YiaYia309 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can these idiots let this bitch from hell run wild like she does? WE DIDN'T ELECT HER TO ANYTHING. Dominion is the reason that decaying pile of horseshit is where she is. As well as every disgusting fraud in DC, both sides of the aisle. They CHEAT. PERIOD. PIGLOSI should be in Gitmo for life, if she's lucky. SHE'S A TREASONOUS LIFELONG CRIMINAL who needs to be stopped NOW.

YiaYia309 3 points ago +3 / -0

What a POS this guy is. No, he doesn't want it investigated bcuz he is just as guilty. This group - they're all grifters. Probably pedophiles too. Protecting their own.

YiaYia309 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's even worse than it seems. What is this doing to babies, and young children? They NEED human interaction - it's VITAL to their healthy development. They need to see faces, smiles, even frowns at times. They need to observe human emotion. This is INHUMANE. These children will not develop normally. They're in for all kinds of problems as a result of this INSANITY. It's nothing short of child abuse.