I came across this Lin Wood video with the disturbing image of children with their eyes removed in this post.


A user named LoneWulf smartly commented "Do they not resemble the descriptions of the alien bodies found at Roswell? "

That really got me thinking , what if the whole concept of how aliens look like came from this, similar to how Alice in Wonderland has hidden meanings.


Aliens are described as being smaller than humans but with larger heads and big eyes. All children have a larger head in proportion to their body.

The whole concept of alien abduction might also be accurate but the aliens were the ones abducted. Here is the Wikipedia definition of alien abduction : "Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation."

I also remember this article claiming trump was in touch with the aliens.


A quote from the article :

" Former Israel space chief said that aliens are real and that US President Donald Trump is aware about it. 87-year-old Haim Eshed, who headed Israel's space security programme for nearly 30 years added that the aliens are secretly in touch with America and Israel, however, they are keeping their existence quiet because "humanity isn't ready". "


The Kansas flag has 34 stars

Q drop #34 ???