Has anybody ever heard of a site called trusttheq.com? The have stories of arrests, military tribunals, removal to Guantanamo.


http://stateofthenation.co/?p=80872 Must watch the Stew Peter’s Show with Karen Kingston


I have tried to watch the senate live to get a sense of what is happening. I must admit that I am having trouble listening to more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time. This is the most dishonest and insulting load of histrionics and pandering drivel I have ever heard. The managers are an embarrassment to all off humanity as they try to paint over the fact that the so called “insurrection” is a planned false flag designed to create sympathy for the looting, burning and murdering left. I hope that there are enough senators with the intelligence and integrity that haven’t been bought off by the CCP to vote this down.


Hope the site has not been hijacked.

The PURPLE REVOLUTION (external-content.duckduckgo.com)
posted ago by Zromrlhzrd ago by Zromrlhzrd

How can the “Media” not report what is clearly Americas bolshevik revolution, with the left (communism) running the same game plan that was run against Russia in the early 1900s. It is estimated that a possible 100 million people were murdered. Watch the G Edward Griffin interview with Russian defector Yuri Bezmenov to understand what is going on all around them.


It appears that the plan continues on schedule and at an exceptionally good pace. We must continue to believe that the authors of this plan were cognizant of the possibilities for acts of treachery as the beast that is the deep state is dissected.

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