I’m nobody special. Just a 28 yo who lives to meme and this trial has taken over everyones lives because of how much they love Johnny Depp. There have been so many memes and video cuts from the trial and many peoples eyes, like mine are glued to the trial.
Here’s why it’s important.
This trial will set a precedent. Either a woman can abuse a man and literally have no legal repercussions OR, if Johnny is found innocent, sets the precedent that a man can sue for damages as a result from a false rape claim.
Regardless of the outcome, the #metoo movement is dead. At the Kavanaugh trials, leftists always asked “Why would a woman lie. What does she have to gain to lie.”
The leftists love of JD have forced a red pill suppository so deep they can’t help but get their answer. A woman doesn’t need a reason to lie. She can just be batshit fucking crazy.”
So I think culturally we’re going to see a major shift in regards to how sex allegations are handled in the near future.
The big thing i’m getting at is, while the Great Reset won’t happen, I believe that the world ( or at least the US) economy will absolutely crash and burn. At that point is where the new white hat economy will be created.
Virus release could never be prevented. Same with the economy crashing. All Trump could do was plan around it.
Who is currently ‘down there‘?. And who’s trying ti get them out? And why are they failing at it?
Asking for a fren
He’s waiting for the Android and website version to be live. Why would he start the BOOMS now before he has the app fully available for EVERY person?
Hawley simply laid out specific cases where SCJ nominee was lenient on pedo sentencing, and now the media says he is invoking Qanon? I don’t think the media understands that even if Q was a larp, the fact that Q is trying to expose the insane pedophilia going, and every normal person is against pedophilia,l, this may turn into the new “deplorable”. “I believe in Qanon or Q because I don’t a pedo enabling Supreme Court Justice? Call me Qanon then”
Honest question i know nothing about this.
How long is this hyperinflation going to last? I see rhe writing on the wall and we won’t be able to handle this until Nov 2024. Something has to give.
How many businesses are going to need to shut down permanently from this for the white hats to say “okay now we pull the trigger”.
If Russia is working with the white hats, and Russia is taking Chinese Unionpay, how is that in any way beneficial?
With the US defending Ukraine left and right, whats gonna happen when Taiwan gets their ass kicked by China?
Trump says this can be ended swiftly. If the plan were to work, how long would it take to get everything back to normal and is it even possible at this point?
I mean really. Gas jumped 60 cents in 2 days. Oil jumped $1.30 a gallon in the past week. I really hope whatever hammer is dropping drops soon. Because i’m positive we’ll be seeing $5,$6,$7 gas but I know I won’t be able to handle that weekly on top of how much everything else is gonna get for another 2.5 years.
Maybe i’m dooming. But it’s obvious the pain we all wanted to see isn’t JUST being afflicted upon the DS. Anyone have words of encouragement?
Maybe i’m in hopium withdrawal idk
We went from “We’re gonna destroy the communist chinese economy” to “China is working with us to end the NWO” in a year. What exactly is the end game regarding China?
Remember when Trump won 2016? And basically the next day he announced his re-election campaign for 2020? If Trump was gonna run for re-election, he would have announced his campaign by now 100%. But I believe he will be back as President, hopefully before the midterms.
Edit: For more info, read my post from a couple months back.
All I’m seeing is “the speech was awful” but i cant seem to find the specifics of what went down. What did he say/do?
Obviously its Biden so i expect a gaffe but everyone on here is going crazy at how abysmal his performance turned out to be.
My sinus are clear but def mucus coming out. Slight cough. Feeling weak with a 101° fever. I took some Vit D, nyquil, acetaminophen and heading to bed to sweat it out. You know, like I always have done. Wish me luck fellas!
I work for the largest warehouse for my supermarket company on the east coast. Their rules are as follows. People who are vaxxed prior to Nov dont have to do anything. People vaxxed after Nov must provide their proof. Unvaxxed are gonna be subject to certain testing rules which have yet to be determined.
I already spoke to a handful of my coworkers and they are all in on a walkout.
Many of us are adamant we arent gonna be doing the tests because we aren’t hypochondriacs. And we know the tests show an insane number of false positives. Interested in any advice in what to do here.
If the walkout were to happen, to put into context, stores for PA, NJ, Delaware, and VA would all be affected. Not to mention the trucker strike which may happen come February.
I rarely check for it but when I do its never available.
I’m currently on probation (not gonna get into details) but if anyone has ever been on it they are familiar with some things. Basically make sure you keep your job or have a steady income, don’t commit crimes etc.
With possible mandates getting pushed, what is the possibility of me being sent to the slammer for “violating probation” by not getting a vaccine. Or how would it look before a court if I lost my job due to not getting the vaccine?