Loaded Language - Oh god go read any Q drop and this is in all of them! Evil, children of God, Satan, patriots, “these people are sick” is a phrase they repeat a lot.

Name calling and labeling - calling the elite (usually Democrats) Satan worshippers, pedophiles, etc.

Repetition - dude. Lol. Q has a LOT of catch phrases they repeat (WWG1WGA, do you believe in coincidences?, these people are sick, etc). But the repetition goes further. The type/token ratio (aka the ratio of total words in Q drops to UNIQUE words only said ONCE) is like 6.00. Meaning there’s only about a 6% variation in the WORDS Q uses. Everything is repeated. This feature is HUGELY important when it comes to propaganda. Almost every source i read talks extensive about this from Hitler to cognitive linguistics.

Exaggeration and Minimization - “the best is yet to come.” “Nothing can stop what’s coming.” I mean, just think about the language of trump. They constantly post his tweets with this “BEST EVER” language - readers engage with this and it gets reinforced in their heads whether it’s from Q or not.

Doubt - “do you believe in coincidences?” Is like their THING. Everything is connected. Check out Q Drop #1906 and the few around that. Xbox live went down for 3 hours one night after a Q drop. But this isn’t a coincidence, of course. It’s Q! Taking down... checks notes Xbox live.

Appeal to fear/prejudice - should be obvious. Child trafficking and pedophilia is a real fear and it is exploited heavily by Q. With a very Christian base, and a lot of talk of God by Q directly, calling them Satan worshippers or saying the children and being sacrificed to Satan is part of this too.

Flag Waving - another obvious one. “Patriot” or “patriots” alone is used 303 times in Q drops, “freedom” 146, “country” 205, etc etc.

Casual oversimplification - this ones kind of hard, but this paper includes scapegoating. Trump being sent to fix all of these issues of pedophiles and Satan worshippers that exist on a supposed global level could count.

Slogans - again, obvious, and what i mentioned earlier.

Appeal to authority - Q itself is an appeal to authority (having supposed “Q level security clearance” makes them believable). “Trump” and “potus” together is ranked 11th in words used by Q (after adding a stop list to discount words like “the” or “and”). Also a lot of God talk, and they quote the Bible, but trump is mentioned way more, and they post his tweets.

Black and white fallacy - not super common as far as i can tell, but they do it a few times. Q drop 36 “there is simply no other way than to use the military.” “There is simply no other way.” Happens again in Q drop 2816.

Thought terminating cliche - “do you believe in coincidence?” I think falls into this category. No such thing as coincidence removes the opportunity for ANYTHING in the theory to be chalked up to something else.

What aboutism - not so much because Q is posting on their own without much back and forth. Happens sometimes though. Q drop 153 has a lot of possible examples of this.

Reductio ad Hitlerum - called antifa communist a lot (drops 3527, 4476) and others ( drop 4873). Also pedophile or satanist falls into this category imo

Red herring - not so much because there’s not really a discussion happening

Bandwagon - q drop 2029 - “most Americans side with sessions...” q drop 1862 “do most people consider it true?” Honestly Q asks SO MANY rhetorical questions, and that would count here I think. “Who” is ranked 16, “what” is ranked 20, “how” 62, and “why” 118 in the word list. Leading questions want an answer and this is a good indication of bandwagoning imo. EDIT: adding “nothing can stop what’s coming,” repeated very often, to this. EDIT 2: lol also adding “Anons knew about this.” To this. Only anons are in the know so you should be to to know what’s coming.

Obfuscation - Q is all about the leading rhetorical questions, like i said. AND the “breadcrumb” method where people are meant to do their “own research” to conclude things about the vague things Q posts. They call it that in q drop 4203, and it is what they do. You can fill in the blank with anything that fits the vagueness, and remember - there are no coincidences.

Straw man - i mean yeah lol. All of the above should answer this one.

Mother fuck, we got it. vaccines bad, covid hoax. fuck masks. Can y'all get back to date fagging and shit?

I just wanna read shit that makes me LOL, ya know? This place is super low energy

hope you all don't start offing yourselves since the deep state is kicking your ass.

What comes first? the storm? or turning on your GEOTUS?

If the storm is coming no matter what? and all of you don't care when, and are willing to wait forever, and your involvement will not excel the storm or slow the storm.....THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?????

sending info back and forth in your echo chamber? some of you fucks gotta be tired of this shit, just go back to your fucking family and start to live your life again, don't worry they will have you back you are normal just got pwned by the internet. Unless your the closet racist that loves other racists telling you, you are not racist. THE FUCKEN WOMEN ON THIS SITE LAAAAMOWWWWWW!!!!! white women and white women boomers LOL LAUGH OUT FUCKEN LOUD.

Whats some other shit, you guys complaining you cant go outside or some shit cause COVID??? im outside everyday with my kid getting all that vitamin D you speak of, get off the fucken computer and take your kid outside and connect with them you fuck.

Fucken shill shit, give me a link where i can get paid to shill please, i can do this at work and make more money. been trying to get SOROS bucks for years just cant find it.

Fuck the dems and the GOP, never thought a conspiracy group would choose a side, ya ya claim you hate rhinos and this and that, your beliefs align with the GOP which is why religion is thrown into Q which explains the mass amount of boomers that attach themselves to Q. These EDGELORDS are bored as shit and feeding off this site daily. hell your fucken mods dont want the shit to ever end, so they lose their tiny bit of power.

I made this account to just do fake Q shit for a while, but its super boring and too easy, again, cause boomers are fucken dumb. (least you can spell fucken right, right?

sticky this shit, I got time today. Ill respond to whatever and be polite.

dude this post is all over the fucken place. hopefully the mod that reads this actually smiles or laughs?

anyway got a meeting, ill be back in a couple hours. FUCK BIDEN FUCK DONALD FUCK POLITICS.


Dudes been fighting for us patriots non stop, why does it feel like Bannon is making fun of him. I dunno, doesn't seem right. WWG1WGA

Sorry, link goes to twatter, I dunno how to do shit on computers =(.

Anon does AMA ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by Zilla69420 ago by Zilla69420


Not sure what to make of this. We should have got together on this. OP did not seem prepared, but was able to hit some good points. fuck reddit.