some lingering symptoms were fatigue and body aches. All in all we had a few bad days and then it was over.

I'm so grateful that we have a small rural hospital that allowed us to get monoclonal antibodies even though we didn't qualify due to a "shortage". Bigger hospitals seem to have a lottery even for people who quality. I think the antibodies made all of the difference. The fever and headaches were pretty bad. My husband got up to 103.5 and I had the worst fevers the night after getting antibodies. I was a little concerned that my oxygen % got down to 94% but after the antibodies I stopped testing and I am fine now. Honestly, it's hard to tell but I am not sure ivermectin helped me. Edited to add that we both had chills. It certainly didn't keep me from getting covid and also didn't help me once I tested positive in any noticeable way ... I guess I hoped I wouldn't need the antibodies.

I'm not sure what to make of it all but I am glad it is over!! Thank you for your advice -- I increased our dosages and added a few meds. I don't think I would have considered the antibodies if it weren't recommended here.


My husband says his whole body aches and he has been coughing a bit and he's freezing. It came up quickly. I've given him Ivermectin, Quercetin Phytosome, zinc, EmergenC, and bayer. He has a temp of 103.5. I am considering giving him TheraFlu nighttime. I remember in the beginning Motrin was bad and Tylenol/Bayer is ok. Is that correct?? Just in case it is COVID I don't want to give him anything that will make it worse.

I've got pine needle tea, dandelion root, and an old cold ease tea from years gone by. Do I give him Ivermectin again tomorrow or wait 3 days like I do for myself as a preventive?

Any suggestions?? I tried google and duckduckgo but ... it's hard finding the knowing if it's the "right" protocol.

Thanks for your help!


My Mom is vaccinated. Moderna. April. She's been slowly deteriorating since then. She's been going back to the Doctor looking to find the cause. They first diagnosed her with GERD. Then took out her gallbladder. After losing 50 pounds and being very thin, unable to eat more than a few bites before feeling like vomiting, she had a CT scan. They found two nodes. She will get a biopsy of the nodes next week. A phlebotomist told us that the vaccine has been causing lymph nodes to swell. He warned about getting a misdiagnosis. Given her other symptoms is that a possibility??

One node is by the collarbone on the left side -- therefore it concerning to me. The other one is on her adrenal gland.

I'm not sure what to make of it all. My unvaccinated Dad passed away from Acute Myeloid Leukemia in April. He had a light case of COVID in 2020. It's hard to imaging that both of my parents getting a type of blood cancer. It's all too much.